ILI U ORIGINALU - Djir u snegu, zapravo Đir u snegu, primorana sam da promenim tastaturu ovog puta. Za one koji ne znaju, đir je lichka rec za krug (Lika, Hrvatska, you know).
Od slova đ, i, r iz mog fonta ITC Aram napravila sam zimski patern. Rec đir pravi đir i tako stvara tipografsku sneznu noc.
U prirodnoj velicini 70 × 100 cm, mozete ga videti do 23.12. u paviljonu Cvijeta Zuzoric na izlozbi nastavnika i saradnika Fakulteta primenjenih umetnosti postavljenoj povodom jubileja - 60 godina od osnivanja Fakulteta.
THE ORIGINAL TITLE would be Đir in the Snow. Đir is another word for Circle where my mom's parents are from, and that is Lika, Croatia. So, using these three letters from my font, ITC Aram, I made this pattern as a part of my font presentation on the exhibition opened last night in Belgrade. It is the exhibition celebrating the 60th anniversary of Belgrade's Faculty of Applied Arts and each teacher is presented with two of their works. I'm there with Aram.
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