DIIIIIVAN DOMACI dizajn. Novosadski studio Peter Gregson za Manastir Sopocani. Bocice u dve velicine i teglice dizajnirane bas za ovu priliku. Etikete rucno ispisane kao i mnoge druge stvari koje izlaze iz ove radionice. Moj omiljeni primer je jelovnik restorana Fish&Zelenish u kome je kao saradnik na projektu ucestvovao Filip Bojovic / Fajn Hajp Agency. Kaze Trkulja na studijskom blogu da je jelovnik morao u reprint jer su svi primerci iz prve ture bili pokradeni! Apsolutno verujem i spremam se za odlazak u Novi Sad sa istim ciljem.
BEAUTIFUL HOMEMADE design. Studio Peter Gregson from Novi Sad, Serbia, designed yet another adorable package line, this time for Sopocani Monastery. Bottles in two sizes and little glass jars designed for this occasion only. Labels - handlettered, just like a whole bunch of stuff coming out of this workshop. My favorite is Fish&Zelenish menu, the project that involved Filip Bojovic from Fajn Hajp Agency. Trkulja, Peter Gregson's master mind blogged that the menu had to be reprinted because all the menus from the first circulation were stolen! I absloutely can believe that and prepare to head to Novi Sad with the same agenda.
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