31. 12. 2008.
30. 12. 2008.
Instant Home Glow

NI PREVELIKA GUZVA ne sme da uskrati domu novogodisnji glow. Iako sam kasno shvatila da su praznici u toku, trebalo mi je 15 minuta subotnjeg pre podneva da pretvorim atmosferu u svecanu. Posto se nasa mala plasticna jelkna negde u selidbi zagubila, upotrebila sam ono sto sam nasla - Vitra alge su postale novogodisnja jelka, a klupko od lampica u staklenoj vazi svetluca na centralnom mestu osvetljavajuci cestitiku - poklon od Manje.
NOT FOR THE WORLD could xmas holidays pass without adding some glow to the home. No matter I got that it's that time of the year pretty late, it took me only 15 minutes this Saturday morning to make a twist. Since our little plastic xmas tree got lost somewere when we were moving, I used what I had so Vitra algue became our new tree and a ball of lights put in a glass bowl became the spirit central. Especially when I added this note, a gift from Manja.
Make Your Wish

ZNATE ZA HERMES modnu kucu? Onaj predivni logo i magicna Birkin bag (nazvana po Jane Birkin, mami Charlotte Gainsbourg)? Od kada sam prvi put otisla na Hermès sajt jos vise mi je legla cela pompa oko svega toga. Nekako je olicenje dobre tradicije i trajne inspiracije koju dele na pravi nacin. Po stoti put aktuelan segment sajta World of Hermès je za mene 2 notebooks for 3 wishes. Ponovo je vreme za zelje.
Baronesa Nica de Koeningswarter je u dvema crvenim koznim Hermès sveskama zabelezila po 3 zelje 300 jazz muzicara koje je sretala u njujorskim klubovima 50-ih godina. Svakom odgovoru je pridruzena Polaroid fotka muzicara. I to izgleda ovako:

YOU KNOW HERMÈS? That adorable logo and that magic Birkin bag (named after Jane Birkin, Charlotte Gainsbourg's mom)? Since I've seen Hermès web site for the first time I got that buzz even more precise. It's all good tradition, intelectual, smart, simple, comfy, combined with inspiration they share. And for a 100th time I'm charmed by this segment called 2 notebooks for 3 wishes from World of Hermès. It's the wishing season again.
Back in the 50's, Baroness Nica de Koeningswarter made a collection of 300 jazz musicians' wishes in her two red leathered Hermès notebooks. Following the answer there is a Polaroid photo of the musician that she made on the occasion. Here's what it looks like:
see images
26. 12. 2008.
KUPILA SAM SEBI za Novu godinu ovaj crni ASA Fusion set koji sam jaaako dugo merkala. Kvalitetan, porcelanski, moze i u rernu i u friz. Kao od kamena, zapravo, kad se pokvase osecaj je kao kada na plazi pokvasis kamen da vidis kakva mu je prava boja pa te kao bonus iznenadjenje saceka ta specificna tekstura. Puderasta, puterasta, susi se onako specificno, kao da ima neku spopstvenu finu masnocu sa koje voda lagano sklizne i pojavi se istinska povrsina kamena. Mat finish, iznutra bele, sjajne. U setu su ova cetiri komada, tanjir, siroka plitka cinija, niza sira solja i visa, uska.

Setovi se proizvode u 6 boja. Ove jarko zelene me podsecaju na one ASA letnje casice u milion pastelnih tonova kojih vise nema u prodavnicama. One koje je i LaTartineGourmande koristila za svoje kuhinjske carolije.

