31. 3. 2010.

Pandora Bell's Easter

Pandora Bell je irska cokoladna kuca koja, nekako kao nas Adore, ima ideju da je par malih zalogaja prave cokolade neuporedivo bolje cascavanje od punih usta vestackih ukusa.

Stize Uskrs i kljucni praznicni Pandora Bell proizvod je rasprodat. Fina topljiva pralinasta cokolada nalivena je U LJUSKU PRAVOG KOKOSIJEG JAJETA! Srecni coko fan samo treba da skrcka ljusku i uziva u svom ekskluzivnom primerku. Evo kako to funkcionise:

Plus, jos par lepih pakovanja Pandora Bell proizvoda koje je dizajnirao studio Output.

via Dieline, hvala Oliveti

Pandora Bell is Irish chocolate house which, somehow just like our Adore, has the idea that a couple of real chocolate bites are incomparably better treat than mouth full of artificial tastes.

Easter comes and the key holiday Pandora Bell product is sold out. Nice melting pralines-like chocolate is poured INTO EGGSHELL OF A REAL HEN'S EGG! All that a real choco fan has to do is to break the shell and enjoy in his/her own exclusive piece. This is how it works: see pics

Plus, another couple of nice packages of Pandora Bell products, designed by studio Output.

30. 3. 2010.

Shawn Barber

image via FecalFace

Na slici gore je Shawn Barber, slikar, ilustrator, ucitelj i ucenik. Uci druge slikanju i segrtuje u tetoviranju.

Na ovoj velikoj slici iza njega je Ket (von D, of kors) i upravo sam iz LA Ink serijala saznala za njega. Ispostavlja se da je veci pajtas sa Kim, a u seriji portreta tatu umetnika iz Ketinog studija, naslikao je i Korija. Slike dole.

Ovo je pravo primenjasko slikarstvo. Nije arty, nedokucivo i cesto hermeticno, okrenuto samo istrazivanju, intorspektivno, nego nekako... suprotno. Razmisljajuci koga bih mogla da predstavim od Miami i LA Ink umetnika, shvatim da je u stvari ono sto hvata Shawn Barber esencija onoga sto ja prema svemu tome kao posmatrac a ne insajder, osecam. Malo transformisano, malo domastano, vise magija nego faktografija, a sve zapravo mnogo istinskije od fotografije, mastila, krvi i koze.

Lake slikane beleske koje predstavljaju tetovaze deluju kao skice, savrseni, leprsavi, plutajuci crtezi na telu, prelaze u prostor i balansiraju izmedju kontrolisano ekspresivnog i krajnje fotografski realnog.

Poseban deo opusa su portreti tattoo umetnika i narocito studije njihovih ruku. Evo dakle, Korija i Kim, a posle studija Kiminih ruku i jos nekoliko meni posebno zanimljivih slika.

Pictured up at the beginning is Shawn Barber, artist, illustrator, painting teacher and tattoo apprentice.

On the big painting behind him is Kat (von D, of course) and that is how I found out about him - through LA Ink. Turns out, he's Kim's buddy, and in his tattoo artist series he painted not only to of them, but also Corey from Kat's studio. Pics bellow.

His art is not self sufficient, introspective and hermetic. Thinking about presenting some of the artist from Miami and LA Ink series, I figured that Shawn's work is what I really feel about tattoos. The essence of it all seen from far, not being the insider, not having any tattoos (but also not saying NEVER). In his art all of that is a bit transformed, a bit of imagination infused, more magic than factography, and at the same time, it all becomes much more true than simple photo showing ink, blood and skin.

Floaty layered painting makes tattoos look like sketches on the body, notes in markers or ballpoint pens, quick drawings and not your regular permanent ink. They wiggle into space slipping out from skin, and are carefully balanced between controled amount of expressiveness and utterly photographically punctual.

A special part of Barber's opus is the artist series, where he does the portratits of tattoo artists and also studies of their hands and arms. So here are Corey and Kim, and after that, a study of Kim's hands and another arm painting that's dear to me.
Plus, the two earlier ones, so interesting.

29. 3. 2010.

Nendo Talking

Zvanicna je objava da NENDO, tj. Oki Sato, dolazi na BDW ove godine.

