Pre tacno godinu dana pravila sam proslogodisnju novogodisnju listu zelja za Sensu i to mi je jedan od dobrih repera koji precizno markiraju tacke u vremenu i pokazuju mi sta se sve izdogadjalo u tom dugom kratkom periodu, kako sam se promenila, privatno i profesionalno.
Dok sam radila na tom proslom clanku, posebno me je bila zainteresovala cudesno magicna atmosfera prvog januara, jutra posle novogodisnje noci, pa sam odlucila da to bude tema citave ovogodisnje liste zelja. Tisina i zimska svezina. Osecaj opustenosti, sagledavanje postignuca i spremnost za nove pocetke.

Toliko promena. Prosla lista zelja sa uslikanim tragovima naseg privremenog boravista u centru, a sada - Zemun, Gornji grad. Shvatila sam da zelim to da markiram, da mozete da se preselite na neko konkretno mesto, da znate da ovo nije studio, scenografija.

Ova lista zelja je u odnosu na proslogodisnju ukljucila je mnogo vise ljudi i predstavlja plod zajednickog angazovanja, truda i radosti. Kada sam htela da docaram puderasto zlatastu atmosferu sa zemljanom bazom i drvenim podovima, sa vintage detaljima i chic novitetima, pomislila sam da bi svestrano predivna Ana Kras (Kras cokolade milicija stop!) bila savrsena osoba da taj osecaj ozivi, a Ana Kostic prava da sve to zabelezi. I imala sam srece da su obe rekle: DA! Predivno je raditi u takvom drustvu. Slusala se Charlotte Gainsbourg, album 5:55.

