
Pre skoro godinu dana izgubili smo Djordja Zivkovica, profesora kaligrafije na Fakultetu primenjenih umetnosti. Bilo je neopisivo dirljivo koliko je voleo da radi sa studentima i koliku mu je cast i zadovoljstvo pricinjavalo angazovanje na Fakultetu.
Pred pocetak ove skolske godine, razmisljala sam kako cu modelovati program, odnosno, sta ce treca godina, koja je moje omiljeno igraliste, ove godine imati za temu kljucnog zadatka. Shvatila sam da mi je neohodno da taj veliki zadatak, na kome radimo ceo drugi semestar, bude posvecen Djordju.
I, na kraju godine, evo sta smo napravili. Slovni Tattoo Kalendar ima 52 strane sa 52 studentska rada. To je nedeljni zidni kalendar, sa imaginarnim tetovazama koje ispisuju citate vredne pamcenja.

Proces je isao ovako: odabrala sam citavu gomilicu velikih misli velikih stvaralaca, preveli smo ih na srpski. Pisemo ih cirilicom, razmisljamo o aplikaciji na telo. Zamisljamo da pravimo tetovazu. Oslanjamo se na ono sto znamo o tetovazama, ali samo to sto koristimo cirilicu izbacuje nas iz uobicajenih okvira. Unapredjujemo ideju, dajemo joj licni twist, graficki je oplemenjujemo, ulecemo u prakticno neizvodljivo, arty i efektno. Trudimo se da forma prati sadrzinu. Zelimo da se ponosimo krajnjim rezultatom i da naredne skolske godine svake nedelje sa nestrpljenjem cepamo sledeci list i ponovo se obradujemo novom stranom naseg zajednickog zidnog kalendara. Na kraju osecamo pripadnost i kada podvucemo crtu - Djordje nas je zblizio.

Ovo je nekoliko strana iz tog naseg kolektivnog dela. Sve listove uzivo mozete gledati u prizemlju Zitomlina, na Mikseru koji traje do 29. maja. Posle toga, nadamo se da cemo biti stvarnicki otstampani u pristojnom tirazu i da cemo moci i da vas uputimo i u neku prodavnicu po svoj komad. To bi bilo krasno. Radimo na tome, sponzorstva su dobrodosla!


Napravili smo predivan kalendar u neopisivoj atmosferi zajednistva i poleta. Divno je bilo voditi ovaj poduhvat, za mene je ucinio sve ono sto sam trazila kada sam krenula da razmisljam o tome kako bi bilo divno napraviti nesto secajuci se Djordja. Kalendar je za mene napravio je ono sto amerikanci zovu closure, zatvoreno poglavlje koje donosi mir, a ne podrazumeva zaborav. Upravo suprotno.
Almost a year ago, we lost Djordje Zivkovic, Calligraphy Professor at the Faculty of Applied Arts. It was inexpressibly touching how much he enjoyed to work with students and the honor and pleasure he took in working at the Faculty.
Before this school year started, I was thinking about how to alter the program, that is, what will the third year students, being my favorite playground, have as their major assignment. I realized that I needed for this big task we'll be working on during the second semester, to be dedicated to Djordje.
And, at the end of this year, this is what we made. Slovni Tattoo Kalendar (Letter Tattoo Calendar) has 52 pages with 52 student works. This is a weekly wall calendar, with imaginary tattoos writing the quotes worth of remembering.
The process went like this: I have chosen a whole pile of thoughts by great authors, we translated them into Serbian. We write them in Cyrillic, think about application onto the body. We imagine that we are making a tattoo. We rely on what we know about tattoos, but only the fact that we are using Cyrillic places us outside common framework. We improve the idea, give a personal twist to it, enrich it graphically, end up in almost impossible, arty and effective. We try for the form to follow the content. We want to be proud of the final result and to impatiently remove each next page during the next year, and to be glad over and over again when we see a new page of our teamwork wall calendar. In the end we feel belonging even after we summarize - Djordje brought us closer.
These are only several pages of our collective work. All the pages you can see live in the ground floor of Zitomlin, on the Mixer lasting until May 29. After that, we hope that we will be printed for real in a decent number of copies and that we will be able to send you to some store to get your copy. That would be great. We are working on it, sponsorships are welcomed!
We made a beautiful calendar in indescribable atmosphere of collectiveness and enthusiasm. It was wonderful to lead this project, it did for me all that I asked for when I started to think about how wonderful it would be to make something while remembering Djordje. For me, the calendar was that thing the Americans call "closure", ending chapter that brings peace and does not include forgetting. Exactly the opposite.
ovo je predivno.
ОдговориИзбришиFenomenalno,zanimljivo,osvezava sa mislima koje samo treba neko da nas podseti. Bravo!!!!!
ОдговориИзбришиJao Janooo!!! Sjajno je, zaista! Super ideja, odlicna izvedba. Blago toj generaciji, zavidim im ozbiljno:)
ОдговориИзбришиpa i ja sam rekla BRAVO!!nekako je nestalo?!
ОдговориИзбришиBRAVOOOO!!<(*@*)> )~
Potpuno fenomenalno!