Jedna od dobrih stvari koja proizadje iz sezonskih bolesti je sto (osim uvek novih saznanja o sebi, fizickim predispozicijama, granicama izdrzljivosti itd) mozete osveziti upucenost u aktuelne TV emisije.
Moja sreca ne moze biti veca jer sam konacno ulovila nekoliko epizoda serijala Cake Boss koji se kod nas daje na Travel&Living kanalu. Nova opsesija uz Miami & LA Ink.
Carlo's Bakery se nalazi u Hobokenu, Nju Dzerzi. Buddy Valastro je Cake Boss, ali je njegova mama Real Boss. Italijani. Pish. Na primer - mala mama urla na 4 ogromna poslasticara zato sto su napravili eroticnu ili egzoticnu tortu, kako god, a ona je sto puta rekla da to ne dozvoljava posto hoce u raj. Cetiri mrcija gledaju u pod kao deca. Genijalno.
Ono sto je super zabavno je to da iako spolje sve izgleda tako yummy, drazesno i leprsavo, najzad gledamo i pakao poslasticarskog sveta, urlanje, zabusante i cudesa koja ovi ljudi prave svojim magicnim prsticima, nabiranje fondana u trake koje kao draperije vise od sprata do sprata torte za vencanje, pa tapaciranje debeljuskastog belog fondana i neverovatno jestivo cvece... ah.
Evo najava za prvu, i aktuelnu, drugu sezonu. Here goes:
Ah da, evo i spisak svih dosadasnjih epizoda, za strebere, plus jedan aaaaaw efekat na snimanju tri torte za Bride's Magazine, sa mnoooogo stresnog transporta pre tog snimanja. Epizoda o tradicionalnim uskrsnjim slatkisima i slanisima (pazljivo pratite tehnike, oh my god) i much much more u Cake Boss streamu na YouTube-u a bogami u u video sekciji na TLC-ju.
Do I see a new addiction happening?
One of the good things coming out from seasonal sicknesses (besides new findings about yourself, physical predispositions, endurance limits etc.) is that you can refresh your knowledge on current TV shows.
I could not be any happier because I finally caught a few episodes from Cake Boss series, here shown on Travel&Living channel. A new obsession along with Miami & LA Ink.
Carlo's Bakery is located in Hoboken, New Jersey. Buddy Valastro is Cake Boss but his mom is the Real Boss. Italians. Pish. For example - little mamma yells at 4 huge bakers because they made erotic or exotic cake, whatever, and she said a thousand times she does not allow for that because she wants to go to heaven. Four huge ones looking down like children. Ingenious.
What’s super funny is that although it all looks so yummy on the outside, all sweet and light, we finally see the hell of bakery world, yelling, skulks and wonders these people make with their magic fingers, wrinkling of fondants into drapings that fall down from one to another tier of the wedding cake, then quilting the thick and soft white fondant and incredible eatable flowers… ah.
Here is the announcement for the first, and current, second season. Here goes: see clips
Oh yes, here is the list of all episodes so far, for nerds, plus one aaaaaw effect from the shooting of three cakes for Bride's Magazine, with a looooot of stressful transport before that shooting. The episode about traditional Easter sweets and salties (carefully follow the technique, oh my god) and much more in Cake Boss stream at YouTube as well as in video section at TLC.
Do I see a new addiction happening?
Citat iz Kuma "Take the gun, leave the canoli"
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