I onda, kad smo kod kremastih poslastica u finim pocelanskim posudicama, dolazimo do Crème Brûlée-a.
U svom izmenjenom rezimu zivota i ishrane prirodno sam se odrekla razne klope koja mi ne prija, ali mestimicna patnja za Crème Brûlée-om se uporno ponavlja u trenucima kada telo trazi ono sto se tamo negde zove comfort food. Hrana koja greje dusu. I odlucila sam da sacuvam magiju omiljenog dezerta i cuvam ga samo za specijalne prilike. Najnoviji sam jela na veceri u Zapletu - svecanoj reprizi mog premijernog Crème Brûlée-a u Pastisu, NYC. Hm, mozda mi je upravo zbog toga tako drag... Pre Zapleta, uz set za spravljanje Crème Brûlée-a sam dobila i svoju rodjendansku porciju u gostima kod Jene i Mateja. Eto, recimo da mi je mera... ± tri godisnje. Kad odemo kod Irene u Tokio, obelezicu teritoriju smazavsi jedan sa originalnim japanskim tvistom - Macha Crème Brûlée.
....................................................................................................I BOUGHT MYSELF this black ASA Fusion dishware set that I've been checking out for ages now. Quality porcelain, can be put in the oven and in the freezer. Feels like it's made of fine stone, in fact the feeling's like when you find a pebble on the beach and dip in the the water to see it's real color and then get surprised with that specific texture change. Powdery, buttery, dries out in that specific way, like it has some kind of fine inner greasiness that makes water slide down and reveals the true surface. Matte finish, white and glossy inside. The set contains four pieces - a plate, broad bowl, shorter and wider cup and a taller one. These sets are made in six different colors. These bright ones remind me of those summery little cups that come in a million pastel tones. Those LaTartineGourmande uses for her kitchen goodnesses.
see imagesAnd then, speaking of cremes in fine porcelain cups, we come to Crème Brûlée.
In my altered way of living and eating, I gave up all those types of food that I find bad for me, but this time to time craving for Crème Brûlée is sticking with me appearing in times when a body needs what is called comfort food. The food that warms up your soul. So I decided to keep my dear dessert's magic saving it for special occasions only. The latest one I've had in Zaplet, on that exclusive remebrance to my very first Crème Brûlée form Pastis, NYC. Oh, maybe that's why I like it so much... And before Zaplet I got my bday portion along with my personal make-your-own-Crème -Brûlée set form Jena and Matej in Ljubljana. So I guess that the amount needed... ± three a year. And when we get to Tokyo, I'll mark the territory by munching one with local twist like Macha Crème Brûlée.

Setovi se proizvode u 6 boja. Ove jarko zelene me podsecaju na one ASA letnje casice u milion pastelnih tonova kojih vise nema u prodavnicama. One koje je i LaTartineGourmande koristila za svoje kuhinjske carolije.

I onda, kad smo kod kremastih poslastica u finim pocelanskim posudicama, dolazimo do Crème Brûlée-a.

....................................................................................................I BOUGHT MYSELF this black ASA Fusion dishware set that I've been checking out for ages now. Quality porcelain, can be put in the oven and in the freezer. Feels like it's made of fine stone, in fact the feeling's like when you find a pebble on the beach and dip in the the water to see it's real color and then get surprised with that specific texture change. Powdery, buttery, dries out in that specific way, like it has some kind of fine inner greasiness that makes water slide down and reveals the true surface. Matte finish, white and glossy inside. The set contains four pieces - a plate, broad bowl, shorter and wider cup and a taller one. These sets are made in six different colors. These bright ones remind me of those summery little cups that come in a million pastel tones. Those LaTartineGourmande uses for her kitchen goodnesses.
see imagesAnd then, speaking of cremes in fine porcelain cups, we come to Crème Brûlée.
In my altered way of living and eating, I gave up all those types of food that I find bad for me, but this time to time craving for Crème Brûlée is sticking with me appearing in times when a body needs what is called comfort food. The food that warms up your soul. So I decided to keep my dear dessert's magic saving it for special occasions only. The latest one I've had in Zaplet, on that exclusive remebrance to my very first Crème Brûlée form Pastis, NYC. Oh, maybe that's why I like it so much... And before Zaplet I got my bday portion along with my personal make-your-own-Crème -Brûlée set form Jena and Matej in Ljubljana. So I guess that the amount needed... ± three a year. And when we get to Tokyo, I'll mark the territory by munching one with local twist like Macha Crème Brûlée.
One Perfect Compact

OVAKO NESTO, ali ni blizu ovako pametno sam pre nekog vremena skicirala za sebe. Toaletni stocic, multifunkcionalni, sklopivi, sa ogledalom u poklopcu, unutra neka podela na polja razlicite velicine, stoji pod prozorom u spavacoj sobi, na njemu laptop, projektujem slova, sklapam blogic i gledam kroz prozor. Otrcano? Ma neeee...
Kao sto Sofia Coppola pravi filmove kakve bih ja pravila pa ne moram da ih pravim jer, eto, postoje, tako je nekako iz sajber dubina isplivao i ovaj perfektni toaletni stocic koji se zove Compact.