Na pomen imena ovog japanskog studija, ukljuci mi se neka plus lampica, setim se onda guglujuci one cudesne fadeout stolice, pa onih utikaca sa rogovima na koje mozete da oslonite aparate koje punite. Ima tu jos mnogo lepih stvari koje ce vas obradovati, ispunivsi tako njihovu programsku opredeljenost da u vas zivot unesu little exclamations.

Ono sto je sicusan ali za mene kljucni Nendo proizvod je TALKING SEASONING DISPENSER. Doneli smo jednu od ove tri posudice iz Japana pa sam je u septembarskoj Sensi predstavila u preseku utisaka odande. Posudice sluze kao dozeri za so, biber i soja sos, a ustasca kroz koja se zacin sipa modelovana su tako da izgledaju kao da izgovaraju slog koji znaci ono sto iz posudica izlazi - SHI (so), KO (biber), YU ( soja sos).

pics via GoodsFan

Na malom ravnog uzdignutom stojistu, savrseno prijatni, keramicki, napravljeni u Japanu. Uz uputstvo, klasicna japanska drazesnost - please enjoy.

Belgrade Design Week headquarters announced that NENDO's Oki Sato is coming this May to give a lecture on this year's BDW.

On the very mention of the name of this Japanese studio, some plus lamp starts to blink above my head, then googling, I remember that incredible fadeout chair, then those sockets on whose horns you can rest the gadget you're charging. There's a whole bunch of lovely stuff coming from nendo workshop, and they will all make you smile, accomplishing the intent of bringing little exclamations into people's lives.

The product that is tiny and yet the most significant Nendo piece so far must be TALKING SEASONING DISPENSER. We've brought one of the three little dispensers from the set and I presented it discreetly in last year's September Sensa Magazine issue, among a whole bunch of other little items from Japan. The three little containers are meant to be used as dispensers for salt, pepper and soy sauce, and they have mouths molded into shapes that look like they pronounce the names of these spices that are inside each of them - SHI (salt), KO (pepper), YU (soy sauce).

On a fine fully leveled stand, perfectly fine to hold, made in Japan. Along with the short instruction, classic bit of Japanese loveliness -
please enjoy.

28. 3. 2010.

Sweetest Tricks

Mali kuhinjski trikovi, zabavni za domacicu, festa za goste. Posle srcastih slajsova cvekle, evo novih forica.

Prvo, cokoladna cinija. Operete balone, naduvate balone. Velicina takva da donji deo bude adekvatna cinija. Bice vam jasno. Istopite cokoladu, sipate je na ravnu povrsinu. Blago umocite balon u cokoladu pa ga swingujete tamo amo, cokolada se hvata za povrsinu balona.

Balon sa citavom cinijom izmodelovanom od cokolade stavite da stoji na papiru za pecenje u polozaju buduce cinije. Kada se cokolada ohladi i stvrdne, isecete zavrsetak balona i ispustite vazduh. Ostane cinija spremna za natovariti sladoledom. Ja zamisljam ciniju od bele cokolade sa sladoledom od pistaca i malo stracatele. Jooooooj.

Sve do detalja na

Onda jedna too-good-to-be-true divota od Marte Stuart. Cokoladni listici mente, zapravo listici cokolade modelovani po listovima mente. Jednostavno uputstvo ce vam sve reci. Razmisljamo ovde, a zasto ne listici mente zarobljeni u cokoladi! Kao homemade thin mints! Ah da, da li ste videli redizajniran After Eight!? Misty beautiful.

I last but not least, onigiri sa nori algama punchovanim u forme zvezdica. Trebaju vam samo busaci za papir, sad ih i kod nas ima raznih. Kakva divna forica. via food-4tots

Little kitchen tricks, fun for the hostess, a feast for guests. After those heart shaped beats, here are some new ones.

First of all, Choco Bowl. You wash baloons, inflate them to a size that'll make a right sized bowl. You'll get it as this unveils. Melt the choco, pour it to a flat surface. Dip the baloon into it, then swing it round to make cholo stick to the baloon creating bowl shape.

Then, place the dipped baloon onto a sheet of baking paper, upwards, the way your bowl will stand later. Once the chocolate cools and hardens, cut the baloon's tip and let the air out carefully. There you go, your home made edible choco bowl. I'm imagining it made of white chocolate and with pistachio and a bit of stracciatela ice cream in it. Oh my.

Get the entire, detailed instruction at simplygluten-free.

