Ok, sve scene iz Diznijeve Alise iz '51. su mi prakticno usadjene u DNK. Silni raspusti za nas sestoro klinaca iz familije prolazili su u ponovnim i ponovnim gledanjima ovog crtaca. Jezivo, zacudno, magicno privlacno, slatko, misteriozno... pravi materijal za update, upgrade, revival Tima Bartona.

Sudeci po par rendera koje su pustili u promet kao previews, a narocito sudeci po ovoj cvetnoj sceni All in the Golden Afternoon might really be golden... Drzim fige i jedva cekam da vidim, ali stara Alisa ostaje magicna sta god da nam prirede.
p.s. official trailer
I CAN'T WAIT for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland to be finished. The American premiere is planned for March 5th, 2010.
Ok, all the scenes from the original Disney's Alice dating back in '51. are practicaly engraved into my DNA. All those summer brakes for us six kids in the family went by watching this cartoon over and over again. Creepy, wonderous, magically appealing, sweet, misterious... a perfect material for Tim Burton's update, upgrade, revival.
Judging by these couple of previews they showed us as a sneek preview, and especially this flowery scene, All in the Golden Afternoon might really be golden... Crossing my fingers and can't wait to watch, but the original Alice stays magical whatever comes along the way.
p.s. official trailer
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