Centralni element u opisu ovog osecaja prikazanog u tri slike su nove Adore cokolade. Table iz njihove neverovatne male radionice koje smo mi iz Coba&associates strpljivo (neki strpljivije nego drugi, tj. ja) cekali... pa vec neke dve godine. Aleksandar iz Adorea je predivan, energicni i veseli, operativni mladi covek koji je, kao i mi, zeleo da dovede sve do perfekcije i tek tada izbaci seriju na trziste. I eto, to se desava bas pred novu godinu, pa svi imate spreman pokloncic. Za sestru, mamu, baku, tetku, drugaricu, koleginicu, zenu iz racunovodstva, pa tatu, decka, muza... koga god! Svi vole cokoladu! A ova cokolada je ozbiljna, kvalitetna, bez budalastina i zlih aditiva, osmisljena u zabavne kombinacije, sa svezom nanom, krckavom pecenom kafom... a ceka nas i prosirenje opusa, samo da znate! Aleksandar mucka nove recepte u fabrici cokolada as we speak.
I evo ih, prvih pet. Zapravo sest, sa ovim specijalnim beogradskim dodatkom. Prva - CRUNCHY MINT, opisuje hrskavu osvezavajucu hladnocu. Plava folija i proseceni detalji koji otkrivaju zeleni papir ispod crnog kartonskog omota. Druga - ELLE CANELLE, sa cimetom i pepito paternom od roze folije, prava mondish, zavodnicka i modno ocaravajuca. I treca u ovom editorijalu, J'ADORE MOCCA u slatkoj girly belo zlatnoj atmosferi, mlecna cistoca i nesto blinga. Zlatna folija na omotu cini narukvicu sa raznim drangulijama - uspomenama na more.
Pored ove tri, u prodaji su se pojavile i SICILY, sa rezbarenom cipkastom bordurom i banana zutim papirom koji obmotava cokoladu sa lesnicima, bademima i ORASIMA! Tu je i ORANZELA, hit cokolada sa pomorandzom i leptiricima, rezbarenim tako da cine diskretan dekor u standardnoj flat verziji koju cete je kupiti u prodavnici, a onda, podignite krila leptirima i imate predivan ready made poklon! Takodje, za upravo zavrseni Sajam slatkisa smo napravili posebnu BG COKO, sa visnjama, koja bi takodje trebalo da se pojavi u prodaji.
Adore prodavnice: TC Delta City, TC Millenium, mala prodavnica Adore Passion u Kneginje Ljubice. U Novom Sadu, Pasiceva, prodavnica Exclusive.
Neka ovo ostane post o novogodisnjoj listi zelja u novoj Sensi. Kupite je i gustirajte lagano pa i prvog januara uz neku od Adore cokolada. Hvala svima koji su doprineli da ovim clankom na pravi nacin zaokruzim divnu godinu.
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Exactly a year ago, I created the last year’s New Year wish list for Sensa and this is one of the good checklists precisely marking the points in time and showing me all that happened during this long short period of time, how did I change, personally and professionally.
While I worked on this previous article, I was especially intrigued by the miraculously magical atmosphere of January 1st, a morning after New Years Eve, so I’ve decided to make it the theme of this year’s New Year wish list, like, all the way. Silence and winter freshness. Relaxed, looking back at achievements and readiness for new beginnings.
So many changes. The last wish list with photographed traces of our temporary stay in the center, and now – Zemun, Upper Town. I realized I want to capture it, the fact that you can move to some real place, so that you know that this is not a studio, a set.
This wish list compared to last year’s one involved many more people and represents the achievement of joint engagement, effort and joy. When I wanted to depict powderishly goldish atmosphere with soil base and wooden floors, with vintage details and chic newness, I thought that beautiful-in-a-versatile way Ana Kras would be the perfect person to make this feeling alive, and that Ana Kostic is the right one to capture it all. I was lucky both of them said: YES! It is beautiful to work with such people. Charlotte Gainsbourg was playing, album 5:55.
The key element in describing this feeling shown in three pics are the new Adore chocolates. The pieces from their incredible little store which we, at Coba&associates, patiently waited (some more patiently than the others, being me)…for some two years. Aleksandar from Adore is a wonderful, energetic and cheerful young man who, just like us, wanted to make everything perfect and only then launch the series in the market. And what do you know, all of this is happening just before the New Years, so all of you now have a present ready. For sister, mom, grandma, aunt, friend, colleague, the lady from accounting, then dad, boyfriend, husband… whoever! Everyone loves chocolate! And this chocolate is serious, of high quality, without nonsense and evil additives, created in fun combinations, with fresh mint, crusty baked coffee… and additions to the list also await for us, just so that you know! Aleksandar mixes new recipes in the chocolate factory as we speak.
And here they are, first five. Actually six, with this special Belgrade addition. First - CRUNCHY MINT: describes crunchy refreshing cold. Blue folium and cut-in details letting you peak at the green paper under the black cardstock cover. Second - ELLE CANELLE: with cinnamon, and houndstooth pattern made in pink folium, truly mondish, seducing and fashionably enchanting. And the third one in this editorial: J'ADORE MOCCA in cute girly white-golden atmosphere, milky cleanness and some bling. The golden foil on the cover creates a lucky charms bracelet – with memories from the seacoast.
Besides these three, also SICILY is now available in the market, with carved lace border and banana-yellow paper enwrapping the chocolate in hazelnuts, almonds and WALNUTS! There is also ORANZELA, a hit chocolate with orange and butterflies, carved in a way to make a discreet decoration in standard flat version which you actually purchase in a store, and then, you lift the butterfly wings and you have a beautiful ready made gift! Also, for just ended candy fair, we made a special BG COKO with cherries, also due to show up in the market soon.
Adore stores: Delta City shopping mall, Millennium shopping mall, little Adore Passion store in Kneginje Ljubice Street. In Novi Sad: Pasiceva Street, Exclusive store.
Let’s leave this as the post about the New Year wish list in the latest Sensa issue. Buy it and take your time with enjoying it, then, starting January 1st, enjoy it together with on of the Adore chocolates. Thanks to everyone contributing in making this article the right way to put a closure on a wonderful year.
radujem se prosirenjunjuuuu
ОдговориИзбриши(Mavala lakovi-moj fav, stigla do 6 gradova, ajme ;) )
ОдговориИзбришиlakovi i putavanja - samo da je parica i novog crvenog pasosa i problema nema!