To sa mnom i toaletnim stocicima ima korene... u periodu kada devojcice imaju barbike ja sam kao nadgradnju u jednom trenutku odbila taj neki magicni toaletni stocic, veliko ogledalo (parce folije zalepljeno za debelu plastiku koje daje samo jaaako mutan odraz), tri fioke sa desne strane, funkcionalne, nisu izlivene u komadu i nepokretne. Cini mi se u paketu dobijao i nekakav set mini plasticne kozmetike, ali je sam stocic bio daleko veci utisak od svega ostalog ukljucujuci i barbiku herself.
A ovaj, pravi pravcijati, koji je smislila i proizvela Laura McCusker, ima upravo i trunku tog neceg iz detinjstva, zapravo iz vrtica, podseca na one debeljuskaste zaobljene drvene stolice koje su dizajnirane tako da je mogucnost povredjivanja svedena na minimum. I sve to upakovano u ovaj perfektni stocic za sminkanje - zenski mini univerzum.
SOMETHING LIKE THIS, but not nearly this smart I sketched some time ago for myself but never got to produce it. Makeup table, multifunctional, foldable, with a mirror inside the cover, standing under the bedroom window, laptop on it, I'm making my new typeface, putting this little blog of mine together, looking out the window. Corny? Naaaah....
And just like Sofia Coppola makes movies that I'd like to make, so because she's making them I don't have to, out of vast depths of cyber space there came this ultimate makeup table called Compact.
There's this thing I have with makeup tables, it goes way back... when I was in that period every girl must have a Barbie doll, I got this incredible makeup table for my Barbie. I don't even remember all the things I got in a box, all those mini plastic cosmetics, I don't even remember the doll itself, but I have this impeccable memory of that makeup table, with that big mirror (a piece of silver foil glued to a piece of chunky plastic), three drawers down by her feet on the right, movable, not some fake ones.
And this, real deal piece of heaven, designed and produced by Laura McCusker, has just a hint of exactly that vibe - kindergarten, reminds me of those little chunky rounded chairs made of wood and designed to minimize any chance of small kids getting hurt. And all that inside this perfect makeup table - a girl's mini universe.
21. 12. 2008.
Throwaway Honored

ili: Svakodnevna Estitika, u originalu Estetico Quotidiano, linija proizvoda italijanske firme Seletti je kao nekakav omaz svakodnevnom, ambalazi za jednokratnu upotrebu. Tako su po modelu obicnih plasticnih flasa izlili iste takve od stakla, casica sa stapicem u kojoj automat servira kafu je takodje izlivena od stakla i pretenduje da postane omiljena soljica za espreso, u ravni Bodum favorita.
Ali, najfascinantniji komad u ovoj kolekciji je za mene svakako porcelansko postolje za kolace na kome, jedan iznad drugog stoje onaj meki alu tanjir i kartonski tanjiric. Znate onaj sa skoljkastim uglovima? Savrsen za serviranje onih divnih ratluk kuglica od Zlate... O tome uskoro.
or: Daily Aesthetics, in fact Estetico Quotidiano, is a line of products by Italian brand Seletti and it is some kind of an hommage to everyday disposable packaging. Plain plastic bottles made out of glass are not that plain anymore, and that little cup with small spatula for spoon that the machine serves your coffee in is now ready to become your favorite glass espresso cup in range of those incredible Bodum ones.
But for me, the most fascinating item from the collection is this porcelain cakestand made of the two trays, the lower one made after that soft aluminum one, and the upper one after that lovely small carton cake plate. You know, the one with shell-like corners. It is perfect for serving those Turkish Delight Rose Balls that Zlata makes... To be continued.
Windy Trinity
MNOGO VOLIM vetar u Beogradu. Jak je i hladan i lako ga je nevoleti, ali meni je uvek vaznije to sto je to prava gradska promaja, ozbiljno nezamenljivo provetravanje. Ako je vetar prejak cak ni nos ne moze da bude slobodan jer udari vetra budu tako jaki da ne moze da se udahne. Tada su na vetru samo oci i to je jedna od cudnijih iako diskretnih interakcija tela i prirode - kada udari vetra savijaju trepavice. Osecaj zanimljiv kao kada kisica sitno rominja pa kozi i stvara osecaj kao kad krv pocinje da se vraca u utrnule ekstermitete.
Gvint je samo u tome da se umufujete, ususkate tako da mozete da uzivate. A onda, kada se raspakujete u zasticenom prostoru nahranite kozu. Posle svega, vratila sam se na Hauschka divote. I evo trojstva ili trilinga za posle kosave:

1. Neem Nail Oil Pen, 2. Hand Cream, 3. Lip Balm
I LOVE WIND in Belgrade. It is very strong and cold and it's easy not to love it, but I always think of it as the ultimate city draft, real true airing. If the wind's too cold not even your nose can be exposed because the strokes are so strong you can't breathe properly. At times like that only your eyes are peeping and that's when this strange interaction happens - wind blasts that bend eyelashes. Strange like when rain on your skin reminds of blood getting its way back to your numb limbs.
The key is to get yourself properly muffed so you can injoy all this. And after you're unpacked, nourish you dear skin. After all the wanderings I'm back to Hauschka goodnesses and here is my Windy Trinity:
1. Neem Nail Oil Pen, 2. Hand Cream, 3. Lip Balm
Gvint je samo u tome da se umufujete, ususkate tako da mozete da uzivate. A onda, kada se raspakujete u zasticenom prostoru nahranite kozu. Posle svega, vratila sam se na Hauschka divote. I evo trojstva ili trilinga za posle kosave:

