UPRAVO SMO SE vratili sa promocije Telenorovog kalendara za 2009. godinu. Dizajn: hubby Orsolic. Dva Telenorova drustveno odgovorna projekta - Pokreni grad, murali mladih umetnika sirom Srbije i Art2SitOn - betonske klupe rastrkane po gradu (Beogradu), prepakovana su tako da zive u formi kalendara jednako snazno kao na ogromnim fasadama.
Recikliran papir i talasasta lepenka spakovani u kalendar, pa sve to butnuto u crnu platnenu torbu (v.sl.3) koju vec od sutra nosam na ramenu. Staju mi u nju sve stvari plus laptop u sleevu pa sve to na rame. Perfect za commuting.
Sada jedva cekam izvodjenje Igorovog murala u Novom Pazaru. Slepacu se kao svita, to moram da vidim u nastajanju.
WE JUST CAME BACK from Telenor's 2009 Calendar promotion. Calendar designed by: hubby Orsolic. Young artists' works from the two of Telenor's socially responsible projects continue to live in this totally different media. Recycled paper printed into a calendar and put into this big black cotton bag to use throughout the year. Now I'm armed to proudly refuse plastic bags at the groceries. Big enough to fit all my daily necessities AND a sleeved laptop. Commuting perfect.
The next big thing - Igor making his mural in Novi Pazar. I just have to mingle in and see that one happening.
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