UPRAVO OVAKO bi izgledala naslovna strana mog albuma.
Berry je bila u Bgdu, a ja od sumanuto previse posla nisam uspela da odem. All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl, znam, znam... Divna je muzika, nesto je porede sa Feist, ali mene daleko vise podseca na sve one moje omiljene francuske smizle sa Francoise Hardy na celu. Vedrija nego Charlotte Gainsbourgh pa sad imam po malo francuske muzike za razne nijanse raspolozenja.
Evo muzicke ilustracije, slusajte Le Bonheur dok gledate listate moj blogic ^ _ ^

I upravo u tom raspolozenju iskrsne mi ovaj apsolutno appropriate Polaroid kalendar Alicie Bock. Sad su me uhvatili pundravci da i ja tako nesto priredim od gomile divota nagomilanih tokom ove godine...
THIS IS EXACTLY how the cover for my album would look like.
Berry played here in Belgrade a few days ago and I was in such a crazy mess with all the work I have I couldn't make it to go to the concert. I know, I know - All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl... This music is so lovely, some are comparing her to Feist but she reminds me far more of those lovely Frenchies like Francoise Hardy. She's more carefree than Charlotte Gainsbourgh so now I have a little bit of French music for all of the shades of my winter moods. Here's the illustration for you to listen in the background while browsing through this blog of mine ^ _ ^
And feeling like this I came across this absolutely appropriate Polaroid calendar by Alicia Bock. Now I have this crazy urge to make something like this with all the lovely stuff pilled throughout this year...
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