10. 9. 2009.

Kafana NYC

je prosle godine otvorena КАФАНА.

Vladimir Ocokoljic, vlasnik prvog srpskog restorana u Njujorku, smestio je Kafanu na Aveniju C (tacnije 116 Avenue C, izmedju 7th St. & 8th St.) i izgradio joj dobro ime deklarisuci je kao mesto za jedenje svinjetine. Daleko od mog izbora hrane, ipak, cini mi se da bih svratila u Kafanu kada sledeci put budem posecivala Njujork.

Zapravo mi se cini da bih jos vise volela da Beograd ima ovakav restoran, da se isto zove, da isto izgleda, da mu logo bude bas ovakav, vizitke, jelovnik, pa i izbor jela. Da salvete budu bas ovakve, escajg identican, enterijer. Da jela budu ovako direktna, jednostavna i kao sto ih znamo, samo malo preokrenuta, uoblicena i adaptirana za novo doba. Dok Kafana ne stigne u Beograd, Zaplet je usamljen.

Mislim da je dobar opis onoga sto jeste i kako stvari stoje, poslednji deo clanka o Kafani koju je objavio njujorski Sun i koji kaze:

The word "refreshing" isn't quite appropriate in conjunction with such heavy, meaty fare, but there's something very ... invigorating about Kafana's Old World traditionalism, in a culinary climate that's so enthralled with newness, it keeps forgetting its roots, and stumbling over them.

izvori informacija i fotografija: nycgo, nysun, nymag, thrillist

LAST YEAR in New York a restaurant named КАФАНА, that is KAFANA, was opened. In Serbian it's a word for an old school restaurant, something like INN.

Vladimir Ocokoljic, the owner of the first Serbian restaurant in NYC, placed the joint on the Avenue C, (116 Avenue C, between 7th St. & 8th St. to be precise) and built it a good reputation declaring it to be a pork eating place. Far from my food choice, I think Kafana would surely be a stop on my next visit to NYC. Actually, I'd prefer it if Belgrade (Serbia's capital) itself had a place like this, with the same name, the same looks, logo, business cards, napkins and cutlery exactly like this, interiors too. Menu design, and yes, even the meals on it. Traditional meals with the well known attitude, all direct, simple and without any drastic twists, and then all that with just a hint of a twist, tightened and updated. Until Kafana arrives to Belgrade, Zaplet will be alone in its strides.

I think that the exact correct view on this kind of place is the one that journalist from NY Sun gave in the last paragraph. It says: The word "refreshing" isn't quite appropriate in conjunction with such heavy, meaty fare, but there's something very ... invigorating about Kafana's Old World traditionalism, in a culinary climate that's so enthralled with newness, it keeps forgetting its roots, and stumbling over them.

souces of information and photos: nycgo, nysun, nymag, thrillist

2 коментара:

  1. Rekli su mi prijatelji koji zive u NYC za ovu kafanu. I da puna je hipstera.
    Svraticu ovog proleca nadam se.
    Inace dolazim na jogu, spremna i uporna, sledece nedelje nadam se.


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