28. 3. 2010.

Sweetest Tricks

Mali kuhinjski trikovi, zabavni za domacicu, festa za goste. Posle srcastih slajsova cvekle, evo novih forica.

Prvo, cokoladna cinija. Operete balone, naduvate balone. Velicina takva da donji deo bude adekvatna cinija. Bice vam jasno. Istopite cokoladu, sipate je na ravnu povrsinu. Blago umocite balon u cokoladu pa ga swingujete tamo amo, cokolada se hvata za povrsinu balona.

Balon sa citavom cinijom izmodelovanom od cokolade stavite da stoji na papiru za pecenje u polozaju buduce cinije. Kada se cokolada ohladi i stvrdne, isecete zavrsetak balona i ispustite vazduh. Ostane cinija spremna za natovariti sladoledom. Ja zamisljam ciniju od bele cokolade sa sladoledom od pistaca i malo stracatele. Jooooooj.

Sve do detalja na

Onda jedna too-good-to-be-true divota od Marte Stuart. Cokoladni listici mente, zapravo listici cokolade modelovani po listovima mente. Jednostavno uputstvo ce vam sve reci. Razmisljamo ovde, a zasto ne listici mente zarobljeni u cokoladi! Kao homemade thin mints! Ah da, da li ste videli redizajniran After Eight!? Misty beautiful.

I last but not least, onigiri sa nori algama punchovanim u forme zvezdica. Trebaju vam samo busaci za papir, sad ih i kod nas ima raznih. Kakva divna forica. via food-4tots

Little kitchen tricks, fun for the hostess, a feast for guests. After those heart shaped beats, here are some new ones.

First of all, Choco Bowl. You wash baloons, inflate them to a size that'll make a right sized bowl. You'll get it as this unveils. Melt the choco, pour it to a flat surface. Dip the baloon into it, then swing it round to make cholo stick to the baloon creating bowl shape.

Then, place the dipped baloon onto a sheet of baking paper, upwards, the way your bowl will stand later. Once the chocolate cools and hardens, cut the baloon's tip and let the air out carefully. There you go, your home made edible choco bowl. I'm imagining it made of white chocolate and with pistachio and a bit of stracciatela ice cream in it. Oh my.

Get the entire, detailed instruction at simplygluten-free.

Then, one too-good-to-be-true lovely idea from Martha Stewart. Chocolate Mint Leaves. Simple instruction in these two images will tell you all you need to know. And we're thinking here - why not leave the mint leaves enrobed in that chocolate! Like your special home made thin mints! Oh yes, did you see the new redesigned After Eight package? Misty beautiful.

And last but not least, onigiri with noris punched into stars. All you need are those regular paper punchers in different shapes of your choice. What a lovely kitchen trick! via food-4tots

4 коментара:

  1. Even though I can't understand a word: WOW! what a great post! I'm so inspired! Thanks!

  2. hey lee, i'm translating right now, sorry. please come back in 15mins ;) no, really, it'll be ready in no time

  3. You're so creative and talented! A sweet and neat trick! Love it!


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