1. Neem Nail Oil Pen, 2. Hand Cream, 3. Lip Balm
I LOVE WIND in Belgrade. It is very strong and cold and it's easy not to love it, but I always think of it as the ultimate city draft, real true airing. If the wind's too cold not even your nose can be exposed because the strokes are so strong you can't breathe properly. At times like that only your eyes are peeping and that's when this strange interaction happens - wind blasts that bend eyelashes. Strange like when rain on your skin reminds of blood getting its way back to your numb limbs.
The key is to get yourself properly muffed so you can injoy all this. And after you're unpacked, nourish you dear skin. After all the wanderings I'm back to Hauschka goodnesses and here is my Windy Trinity:
1. Neem Nail Oil Pen, 2. Hand Cream, 3. Lip Balm
20. 12. 2008.
Kawaii Religion

Sanjay Patel je animator i storyboard artist koji radi za Pixar i koji je ovom knjigicom predstavio vise od 100 Hindu bozanstava praveci crossover izmedju tradicije i Powerpuff Girls. Na malom sajtu posvecenom ovoj knjizi pronaci cete i skice na kojima se posebno moze prepoznati duh PPG. Slikovnica sa zanimljivim kompaktnim opisom bozanstva i flah stilizovanim prikazom pri cemu su i najvece zlice slatke, preslatke. Upravo my type of twist. Obrazovanje metodom Just a spoonfull of sugar helps the medicine go down (in the most delightful way). Znate, Meri Popins?

THE LITTLE BOOK of Hindu Deities is not a new book. It is not even new on my Amazon Wish List. And it is finally in my Amazon Cart.
Sanjay Patel is the animator and storyboard artist that work for Pixar. In this little book he presented us with more than a hundred of Hindu Gods making a crossover between tradition and Powerpuff Girls. On this little web site dedicated to this book you'll find some sketches where PPG spirit is especially vivid. The picture book contains spreads with compact description of a God and this cute illustrated image of the same God. Even the badest of them are too cute to fear. Exactly my type of twist. Education using Just a spoonfull of sugar helps the medicine go down (in the most delightful way) method. You know, Marry Poppins?
3 Sized Muse

ZA XMAS, Jonathan Adler je izbacio novu seriju Muse sveca koje su sada dobile i svoju mini verziju i veeeliku - Muse Monumental. Bele su moj pick, mirisu na sveze ubrano cvece. Porcelanske vazice prosvetljene iznutra pojacavaju magiju stilizacije lica Dore Maar (Teodore Markovic, Pikasove muze). A onda, kada se istrosi, postaje savrsena vaza za bozure, hrizanteme ili neko slicno pufnasto cvece koje ce joj praviti kosu ili misli.