Then, one too-good-to-be-true lovely idea from Martha Stewart. Chocolate Mint Leaves. Simple instruction in these two images will tell you all you need to know. And we're thinking here - why not leave the mint leaves enrobed in that chocolate! Like your special home made thin mints! Oh yes, did you see the new redesigned After Eight package? Misty beautiful.

And last but not least, onigiri with noris punched into stars. All you need are those regular paper punchers in different shapes of your choice. What a lovely kitchen trick! via food-4tots

27. 3. 2010.

Hanami 2010 Happening

Danas se u Tokiju izlazi u parkove jer je u toku HANAMI. Tresnje tamo upravo cvetaju svom snagom.
U to ime, upravo pijem Sweet Sakura Tea.

Ok, ja stvarno vise gnjavim sa tim hanamijem, ali to je stvarno jedna cudesna snaga ultimativne neznoce i krhkosti, lekcija o kratkom veku, cvetica i nas samih i uzivanja u trenutku. Druzenje u parkovima, posebni kolacici sa cvetom tresnje, sve rozikasto, specijalno i u tom duhu. Mi smo doziveli poslednje tracke proslogodisnjih cvetica, ali evo kako to izgleda u punom jeku:

I evo nekoliko slatkih specijaliteta iz radionice moje ooomiljene bananagranole:

Pufnasti cvetovi tresnje u Japanu potsetili su me na ovu fotku:

via cool-baby

prev pics via kalandrakas, suika, aeschylus18917, chillhiro, equivalence

Today in Tokyo everyone is going outside to watch cherries blossoming. It's this year's Hanami at it's fullest these days, and to honor it, I'm sipping Sweet Sakura Tea right this moment.

Ok, I really am too much already with this whole Hanami thing, but it's such a powerfull strenght of the ultimate tenderness and fragileness, a lesson of our briefness, a reminder to enjoy every day, it's just too strong to ignore. People gathering for the picnicks in the parks and outside the towns, everything pinkish specially fittied for nature's own ceremony. We've had our little portion of Hanami last year, but this is how it looks in full bloom: see images

And here are a few sakura sweets from my favorite bananagranola's kitchen: see images

These fluffy flowers reminded me of this photo: see image

26. 3. 2010.

Bodum 2010

BODUM katalog za 2010. je potpuna divota. Kada neko skocka tako fin, veliki, beli, cist pregled linije proizvoda, sa mnogo lakih ali promisljenih fotografija, zasluzuje moju paznju, obozavanje i lovicu.

Ne znam kako sam zapravo prvi put cula za njih, verovatno sam ih videla u nekom fensi smensi casopisu, ali su mi vec sto godina olicenje kvalitetnog jednostavnog smisleno priustivog dizajna tabletop stvari. A onda, kada smo u Meatpacking Districtu videli Bodum kafe odmah kod Design Within Reach, Stele Mekartni i tako tih nekih fenomenalija, sve se poslozilo. (radnja zatvorena par meseci posle naseg odlaska, sta ces, to ti je Njujork)

Ovogodisnja linija ubacila je mnogo boja i reljefni dragi cudni Bodum logo accompanied by dots. Anti-slip ili ne, kako god. Izgleda strava. Zapravo izgleda kao nesto sto je neka, recimo, tetka iz Nemacke poklonila 60-ih vasim roditeljima za useljenje, pa je, tako ludacki kvalitetno izdrzalo do danas, a ondasnji kul dizajn postao danasnji prekul. Bodum nije nemacki, danski je, slogan im je MAKE TASTE NOT WASTE i ovako izgledaju ove godine:

Njihove staklene case su uber kul, divota prvi put vidjena - ove za vina, a ove dole sa duplim zidovima vec dugo obozavamo i kupujemo u Merkuru. Pisala sam o njima u svojoj prvoj listi zelja u Sensi.

Zelim da ovo budu nase bazicne staklene case, a ove biljke u saksijama... pa ne biste verovali koliko slicne saksije i neverovatno iste biljke imamo!

Ok, Britannic Bold nije ni u 100 mojih omiljenih fontova, ali ovako upakovano, cista crna slova koja ispisuju neki skroz zdekvatni copy - I'll take it. Evo kakve su kompozicije na strani i kako glase te recenice. Nista too wow, samo skroz kul. Evo par primera, ovo nisu njihovi dvolisti, nego moji favoriti.

