4. 3. 2010.

Frazer Ethos

U malom pogonu u Kejp Taunu nastaju Frejzer parfemi.

Predivan je jaz izmedju ova dva koraka - ugljenisanih buradi za destilovanje i nastale mirisne tekucine spakovane u rucno stvorenu bocicu. Kuca Frejzer i njen sadasnji vlasnik Tami Frejzer, cene i neguju zanatstvo, lepotu i tradiciju. Unapredjenje lokalnog malog privredjivanje i ponosno predstavljanje lepota Juzne Afrike svetu.

Tami sama pravi parfeme koje naziva Poglavljima. Radi samo sa kvalitetnim prirodnim sirovim materijalima koje dobavlja licno od farmera sirom sveta. ...I am in search of a link between the science, physics, social science and philosophy of olfaction and how all the pieces fit together, kaze Tami Frejzer.

O njenoj predivnoj ozbiljnoj poslovnoj etici procitajte u poglavlju Ethos. Tu cete saznati o ponosu poreklom, postovanju i unapredjivanju tradicije, vaznosti podrzavanja i aktiviranja lokalne zajednice, odrzivom razvoju i odgovornosti, kvalitetu svih trunki u procesu pa i samog dizajna koji meni ovde uvek bude fokalna tacka. Evo dakle tih bocica. Svaku od njih rucno pravi David Reade iz Worcestera.

Linija Frazer parfema obuhvata i ovaj cvrsti parfem. Toplotom prstiju otapate rucno prikupljeni organski pcelinji vosak oplemenjen je mirisom. Naravno, u rucno napravljenoj kutijici od odrzivog lokalnog drveta, sa ilustracijom Heather Moore iz Kejp Tauna. Kazem vam, sve do tancina.

pic via dieline

In a little factory in Cape Town, Frazer Parfumes are born.

The seemingly uncrossable cliff between these two is beautiful – burned distillery barrels and resulting scented liquids packed in handmade bottles. Frazer house and its current owner Tammy Frazer appreciate and nurture craft, beauty and tradition. Improvement of local little business and proud presentation of South African beauties to the world.

Tammy makes the perfumes she names Chapters. She works only with highest quality natural raw materials she personally supplies from the farmers all around the world... I am in search of a link between the science, physics, social science and philosophy of olfaction and how all the pieces fit together, says Tammy Frazer.

About her beautifully serious business ethics you can read in Ethos chapter. There you will find out about being proud of her origin, respect and improvement of tradition, importance of support and activation of the local community, sustainable development and responsibility, quality of the smallest bits in the process and design itself, being always the focus for me here. Then, there come those bottles. All of them are handmade by David Reade from Worcester.

Frazer perfumes line also includes solid version of perfumes. With the warmth of your fingers you melt hand collected organic beeswax enriched with scent. Of course, packed in a handmade little box made out of sustainable local wood, with illustration by Heather Moore from Cape Town. I tell you, all details are taken care of.

pic via dieline

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