To smo nas dve, Marija i ja, ocarane u Jonathan Adler prodavnici u Sohou. Muse sveca je jedna od tri stvari koje nisam kupila u Njujorku i jos uvek patim. Pored nje, Nixon Small Player rucni sat, onaj ljubicasto zlatni, sa dijamantom i jednu I♥NY majicu.
FOR THIS XMAS, Jonathan Adler made a fresh bunch of Muse candles that now have their mini version as well as this real big one called Muse Monumental. The white ones are my pick, they smell of frsh cut flowers.
Bele su moj pick, mirisu na sveze ubrano cvece. Porcelain vessels augment the magic of stylized face of Dora Maar (Teodora Markovic, Picasso's muse). And when it is burned out your porcelain loveliness turns into this pretty vase for poenies, chrisantemums or any other fluffy flowers that'll make her hair or picture her thoughts.
And on the other image, the two of us, Marija and me, dazzled in Jonathan Adler Soho store. Muse candle is one of the three things is still regret not buying in NYC. The other two are that Nixon Small Player wrist watch, the one in purple/antique gold, with diamond and one I♥NY T-shirt.
19. 12. 2008.
Blast Routine!
DAKLE OVAKO se djuska. Beyonce - Put a Ring On It. Ovo je koreografija koju moram da gledam stojeci. Stomak mi poskakuje i 'vatam korake u hodu. God only knows koliko rada stoji iza ovoga... Ovako sam bila fascinirana predhodnim hit spotom za pesmu sa proslog albuma Get Me Bodied, koja je malo vise cudna, akrobatska i blesava, i sa perfektno odabranim lead plesacem - pravi muski vibe. A onda i Justinovom koreografijom za My Love, malo muskiji robo moves, ali kao i u aktuelnom spotu Beyonce, crno belo sa katovima i brejkovima i sto je super fun - sa vencavanjima ^_^. Trebalo je da budem plesacica. Ah, could've, would've, should've...
SO HERE'S how you dance. Beyonce - Put a Ring On It. This is the routine I have to watch standing. My stomach shivering and catching the moves as they go. God only knows how much work is behind all that... This is how excited I was when the video for Get Me Bodied from Beyonce's previous release came out. More of a quirky, strange, somewhat acrobatic routine, with this perfectly picked lead dancer - a real man's man. And another crazy perfect routine is the one from Justin's My Love, boys' robo moves with all those cuts and breaks, all packed into black and white video just like this fresh one from Beyonce. And one more silly thing these two have in common - they're both about getting merried ^ _ ^. I should've been a dancer. Ah, could've, would've, should've...
18. 12. 2008.
Pixel Ethno
DANAS JE skinuta postavka koja je protekle dve nedelje bljestala u Beoizlogu. Bio je to veliki pikselizovani srpski klechani etno motiv (osnov paterna sa druge slike u ovom dole sledu), nastao stilizacijom sare sa ponjave iz 19. veka. Ova velika pixel sara napravljena je slaganjem velikog broja LAMY noto olovaka koje je dizajnirao Naoto Fukasawa i predstavlja prezentaciju ove firme koja je svoj dolazak u Srbiju proslavila lansiranjem ogranicenje serije Lamy noto olovaka. Evo, pogledajte ovde kako je to izgledalo da ne blebecem u prazno.
Obavezno zumirajte da procitate o svakoj od shara, kako je nastala i tako to. Jedino sto mi ovde nije jasno je KO je koncipirao samu kampanju, ko je proizveo te sare, razglednice i veliki zid od hemijskih olovaka. Svejedno, uzivajte. Lepe su i za desktop. Preporucujem. Narocito ovu crnu, stedi energiju.
Uvek se trudim da istaknem dobro, a konstatujem ali ne pricam o losem, ali u ovom slucaju sam toliko odusevljena idejom, pixel sarama - srpskim etno motivima, samom prezentacijom u Beoizlogu, da moram da pomenem da sam jako razocarana samom hemijskom. Ovom limited edition. Ako je neko sucker za limited editions, to sam ja ali ovo je... pih. Sve sto su preokrenuli sa sarom i velikim izlogom uprskali su sa tom hemijskom koja je trebala da bude kruna cele promocije. Ova kombinacija crno i metalik... joooj. A sama Lamy noto hemijska je lepa, ove jednobojne, trouglaste u preseku... rado bih se navikla na njih kao jeftini default umesto onih grooooznih providnih plasticnih.
Tako, nazalost ovog puta samo jedan thumb up.
UNTIL TODAY we've had a chance to enjoy this large scale pixel ethno pattern made of Lamy noto pens and installed in Beoizlog window here in Belgrade. This is the promotion the company made to announce their coming to this market and here's how it looked. The starring pattern (the image second from the top) is a stylization of this old Serbian woven illumination dating back in 19th century.
What I couldn't figure out and tried to find in all of the printed material and on their web site also is WHO made this presentation concept, who desihned all this and thought of making this huge pattern out of hundreds of noto pens. Anyway, enjoy the images. They're also nice for your desktop. I reccomend the highly. Especially this black one, saves energy, too.
I always try to point out the good thing happening and note but not talk much of the bad ones, but this time I'm so impressed with this idea of making our old textile motifs into pixel patterns and this window display, that I must say I'm pretty dissapoited in this pen that should've been the star of the promotion. This last one in a row is the poorest one. This is a limited edition pen, and you should know I'm the biggest sucker for limited editions. I should get treated for that. But this one... it's just a big dissapointment. It's just another ugly designed aplication of this beautiful design in great vivid colors that woked everywhere else except on star product. Having all these clean unicolored pens and chosing the black and metalic one to be the special one... oh what a mistake. And those Lamy noto pens, they nice, matte, triangular... I'd love to see them dragging round tables in my office or in banks instead of these current default ones, that ugly transparent plastic and all, you know them...
So, this time, only one thumb up.
Obavezno zumirajte da procitate o svakoj od shara, kako je nastala i tako to. Jedino sto mi ovde nije jasno je KO je koncipirao samu kampanju, ko je proizveo te sare, razglednice i veliki zid od hemijskih olovaka. Svejedno, uzivajte. Lepe su i za desktop. Preporucujem. Narocito ovu crnu, stedi energiju.

