NI PREVELIKA GUZVA ne sme da uskrati domu novogodisnji glow. Iako sam kasno shvatila da su praznici u toku, trebalo mi je 15 minuta subotnjeg pre podneva da pretvorim atmosferu u svecanu. Posto se nasa mala plasticna jelkna negde u selidbi zagubila, upotrebila sam ono sto sam nasla - Vitra alge su postale novogodisnja jelka, a klupko od lampica u staklenoj vazi svetluca na centralnom mestu osvetljavajuci cestitiku - poklon od Manje.
NOT FOR THE WORLD could xmas holidays pass without adding some glow to the home. No matter I got that it's that time of the year pretty late, it took me only 15 minutes this Saturday morning to make a twist. Since our little plastic xmas tree got lost somewere when we were moving, I used what I had so Vitra algue became our new tree and a ball of lights put in a glass bowl became the spirit central. Especially when I added this note, a gift from Manja.
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