4. 9. 2009.

Sensa: JAPAN

U SEPTEMBARSKOJ SENSI, koja se upravo pojavila na kioscima, u stalnoj rubrici Lista zelja, pronaci cete moj komprimovani izvestaj iz Japana. Tek da vas zagolica, da nekoliko smernica za dalje traganje i izmesti na neko vreme na drugo mesto dok ronjate kroz cetiri krcate sarene strane. Evo ih u pikselima, za citanje uvek ugodnije na papiru. Nadam se da cu sada pronaci ozbiljnije parce vremena da saberem sve utiske i fotke iz Japana i napravim JJJ na tu temu... Vec ga vidim, bice prelep. Just wait and see * ^ _ ^ *

p.s. u korekturi su POLADROIDI, postali POLAROIDI. Nemam instant kameru (shmrtz...), ovo su, iako luuudo zabavne, samo elektronske zamene.

IN SENSA'S SEPTEMBER issue, that is just out and out there on the newspaper stands, in the regular column called Wish List, my Japan report got published. Just to tinkle your brainy cells, give you a couple of tracks to search further, transpose you into another world while your your diving through these four pages fully packed top to bottom with Japanese incredibilities of all kinds. Here are the pages in pixels, but it's very nice to have them printed and holding them in your hands. I truly hope to find a bigger chunk of time to make a JJJ with my Japanese photos. I can already see it, it's going to be beautiful. Just wait and see * ^ _ ^ *

p.s. it the final correction my POLADROIDS became POLAROIDS. These are not real Polaroids, but their, crazy charming electronic substitutes.

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