Uvek se trudim da istaknem dobro, a konstatujem ali ne pricam o losem, ali u ovom slucaju sam toliko odusevljena idejom, pixel sarama - srpskim etno motivima, samom prezentacijom u Beoizlogu, da moram da pomenem da sam jako razocarana samom hemijskom. Ovom limited edition. Ako je neko sucker za limited editions, to sam ja ali ovo je... pih. Sve sto su preokrenuli sa sarom i velikim izlogom uprskali su sa tom hemijskom koja je trebala da bude kruna cele promocije. Ova kombinacija crno i metalik... joooj. A sama Lamy noto hemijska je lepa, ove jednobojne, trouglaste u preseku... rado bih se navikla na njih kao jeftini default umesto onih grooooznih providnih plasticnih.
Tako, nazalost ovog puta samo jedan thumb up.

UNTIL TODAY we've had a chance to enjoy this large scale pixel ethno pattern made of Lamy noto pens and installed in Beoizlog window here in Belgrade. This is the promotion the company made to announce their coming to this market and here's how it looked. The starring pattern (the image second from the top) is a stylization of this old Serbian woven illumination dating back in 19th century.
What I couldn't figure out and tried to find in all of the printed material and on their web site also is WHO made this presentation concept, who desihned all this and thought of making this huge pattern out of hundreds of noto pens. Anyway, enjoy the images. They're also nice for your desktop. I reccomend the highly. Especially this black one, saves energy, too.
I always try to point out the good thing happening and note but not talk much of the bad ones, but this time I'm so impressed with this idea of making our old textile motifs into pixel patterns and this window display, that I must say I'm pretty dissapoited in this pen that should've been the star of the promotion. This last one in a row is the poorest one. This is a limited edition pen, and you should know I'm the biggest sucker for limited editions. I should get treated for that. But this one... it's just a big dissapointment. It's just another ugly designed aplication of this beautiful design in great vivid colors that woked everywhere else except on star product. Having all these clean unicolored pens and chosing the black and metalic one to be the special one... oh what a mistake. And those Lamy noto pens, they nice, matte, triangular... I'd love to see them dragging round tables in my office or in banks instead of these current default ones, that ugly transparent plastic and all, you know them...
So, this time, only one thumb up.
17. 12. 2008.
Three Letters Make a Snowfall

ILI U ORIGINALU - Djir u snegu, zapravo Đir u snegu, primorana sam da promenim tastaturu ovog puta. Za one koji ne znaju, đir je lichka rec za krug (Lika, Hrvatska, you know).
Od slova đ, i, r iz mog fonta ITC Aram napravila sam zimski patern. Rec đir pravi đir i tako stvara tipografsku sneznu noc.
U prirodnoj velicini 70 × 100 cm, mozete ga videti do 23.12. u paviljonu Cvijeta Zuzoric na izlozbi nastavnika i saradnika Fakulteta primenjenih umetnosti postavljenoj povodom jubileja - 60 godina od osnivanja Fakulteta.
THE ORIGINAL TITLE would be Đir in the Snow. Đir is another word for Circle where my mom's parents are from, and that is Lika, Croatia. So, using these three letters from my font, ITC Aram, I made this pattern as a part of my font presentation on the exhibition opened last night in Belgrade. It is the exhibition celebrating the 60th anniversary of Belgrade's Faculty of Applied Arts and each teacher is presented with two of their works. I'm there with Aram.
16. 12. 2008.
Ah, Lab Partners...

SVE STO JE IZASLO iz radionice Lab Partners je diiiiiivno! Pre nekoliko dana su nam pokazali novogodisnji promo njihove firme Hatch - to je mrdajuci sklopivi dzoker. Debos, zlatna, sare, taman retro. Pa jos uslikano ispred njihovog sanfranciskanskog exposed brick wall-a.
I to taman kada sam se jedva opasuljila od loveliness udara kada sam videla njihov ranodecembarski cetvorobojni Gocco print Queen. I njenog parnjaka - sliku You Have Something In Your Hair. Evo ih zajedno. Dearies.

Svoju insipaciju love po buvljacima. Tako je nastala i serija slika Hunt&Gather od kojih mnoge jos uvek mozete kupiti. Ono sto je posebno divno je to sto svaka slicica ima recenicu koja je prati. Kao recenice iz neke stare, tanjusne, slucajno pronadjene knjigice. A boje... beige, roza, zuta, crna, i tu i tamo tamnije roza, neka ciklama.

