27. 7. 2009.

Toyota iQ type

KORISTECI TOYOTU iQ, dva tipografa, Pierre & Damien (zajedno
PLEASELETMEDESIGN) su uz pomoc pro vozaca Stefa van Campenhoudta i posebnog softvera koji je specijalno za ovu priliku napravio Zachary Lieberman, napravili font.

Ukratko, vozac vozi po putanjama koje su Pierre i Damien prethodno osmislili, a cetiri raznobojne tufne na ekstremima automobila su markeri koje programer koristi da ulovi tako dobijen potez koji cini slovo. Evo kako je izgledao proces.

font download
via HeavyBackpack

USING TOYOTA iQ, two typographers, Pierre & Damien (together PLEASELETMEDESIGN) along with the pro driver Stefa van Campenhoudta and special software that Zachary Lieberman made specially for this occasion, they made a font.

In short, the driver follows the paths previously thought out and drawn by Pierre and Damien, and four diffenetly colored dots placed on cars extremes are markers that the program sees as the descriptors for the letters. Here's how it all looks really.

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