Novost u svetu crtaca je evropska divota The Secret of Kells kojoj sutra uvece drzimo fige da osvoji Oskara u kategoriji dugometraznih animiranih filmova.
Irski Cartoon Saloon, koga najbolje poznajemo po Skunk Fu-u, pocastio nas je ovom, u velikom delu rucno crtanom poslasticom koja ovih dana dozivljava premijere sa ove i one strane oceana.
Zaplet kaze: The story is set in the ninth century. Twelve-year-old Brendan is educated by his uncle, Abbot Cellach, who holds a firm grip on his nephew and expects him to follow in his footsteps. One day, Brendan meets Brother Aidan, a master illustrator who shows him the beauty of art and stimulates his creativity and fantasy. Finally, Brendan decides to break free in search of his dream: completing the valuable Book of Kells. On his journey through the forest, he has to face his biggest fears. (via Wiki)
Further reading:
• za fanatike - insajderski blog
+ pohvala nezavisnom filmu by NYTimes
thanks 2 Meri
p.s. (8.3.2010) pobedio je Up, zasluzio je.
We have some lovely news in the world of animated feature films. We keep our fingers crossed tomorrow night for The Secret of Kells to win the Oscar in the Best Animated Feature category.
Irish Cartoon Saloon, best known for their animated series called Skunk Fu, presented us with this wonderful treat, hand drawn in the large portion. It's being sceened for the first time on this and that side of the ocean as we speak.
The plot goes like this: The story is set in the ninth century. Twelve-year-old Brendan is educated by his uncle, Abbot Cellach, who holds a firm grip on his nephew and expects him to follow in his footsteps. One day, Brendan meets Brother Aidan, a master illustrator who shows him the beauty of art and stimulates his creativity and fantasy. Finally, Brendan decides to break free in search of his dream: completing the valuable Book of Kells. On his journey through the forest, he has to face his biggest fears. (via Wiki)
Further reading:
• for fanatics - insider's blog
+ praise for the indie movie production by NYTimes
p.s. (March 8th, 2010) Up won, deservedly
Stvarno ide na Oskara ?
ОдговориИзбришиDrzim i ja fige da dobije nagradu i mnoge mnoge druge, stvarno je mnoooogo lep.