Evo i svih 20 u njihovom flickr stream-u. Lab Partners rule!
EVERYTHING THAT comes out of Lab Partners' Lab is just adorable! A few days ago they presented us this crazy wonderful New Year promo they made for their lovely firm called Hatch. This is ready to assemble Joker with all the favs - deboss, gold, patterns, just right amount of retro. And above all that, photographed in front of their san franciscan exposed brick wall.
And exactly when I finally got over from that loveliness stroke I experienced when I saw their early December fur color Gocco print Queen. And her alter ego - painting named You Have Something In Your Hair. Here they are together. Dearies.
They collect the insipiration on flea markets. That is exactly how the Hunt&Gather painting series that you still can buy. What is especially precious about them is that they all have an accompanying line describing them perfectly. Like some short sentencies from an old thin little book they bumped into. And colors... beige, pink, yellow, black, and here and there and only when needed this deeper pink, something like beets.
Here are all 20 of them in their flickr stream. Lab Partners rule!
The End of Rodney Smith

UPRAVO MI JE pristigao mail koji najavljuje knjigu fotografija Rodneyja Smitha THE END (Is Just the Beginning) koju za fanove pusta u pretprodaju i koja ce se pojaviti sva spektakularna u maju 09. To je isti onaj koga sam pomenula pre neki dan sa onom porcelanskom fotkom.
Evo nekih fotki iz serije fotki Leaps and Bounds koju je radio 2007. za NYMag. Sa podnaslovom The best thing to do in a suit is to take yourself less seriously. Poruka na mestu za bankare, politicare i sve te well suited ljude.

first seen in fashion.inspiration flickr photo stream
I JUST GOT AN email announcing the book of photos by Rodney Smith THE END (Is Just the Beginning) that he's offering for an early purchase. The book, all spectacular will be published in May 2009. This is the guy I mentioned a few days ago, you know that porcelain photo.
Here are some of the photos from the series Leaps and Bounds he made for NYMag back in 2007. Underlined with The best thing to do in a suit is to take yourself less seriously. One proper note to bankars, politicians and all those well suited guys.
15. 12. 2008.

UPRAVO OVAKO bi izgledala naslovna strana mog albuma.
Berry je bila u Bgdu, a ja od sumanuto previse posla nisam uspela da odem. All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl, znam, znam... Divna je muzika, nesto je porede sa Feist, ali mene daleko vise podseca na sve one moje omiljene francuske smizle sa Francoise Hardy na celu. Vedrija nego Charlotte Gainsbourgh pa sad imam po malo francuske muzike za razne nijanse raspolozenja.
Evo muzicke ilustracije, slusajte Le Bonheur dok gledate listate moj blogic ^ _ ^

I upravo u tom raspolozenju iskrsne mi ovaj apsolutno appropriate Polaroid kalendar Alicie Bock. Sad su me uhvatili pundravci da i ja tako nesto priredim od gomile divota nagomilanih tokom ove godine...
THIS IS EXACTLY how the cover for my album would look like.
Berry played here in Belgrade a few days ago and I was in such a crazy mess with all the work I have I couldn't make it to go to the concert. I know, I know - All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl... This music is so lovely, some are comparing her to Feist but she reminds me far more of those lovely Frenchies like Francoise Hardy. She's more carefree than Charlotte Gainsbourgh so now I have a little bit of French music for all of the shades of my winter moods. Here's the illustration for you to listen in the background while browsing through this blog of mine ^ _ ^
And feeling like this I came across this absolutely appropriate Polaroid calendar by Alicia Bock. Now I have this crazy urge to make something like this with all the lovely stuff pilled throughout this year...
14. 12. 2008.
My Peony Yoga Cards

NAJZAD SAM nasla sekund da sebi napravim joga instruktorske vizitke. Znala sam od pocetka da ce biti na onom perlicastom papiru sto imaju u Byzartu, da ce bozur biti u glavnoj ulozi, da ce EstiloScript biti oficijelni font i da ce coskici biti zaobljeni. Cvet sam nacrtala za pet sekundi gledajuci u neko parcence vintage tkanine.

Ipak, rezultati su me jaaaako obradovali, a narocito kako to lako i brzo bude fizicki proizvedeno. Zapravo sam nekako izvukla najbolje iz digitalne stampe i sve vreme sam razmisljala upravo u tom materijalu, znala sam sta su mi tehnicka ogranicenja, zadati opseg, savladala sam ga i napravila nesto sto prevazilazi obicnu stampanu stvar. Ima dusu, zvuci trulicasto ali je stvarno tako.

