ZA XMAS, Jonathan Adler je izbacio novu seriju Muse sveca koje su sada dobile i svoju mini verziju i veeeliku - Muse Monumental. Bele su moj pick, mirisu na sveze ubrano cvece. Porcelanske vazice prosvetljene iznutra pojacavaju magiju stilizacije lica Dore Maar (Teodore Markovic, Pikasove muze). A onda, kada se istrosi, postaje savrsena vaza za bozure, hrizanteme ili neko slicno pufnasto cvece koje ce joj praviti kosu ili misli.

To smo nas dve, Marija i ja, ocarane u Jonathan Adler prodavnici u Sohou. Muse sveca je jedna od tri stvari koje nisam kupila u Njujorku i jos uvek patim. Pored nje, Nixon Small Player rucni sat, onaj ljubicasto zlatni, sa dijamantom i jednu I♥NY majicu.
FOR THIS XMAS, Jonathan Adler made a fresh bunch of Muse candles that now have their mini version as well as this real big one called Muse Monumental. The white ones are my pick, they smell of frsh cut flowers.
Bele su moj pick, mirisu na sveze ubrano cvece. Porcelain vessels augment the magic of stylized face of Dora Maar (Teodora Markovic, Picasso's muse). And when it is burned out your porcelain loveliness turns into this pretty vase for poenies, chrisantemums or any other fluffy flowers that'll make her hair or picture her thoughts.
And on the other image, the two of us, Marija and me, dazzled in Jonathan Adler Soho store. Muse candle is one of the three things is still regret not buying in NYC. The other two are that Nixon Small Player wrist watch, the one in purple/antique gold, with diamond and one I♥NY T-shirt.
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