UPRAVO MI JE pristigao mail koji najavljuje knjigu fotografija Rodneyja Smitha THE END (Is Just the Beginning) koju za fanove pusta u pretprodaju i koja ce se pojaviti sva spektakularna u maju 09. To je isti onaj koga sam pomenula pre neki dan sa onom porcelanskom fotkom.
Evo nekih fotki iz serije fotki Leaps and Bounds koju je radio 2007. za NYMag. Sa podnaslovom The best thing to do in a suit is to take yourself less seriously. Poruka na mestu za bankare, politicare i sve te well suited ljude.

first seen in fashion.inspiration flickr photo stream
I JUST GOT AN email announcing the book of photos by Rodney Smith THE END (Is Just the Beginning) that he's offering for an early purchase. The book, all spectacular will be published in May 2009. This is the guy I mentioned a few days ago, you know that porcelain photo.
Here are some of the photos from the series Leaps and Bounds he made for NYMag back in 2007. Underlined with The best thing to do in a suit is to take yourself less seriously. One proper note to bankars, politicians and all those well suited guys.
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