ilu via cpn
Vec pet godina u ovo vreme u beogradskom Kluzu desava se Festival nauke. Ove godine naucnici su se razmileli i po obliznjim zgradama.
3 dana, 4 lokacije i 6 programskih celina, sve vece interesovanje medija, buzz se siri vec par nedelja. Kluz svetli blestavije nego ikad, neonska svetla i sveze ofabrani zidovi. Ili ja nosim nevidljive happy naocari?
Evo jedne bistre serije plakata koju je britanski dizajner Simon C Page kreirao povodom ovogodisnje medjunarodne godine hemije. Svaki od plakata posvecen je jednom hemicaru ili vaznom otkricu. Celu seriju pogledajte na Sajmonovom sajtu ili Behance-u, ove je samo par meni na oko najdrazih.

Atomise (John Dalton)
Dalton (6 September 1766 – 27 July 1844) was an English chemist and
physicist; professor of mathematics and natural philosophy (1793);
developed atomic theory; his theory (1805) accounts for the law of
conservation of mass, law of definite proportions and law of multiple
proportions; produced the first table of atomic weights; colour-blind
and mostly self-taught.

Elements (Dmitri Mendeleev)
Ivanovich Mendeleev (8 February 1834 – 2 February 1907) was a Russian
chemist and inventor. He made a number of important contributions but is
famously credited as being the creator of the first version of the
periodic table of elements. Using the table, he predicted the properties
of elements yet to be discovered. Element number 101, the radioactive
mendelevium, was later named after him.

Substance (Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier)
Lavoisier was born in 1743. He studied mathematics and astronomy with
Nicolas de Lacaille (1713-1762), chemistry with Guillaume-François
Rouelle (1703-1770) and botany with Bernard de Jussieu (1699-1777) at
the Collège Mazarin. From 1763-1767 he studied geology under Jean
Etienne Guettard (1715-1786). He was one of the best known French
scientists and an important government official. His theories of
combustion, and his development of a new system of chemical nomenclature
and the first modern textbook of chemistry led to his being known as
the father of modern chemistry. As a scientist, Lavoisier demonstrated
the nature of combustion, disproving the phlogiston theory. He also
proposed the name "oxygen" for the substance previously known as
"dephilogisticated air," and laid the framework for understanding
chemical reactions as combinations of elements to form new materials.
I jos, da li ste bacili pogled na sajt Centra za promociju nauke? Zgodan, zabavan, dinamican dizajn, a sada cu da se pozabavim i sadrzajem. Ubacila sam ih upravo u svoje Google Reader based dnevne novine.
Eto. Happy days za brain cells!
Behance sajt! Toooo.
ОдговориИзбришиOd postera odmah stavljam na stenu Substance. Toliko značenja i simple and atractive look.
ОдговориИзбришиnisam stigla ove godine. Deam me.
nemoj posle da kazes da te nisam podsetila i ove godine ;)
ОдговориИзбришиtoliko sam OUT da sam i kod tebe zakasnila... evo stidim se u coshku. sledece godine cu da mazim i onog belog misha za kaznu! i za srecu :)