Na kioscima nova Sensa, martovska.
U njoj, moja crvena lista zelja.
Tema, PRIRODNI CHIC. Sve dostupno, nista sa drugog kraja planete, za patnju i eh, kako tamo ima sve... Nema opravdanja, zapucajte u DM, a njih ima ih svuda. Tamo: orahov, susamov puter, alpro soja, mleka i pudinzi, ali najvaznije - njihova tiha i divna linija proizvoda ALVERDE!
Alverde se ne reklamira i zato je jaaaako jeftin. U DM podruznicama pronaci cete tecne sapune, razna mleka i losione za telo, kupke i gelove za tusiranje, dezodorans sa nevenom bez aluminijuma i - dekorativnu kozmetiku. Skoro sve sa BDIH sertifikatom, istim onim koji imaju Hauschka, Logona i Sante koji kostaju mnogo vise. Naravno, vasu omiljenu kremu za lice zadrzacete na polici, ali su vam svi ti potrosni proizvodi sada dostupni po ceni koja je cak niza od svih onih hemija. I najzad, mnogo lepo i sveze dizajnirano, nije genericki i neugledno kao sto cak i neke skupe zdrave kozmeticke kuce izgledaju.
Pa onda neke nove domace klopice, novi proizvodi vredni paznje. Tanjiri, krpe, soljice, casice - Coin Casa. Svakodnevni chic totalno dostupan. Dosao vam je na noge i mozete ga priustiti i sa tesnim budzetom. Ziveti chic svaki dan samo je pitanje odluke.
Trk po novu Sensu!
fotografije: Ana Kostic
Latest issue of Sensa Magazine here in Serbia is out. And my red wish list is in it.
The theme for this issue - NATURAL CHIC. Everything that's available here, none of those incredible beautiful things across the globe that you long for nonreachable. At least on daily basis. Here in Belgrade we have this German shop chain called DM, and it has a whole bunch of lovely food - walnut and sesame butter, soy milks and puddings, but the most important thing - their beautiful line of cosmetics called ALVERDE!
Alverde is not adverised and because of it super affordable. They make hand and boody washes, body milks and lotions, cremes, butters, but they also have a beautiful decorative cosmetic line. Nearly everything BDIH certified, just like those much expensive brands like Hauschka, Logona, Sante. Of course, I'll certainly keep my dear rose face cream from Hauschka, but it's great to finally have a healthier solution for the everyday care. And it is within reach even if you;re on tight budget, being cheaper than most of the similar products. And finally, healthy choice that is also packed beautifully, looking nice and fresh, unlike a lot of healthy cosmetics lines out there.
Then, in my march wish list, there's a bunch of yummy bites and sips, favs made in Serbia. Dishes, cups and dish cloths from Coin Casa. Everyday chic that is absolutely within reach. It's only a matter of choice, to live that way every single day. This is a bit of some kind of my little style guide.
photos: Ana Kostic
Sensa jos nije doputovala do Crne Gore. Zeljno je iscekujem!