9. 9. 2009.

Coming Up

KADA PRICAMO o filmovima ja sam vam tip persone koja se previse uzivljava u sve
te stvari te stoga trileri, drame, bolnicke serije i parapshihologija ne dolaze u obzir. Dakle, sto se kratkih formi tice - sitkomi, sto se duzih formi tice - smekerske pljacke, komedije, both romanticne (Ben Stiller) i brutalnije (Will Ferrell), mjuzikli (stari, novi, ne pravim pitanje samo da imaju magiju) i naravno crtaci. Zapravo, pravi presek imate u onom mom novogodisnjem postu Popcorn Time.

Plus, sve to po mogucnosti u bioskopu, u okruzenju gde u gledanju filma pauza nije opcija. I naravno, u obzir dolaze samo ozbiljni bioskopi, sa dobrim udobnim sedistima i grejanjem kada mu je vreme. Naravno, to prati i zvuk pojacan do nivoa cepanja jogistickih osetljivih usiju i guzve pomahnitalih tinejdzera kojima je shopping mall izlazak, ali uzimajuci u obzir ciljnu grupu filmova koji mene zanimaju, nema mesta gundjanju, n'est pas? Ionako kada udjemo u salu, svako sa svojom kanticom kokica, ugase se svetla i proguta nas platno, guzva ionako nestaje jer su auditorijumi isprojektovani tako da ti ni dvometras sa izdzikljalom ladnom trajnom ne moze omesti zadovoljstvo.

Mom opsegu interesovanja se 13. oktobra pridruzuje i najnoviji Pixar/Disney crtani film Do neba (u originalu Up). Na Pixarovom blogu procitajte oficijelni size, ja bih rekla da sve pocinje kada glavnom liku, chicici koji (mimo bilo kakvih politickih uplitanja) neodoljivo lici na Dobricu Cosica, pukne film. I onda sve krece... On i mali debeli izvidjac sa bezbroj znacki se nadju u bezbroj sarenih situacija.

Evo trejlera i super velikih plakata tri glavna lika za oni koje vole hi res fajlove.

TALKING ABOUT MOVIES I'm the kind of person that fall for these things, getting too involved, so thrillers, dramas, hospital series and parapsychology are out of the question. So, as far as short forms are concerned - sitcoms, and the long ones - smart robberies, comedies, both romantic (Ben Stiller) and more brutal ones (Will Ferrell), musicles (old, new, doesn't matter, as long as there is magic) and, naturally, cartoons. As a matter of fact, a proper sampling is made in that old post of mine called Popcorn Time.

Plus, all that in real movie theater, where pressing the pause button is not the option. Of course, you have to be prepared that the sound is going to be out of this planet, too loud for ones yogically sensitive ears and hordes of wild teens that find a shopping mall the most perfect place to go out. But, taking the range noted above into consideration who am I to nag. When we go into the dark big room holding a huge bag of popcorn, everything just sinks and with those new theaters not even a basketball guy with a perm cannot take away your movie thrill.

Anyway, I've got a new thing coming to my will-most-surely-see list. It's a Pixar/Disney cartoon called Up. You'll find the official synopsis on Pixar's blog, I'd say that everything starts happening when a guy looking just like Dobrica Cosic (without getting into politics or anything), gets sick of it. Everything rolls from there. He and his little fatty scout friend get into a whole bunch of colorful situations.

Here's the trailer and super big posters with images of the three key characters for those who like it hi-res.

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