OVAKO NESTO, ali ni blizu ovako pametno sam pre nekog vremena skicirala za sebe. Toaletni stocic, multifunkcionalni, sklopivi, sa ogledalom u poklopcu, unutra neka podela na polja razlicite velicine, stoji pod prozorom u spavacoj sobi, na njemu laptop, projektujem slova, sklapam blogic i gledam kroz prozor. Otrcano? Ma neeee...
Kao sto Sofia Coppola pravi filmove kakve bih ja pravila pa ne moram da ih pravim jer, eto, postoje, tako je nekako iz sajber dubina isplivao i ovaj perfektni toaletni stocic koji se zove Compact.

To sa mnom i toaletnim stocicima ima korene... u periodu kada devojcice imaju barbike ja sam kao nadgradnju u jednom trenutku odbila taj neki magicni toaletni stocic, veliko ogledalo (parce folije zalepljeno za debelu plastiku koje daje samo jaaako mutan odraz), tri fioke sa desne strane, funkcionalne, nisu izlivene u komadu i nepokretne. Cini mi se u paketu dobijao i nekakav set mini plasticne kozmetike, ali je sam stocic bio daleko veci utisak od svega ostalog ukljucujuci i barbiku herself.
A ovaj, pravi pravcijati, koji je smislila i proizvela Laura McCusker, ima upravo i trunku tog neceg iz detinjstva, zapravo iz vrtica, podseca na one debeljuskaste zaobljene drvene stolice koje su dizajnirane tako da je mogucnost povredjivanja svedena na minimum. I sve to upakovano u ovaj perfektni stocic za sminkanje - zenski mini univerzum.
SOMETHING LIKE THIS, but not nearly this smart I sketched some time ago for myself but never got to produce it. Makeup table, multifunctional, foldable, with a mirror inside the cover, standing under the bedroom window, laptop on it, I'm making my new typeface, putting this little blog of mine together, looking out the window. Corny? Naaaah....
And just like Sofia Coppola makes movies that I'd like to make, so because she's making them I don't have to, out of vast depths of cyber space there came this ultimate makeup table called Compact.
There's this thing I have with makeup tables, it goes way back... when I was in that period every girl must have a Barbie doll, I got this incredible makeup table for my Barbie. I don't even remember all the things I got in a box, all those mini plastic cosmetics, I don't even remember the doll itself, but I have this impeccable memory of that makeup table, with that big mirror (a piece of silver foil glued to a piece of chunky plastic), three drawers down by her feet on the right, movable, not some fake ones.
And this, real deal piece of heaven, designed and produced by Laura McCusker, has just a hint of exactly that vibe - kindergarten, reminds me of those little chunky rounded chairs made of wood and designed to minimize any chance of small kids getting hurt. And all that inside this perfect makeup table - a girl's mini universe.
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