Kakve boje, kakva divota. Za useljenje - slobodno Bodum.

BODUM 2010 catalog is a complete beauty. When someone puts together such a nice, large, white, clear overview of product line, with many light but thought through photographs, it deserves my attention, worship and - dough.

I am not certain how I got to know about them initially, I probably saw them in some fancy schmancy magazine, but for the past thousand years, they’ve been the true face of quality simple meaningfully affordable design of tabletop things. And then, when we saw Bodum café in Meatpacking District, right next to Design Within Reach, Stella McCartney and similarly adored, everything fit perfectly. (the store was closed a couple of months after we left, what can you do, that’s New York)

This year’s line threw in many colors and relief dear kinda strange Bodum logo accompanied by dots. Anti-slip or not, whatever. Looks so wow. Actually, looks like something that some, for example, aunty from Germany gave as a present for moving into a new place to your parents in the 60ies, so this, as madly quality as it is, made it to today, and that time’s cool design became today’s super-cool. Bodum is not German, it’s Danish, their slogan is MAKE TASTE NOT WASTE and this is what they look like this year: see images

Their glass bowls are über cool, beauty seen for the first time – are these ones for wines and
we’ve been worshiping and using those ones with double walls for a long time. I wrote about them in my first wish list for Sensa Magazine. see images

I want for these to be our basic glass glasses, and these plants in pots… well you would not believe how similar pots and incredibly the same plants we have!

Ok, Britannic Bold is not even within 100 of my favorite fonts, but packed like this, clear black letters writing some adequate copy – I’ll go for it. Here’s what the composition on a page looks like and how that copy sounds like. Nothing too wow, only completely cool. Here’s a couple of examples, these are not their spreads, but my favs.

Such colors, such wonderfulness. Need a present for someones house warming – go with Bodum.

25. 3. 2010.

Cake Boss

Jedna od dobrih stvari koja proizadje iz sezonskih bolesti je sto (osim uvek novih saznanja o sebi, fizickim predispozicijama, granicama izdrzljivosti itd) mozete osveziti upucenost u aktuelne TV emisije.

Moja sreca ne moze biti veca jer sam konacno ulovila nekoliko epizoda serijala Cake Boss koji se kod nas daje na Travel&Living kanalu. Nova opsesija uz Miami & LA Ink.

Carlo's Bakery se nalazi u Hobokenu, Nju Dzerzi. Buddy Valastro je Cake Boss, ali je njegova mama Real Boss. Italijani. Pish. Na primer - mala mama urla na 4 ogromna poslasticara zato sto su napravili eroticnu ili egzoticnu tortu, kako god, a ona je sto puta rekla da to ne dozvoljava posto hoce u raj. Cetiri mrcija gledaju u pod kao deca. Genijalno.

Ono sto je super zabavno je to da iako spolje sve izgleda tako yummy, drazesno i leprsavo, najzad gledamo i pakao poslasticarskog sveta, urlanje, zabusante i cudesa koja ovi ljudi prave svojim magicnim prsticima, nabiranje fondana u trake koje kao draperije vise od sprata do sprata torte za vencanje, pa tapaciranje debeljuskastog belog fondana i neverovatno jestivo cvece... ah.

Evo najava za prvu, i aktuelnu, drugu sezonu. Here goes:

Ah da, evo i spisak svih dosadasnjih epizoda, za strebere, plus jedan aaaaaw efekat na snimanju tri torte za Bride's Magazine, sa mnoooogo stresnog transporta pre tog snimanja. Epizoda o tradicionalnim uskrsnjim slatkisima i slanisima (pazljivo pratite tehnike, oh my god) i much much more u Cake Boss streamu na YouTube-u a bogami u u video sekciji na TLC-ju.

Do I see a new addiction happening?

One of the good things coming out from seasonal sicknesses (besides new findings about yourself, physical predispositions, endurance limits etc.) is that you can refresh your knowledge on current TV shows.

I could not be any happier because I finally caught a few episodes from Cake Boss series, here shown on Travel&Living channel. A new obsession along with Miami & LA Ink.

Carlo's Bakery is located in Hoboken, New Jersey. Buddy Valastro is Cake Boss but his mom is the Real Boss. Italians. Pish. For example - little mamma yells at 4 huge bakers because they made erotic or exotic cake, whatever, and she said a thousand times she does not allow for that because she wants to go to heaven. Four huge ones looking down like children. Ingenious.

