Na slici gore je Shawn Barber, slikar, ilustrator, ucitelj i ucenik. Uci druge slikanju i segrtuje u tetoviranju.
Na ovoj velikoj slici iza njega je Ket (von D, of kors) i upravo sam iz LA Ink serijala saznala za njega. Ispostavlja se da je veci pajtas sa Kim, a u seriji portreta tatu umetnika iz Ketinog studija, naslikao je i Korija. Slike dole.
Ovo je pravo primenjasko slikarstvo. Nije arty, nedokucivo i cesto hermeticno, okrenuto samo istrazivanju, intorspektivno, nego nekako... suprotno. Razmisljajuci koga bih mogla da predstavim od Miami i LA Ink umetnika, shvatim da je u stvari ono sto hvata Shawn Barber esencija onoga sto ja prema svemu tome kao posmatrac a ne insajder, osecam. Malo transformisano, malo domastano, vise magija nego faktografija, a sve zapravo mnogo istinskije od fotografije, mastila, krvi i koze.
Lake slikane beleske koje predstavljaju tetovaze deluju kao skice, savrseni, leprsavi, plutajuci crtezi na telu, prelaze u prostor i balansiraju izmedju kontrolisano ekspresivnog i krajnje fotografski realnog.
Poseban deo opusa su portreti tattoo umetnika i narocito studije njihovih ruku. Evo dakle, Korija i Kim, a posle studija Kiminih ruku i jos nekoliko meni posebno zanimljivih slika.
Pictured up at the beginning is Shawn Barber, artist, illustrator, painting teacher and tattoo apprentice.
On the big painting behind him is Kat (von D, of course) and that is how I found out about him - through LA Ink. Turns out, he's Kim's buddy, and in his tattoo artist series he painted not only to of them, but also Corey from Kat's studio. Pics bellow.
His art is not self sufficient, introspective and hermetic. Thinking about presenting some of the artist from Miami and LA Ink series, I figured that Shawn's work is what I really feel about tattoos. The essence of it all seen from far, not being the insider, not having any tattoos (but also not saying NEVER). In his art all of that is a bit transformed, a bit of imagination infused, more magic than factography, and at the same time, it all becomes much more true than simple photo showing ink, blood and skin.
Floaty layered painting makes tattoos look like sketches on the body, notes in markers or ballpoint pens, quick drawings and not your regular permanent ink. They wiggle into space slipping out from skin, and are carefully balanced between controled amount of expressiveness and utterly photographically punctual.
A special part of Barber's opus is the artist series, where he does the portratits of tattoo artists and also studies of their hands and arms. So here are Corey and Kim, and after that, a study of Kim's hands and another arm painting that's dear to me. Plus, the two earlier ones, so interesting.
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