Sanjay Patel je animator i storyboard artist koji radi za Pixar i koji je ovom knjigicom predstavio vise od 100 Hindu bozanstava praveci crossover izmedju tradicije i Powerpuff Girls. Na malom sajtu posvecenom ovoj knjizi pronaci cete i skice na kojima se posebno moze prepoznati duh PPG. Slikovnica sa zanimljivim kompaktnim opisom bozanstva i flah stilizovanim prikazom pri cemu su i najvece zlice slatke, preslatke. Upravo my type of twist. Obrazovanje metodom Just a spoonfull of sugar helps the medicine go down (in the most delightful way). Znate, Meri Popins?

THE LITTLE BOOK of Hindu Deities is not a new book. It is not even new on my Amazon Wish List. And it is finally in my Amazon Cart.
Sanjay Patel is the animator and storyboard artist that work for Pixar. In this little book he presented us with more than a hundred of Hindu Gods making a crossover between tradition and Powerpuff Girls. On this little web site dedicated to this book you'll find some sketches where PPG spirit is especially vivid. The picture book contains spreads with compact description of a God and this cute illustrated image of the same God. Even the badest of them are too cute to fear. Exactly my type of twist. Education using Just a spoonfull of sugar helps the medicine go down (in the most delightful way) method. You know, Marry Poppins?
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