What’s super funny is that although it all looks so yummy on the outside, all sweet and light, we finally see the hell of bakery world, yelling, skulks and wonders these people make with their magic fingers, wrinkling of fondants into drapings that fall down from one to another tier of the wedding cake, then quilting the thick and soft white fondant and incredible eatable flowers… ah.

Here is the announcement for the first, and current, second season. Here goes: see clips

Oh yes, here is the list of all episodes so far, for nerds, plus one aaaaaw effect from the shooting of three cakes for Bride's Magazine, with a looooot of stressful transport before that shooting. The episode about traditional Easter sweets and salties (carefully follow the technique, oh my god) and much more in Cake Boss stream at YouTube as well as in video section at TLC.

Do I see a new addiction happening?

23. 3. 2010.


Beograd je dobio rastuci lanac mesta koji nude hleb, kafu i jos ponesto. Nesto nalik mom omiljenom mestu na minhenskom aerodromu - ARAN.

ROGGENART pravi hleb po nekakvoj specijalnoj austrijskoj tehnologiji i kljucni sastojak njihovih posebnih hlebova je, naravno, raž (roggen=raž). Dobili smo tako jako ukusan, kvalitetan, duze svez, pravi crni domaci beskvasni hleb, koji su nazvali Baltik.

Kada raskrilite svoju lepu papirnu kesu otkricete veknu umotanu u lepi kajsijasti papir sa njihovim finim crvenim logom. Tri linije razlicite duzine, osvezavajuce nebukvalno. Kada sam prvi put ugledala Roggenart prodavnicu mislila sam da je to nesto... germansko. Neka ozbiljna strana fransiza. Medjutim, ne. Domace.

Dakle, posle papirne kese i omotnog papira koji ce vam svaka prodavacica po svom specificnom sistemu drazesno uvrnuti za finish, otkricete rusticnu belicastu veknu ispucale povrsine sa rezovima koji otkrivaju njegovu pravu boju.

I onda ugledate ultimativni detalj - ovalnu jestivu etiketicu.

Trebace vam odlican noz, odmah da znate. Ali komadi Baltika sa nesto sira i maslina sa strane postace vas glavni adut za ugoscavanje.

Dok ste u Roggenart prodavnici, uzmite kaficu i neko slatko pecivo. OVO SA MAKOM (da, tako se zove) ili pecivo sa malinom, cini mi se da se zove Sonata.

Krckavi secerasti komadi na povrsini i kiselkasta masa od pravih ne previse smuljanih i procesiranih malina will make you beg for more.

Roggenart punktovi u ovom trenutku na 5 lokacija: kod Doma Omladine, na mestu nekadasnjeg Bread&Co, u Kralja Petra, tacno preko puta Elixira, u Maksima Gorkog, Svetozara Markovica i Vojvode Stepe.

Belgrade got a growing chain of places offering bread, coffee and some other thingies. Something like my favorite place at Munich airport - ARAN.

ROGGENART makes bread using some special Austrian technology and the key ingredient of their special breads is, of course, rye (roggen=rye). Thus we got a very tasty, quality, longer fresh, real dark home made bread without yeast, they named Baltik.

When you open your beautiful paper bag, you'll discover a loaf wrapped into a lovely peachy paper with their nice red logo. Three lines of different length, refreshingly non-literal. When I saw Roggenart store for the first time, I thought that it is something...German. Some serious foreign franchise. But, no. Home made.

So, after the paper bag and wrapping paper which every salesgirl will nicely twist as per her specific system to finish, you'll discover a rustic whitish loaf with cracks on the surface with cuts discovering its real color.

And then you discover the ultimate detail – oval eatable little label.

You'll need an excellent knife, just so that you know. But pieces of Baltik with some cheese and olives on the side will become your main trick when having guests.

While you're in Roggenart store, have a coffee and some sweet pastry. THIS ONE WITH POPPY (yes, that exactly is its name in Serbian) or pastry with raspberry, I think its named Sonata.

Crunchy sugarish pieces on the surface and sourish mix made out of real, not over-crushed and processed raspberries will make you beg for more.

