Location: Burden Mansion, NYC
TO SAM JA. Vrhunski kvalitet i prilicno lomljiva. aaahahaha. Ili bar tako izgledam. Lomljivo, I mean. aaa... I kill myself...
U sred jednog porcelanskog projekta u studiju (vrlo uskoro nesto vise) stize mi u elektronsko postansko sanduce ova slika. Istrazim malo i naidjem na mog novog omiljenog fotografa. Zove se Rodney Smith. Idite samo na Google image search i prva strana samo je dovoljna za padanje u nesvest. Ok, samo kliknite ovde.

Muljajuci po Rosenthal kolekcijama nabasam opet i na Landscape kolekciju koju je za Rosenthalovu Studio-line kolekciju dizajnirala draga Patricia Urquiola. Pa jos i promo fotka sa bozurima. Oduvana sam sa nogu.

To je jedna od nekoliko mojih omiljenih Rosenthal kolekcija, uz Vase of Phases, Fast i naravno moju OMILJENU Rosenthal kolekciju - Origami. Belo, mat i sjajno... predstavila sam jednu divnu malu Origami vazu u Sensi onomad...

Sve one zive u harmoniji na fotografijama samog Karla Lagerfelda koji je pozvan da napravi izbor svojih omiljenih Rosenthal komada. Ta skupina lepota nazvana je EGO. Evo samo parcica fotki iz te kampanje, taj tip iz kampanje nije bas moj tip pa ga ne bih ovom prilikom reklamirala. Klik tu vju ful skrin.

THAT'S ME. Premium quality and pretty fragile ahahahaha. Or just seem so. Fragile, I mean. aaah... I kill myself...
Right in the middle of this porcelain project in the studio (very soon more on this super fabulous project we've just finished) I got this photo in my mailbox. I browsed a bit and found that it was taken by my new favorite photographer. His name is Rodney Smith. Just go to Google image search and you'll die. Ok, just click here.
Browsing though Rosenthal collection I bumped into this incredible collection called Landscape, and designed by - Patricia Urquiola. I love her. And these promo photos starring lovely peonies. I'm swept away.
That one is one of my fav Rosenthal collections alongside with the Vase of Phases, Fast and, of course, my dear Origami. White, matte and glossy... I presented that small Origami vase in Sensa magazine that time...
see image
They all live in perfect harmony in photos made by Karl Lagerfeld himself. He made a selection of his fav Rosenthal items and thay named this selection EGO. Here are some details from the campaign, that guy in the campaign is not my type so I kinda cropped him out... Be sure to click to view full screen.
see image
Prelepe fotke. Ja jako volim BW!