A kartice za evidenciju pohadjajucih djaka - isto to samo u drugom kolor kodu. Koliko se utisak promeni, cudo jedno.

I slag na tortu - ekskluzivni pecatic za evidenciju placanja na poledjini kartice joga ucenika. Mali automatski pecat koji sada ide svuda sa mnom. Velicine karmina. Promera nesto vise od 1cm, taman.

Eto, spremila sam i vizitke, sada samo da okupim grupu i krenem sa casovima. Samo.
SO I FINALLY found a sec to design my own yoga instructor's business cards. From the very beginning I knew I'd print these on this pearly paper, that the starring role wound be a peony, that the official font would be EstiloScript and the corners would be rounded. So I drew this flower in no time inspired by this small piece of vintage cloth with a peony print on it.
Even though I knew and planned all of this, I was so surprised when I saw these printed. I got the best of digital print, knew the technical limitations and thought it out keeping all of that in mind. I overpowered the machinery and got these little magical cards. Sound corny but they really are. Magical, not corny.
And then, members' cards - all the same but totally different. The turn made with the new color code. Incredible.
And the ultimate detail - my very own little personal stamp. It is a small automatic stamp, size of a lipstick, very easy to tag along.
There I go, the business cards ready, member cards also, now all I have to do is gather a group of my yoga students and start with the classes. That's all. A piece of cake.
11. 12. 2008.
Telenor Calendar

UPRAVO SMO SE vratili sa promocije Telenorovog kalendara za 2009. godinu. Dizajn: hubby Orsolic. Dva Telenorova drustveno odgovorna projekta - Pokreni grad, murali mladih umetnika sirom Srbije i Art2SitOn - betonske klupe rastrkane po gradu (Beogradu), prepakovana su tako da zive u formi kalendara jednako snazno kao na ogromnim fasadama.
Recikliran papir i talasasta lepenka spakovani u kalendar, pa sve to butnuto u crnu platnenu torbu (v.sl.3) koju vec od sutra nosam na ramenu. Staju mi u nju sve stvari plus laptop u sleevu pa sve to na rame. Perfect za commuting.
Sada jedva cekam izvodjenje Igorovog murala u Novom Pazaru. Slepacu se kao svita, to moram da vidim u nastajanju.
WE JUST CAME BACK from Telenor's 2009 Calendar promotion. Calendar designed by: hubby Orsolic. Young artists' works from the two of Telenor's socially responsible projects continue to live in this totally different media. Recycled paper printed into a calendar and put into this big black cotton bag to use throughout the year. Now I'm armed to proudly refuse plastic bags at the groceries. Big enough to fit all my daily necessities AND a sleeved laptop. Commuting perfect.
The next big thing - Igor making his mural in Novi Pazar. I just have to mingle in and see that one happening.
8. 12. 2008.
Sensa Wish List

OVIH DANA je izasao decembarski broj casopisa Sensa. Draga Zana Poliakov me je pozvala da ponovo napravim listu zelja, ovoga puta NOVOGODISNJU! Zar je vec vreme!?
Dakle, prvo divna Mihina fotka za spektakularni pocetak i sest knjiga koje vam predlazem za okretanje novog lista.

A onda, moja omiljena strana, DOMACA RADINOST. Nasi dragi dizajneri sa raznim handmade divotama. A koliko su tek svi bili fini za saradnju... Biznis+pleasure live!
I naspram, originalna varijanta strane 1. janur, jutro. Sponzori su me isekli u poslednjem trenutku, tako da ovde prakticno ekskluzivno imate privilegiju da vidite celu celcijatu stranu.

I onda, prvi put da je nesto sto je originalno napravljeno za ovaj moj mali blog postalo strana u novinama.
Zumirajte i procitajte sve fino detaljno, ili, jos bolje, kupite papirnu verziju Sense.
A FEW DAYS AGO Sensa magazine's December issue came out. Dear Zana Poliakov asked me to make another Wish list, this time New Year's! Is it time already!?
So first of all Miha's photo for a spectacular beginning where I'm suggesting books to turn over a new leaf
see image
And then, my favorite page, HOMEMADE, presenting works of our designers in various crafts. And they were all so dear and easy to work with... Business+pleasure live!
And on the other side, the original version of January 1st, morning. Sponsors cut me a bit at the last moment so this is and absolute exclusive view of the whole integral page.
see image
And then, finally, something that was originally made for this little blog of mine and for the first time turned into a printed page. Love the feeling!
see image
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