Roggenart spots currently in 5 locations: next to Dom Omladine, where Bread&Co formerly was, in Kralja Petra street, exactly across Elixir, in Maksima Gorkog street, Svetozara Markovica street and Vojvode Stepe street.

22. 3. 2010.

H&M Garden

all images © H&M

Ovih dana Hennes & Mauritz ce
u svojim prodavnicama sirom sveta izloziti najnoviju, bastensku kolekciju, odnosno:

Uvodni tekst kaze da je citava kolekcija napravljena od materijala adaptiranih ocuvanju okoline, pored organskog pamuka i lana, tu je i neki poliester tako da je vasa odeca napravljena od recikliranih PET boca. Nice try, ali ne hvala, I'll stick to cotton and linen, thank you very much.

Realno, svi ovi modeli, printovi i vezovi mogu biti u potpunosti pamucni, trunka svile negde ne bi skodila. Posebno je fina lekcija koliko je malo potrebno tunikama sa Kalenica da postanu pravi gradski chic. Zenice sa sela da vezu finim koncima kao na divnim stolnjacima a mi gradske smizle da ih podrzavamo. I svi srecni.

Evo npr ove bele haljine ciji ste divni detalj sa vezom videli na pocetku ovog posta, i pored nje sasvim poznate haljine kojoj je twist jednostavna pametna kombinacija dva cvetna dezena, posebno spektakularno vidljiva na dzepovima. Leva haljina 30 evra, desna 15.

Kad smo vec kod ruza sa dzepova, evo tri modela iz Garden kolekcije koje imaju spektakularne fluffy ruze modelovane od istog materijala. Jakna 50 evra, majica 15, haljina 40.

Jedna mnogo lepa strapless haljina kao neka vaza (€40) i jednako bledo ruzicasta tunika (€20) koja bi divno isla i uz farmerke. Dole, slim'n'comfy halja (€30) i preko nje mantilic (€40), i luda tunika za kraljicu koktela na plazi (€20). Ok, ova zenska model je malo Pamelicasta (Pamela-like), to sam uspela da zamenarim u potpunosti.

Sesir obavezan (€8). Tunika za kraj (€10), prototip price sa pocetka, kako malo treba da divni seoski rucni rad postane kul i kako je to ovde ocigledno tesko izvodljivo. Znalacka diskretna hrabra art direkcija. Plus jedna modistkinja i svalje. Samo toliko. Treba mnogo ali je moguce, a kad bude, treba da ima ovaj ton. Ili da sve ovo prosto kupimo u H&M-u za koji dan... U ovom slucaju najjednostavnije ne mora biti i najbolje resenje.

via une-deuxsenses

These days, Hennes & Mauritz will display the latest - Garden collection in their stores around the world.

Introductory text says that the whole collection is made with environmentally adapted materials, besides organic cotton and linen, there is also some polyester so your clothes is actually made with recycled PET bottles. Nice try, but no thanks, I'll stick to cotton and linen, thank you very much.

Actually, all of these models, prints and embroideries can be made completely with cotton, a touch of silk here and there would do no harm. Especially nice is the lesson on how little it takes for tunics from Kalenic flee market to become real city chic. Country ladies making embroideries with nice multicolored yarn and us, city ladies, supporting them. And everybody happy.

Take for example this white dress, whose wonderful detail with embroidery you saw in the beginning of this post, and next to it a completely familiar dress which got her twist with a simple smart combination of two flower patterns, especially spectacularly visible on the pockets. Left dress €30, right one €15.

Speaking of the roses on the pockets, here are three models from Garden collection having spectacular fluffy roses modeled from the same material. Jacket €50, shirt €15, dress €40.

One very beautiful strapless dress like some vase (€40) and equally pale rosy tunic (€20) which would go wonderfully with jeans. Down, slim'n'comfy dress (€30) and a little coat (€40) over it, and a crazy tunic for beach cocktails queen (€20). OK, this girl model is a bit Pamelish (Pamela-like), I managed to disregard that completely.

A hat is a must (€8). A tunic to finish (€10), prototype of the story from the beginning, how little it takes for a wonderful country hand made piece to become cool, and how it is obviously hard to implement that here. Knowledgeable discreet brave art direction. Plus one milliner and dress makers. Only that much. It takes a lot, but it is possible, and once it happens, this is the touch it should have. Or to just buy all of this in H&M in a few days... The easier way may not be the best one in this case.

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