30. 11. 2009.
BG●CO●KO, tabla iz Adore radionice je dobila nagradu za slatki beogradski suvenir na upravo zavrsenom prvom beogradskom Sajmu slatkisa!!!
Ovo je atipicna, specijalna tabla u malom arsenalu ekskluzivnih cokoladnih tabli koje su se upravo pojavile u Adore radnjama i koje sam uzivajuci dizajnirala u studiju Coba&associates. Uskoro nasiroko pisem o tome! Super usplahirena i preponosna!
BG●CO●KO, locally made highest quality chocolate made by Adore Chocolat got the award for the best sweet souvenir from Belgrade on Belgrade's first Sweets fair! I've worked on this project in Coba&associates studio and adored it. It was a wonderful process and it brought six bars that came out a few days ago and can be found in Adore shops in Belgrade. I'll brag about these very soon, I'm so proud, this is my favorite studio project!
29. 11. 2009.
Food Flags
Sidneju su se ovog oktobra sepurile zastave napravljene od hrane kada je Good Food Month prerastao u Sydney International Food Festival.
Lokalna agencija WHYBIN/TBWA je za tu priliku uprilicila seriju plakata na kojima zastave poznatih kulinarskih zemalja cine njihove tipicne klopice. Ja generalno nisam previse luda za tim advertajzing forama, naprotiv, ali ovo mi je i pored traljave tipografije, leglo. Obradovala me je lakoca ideje i izvedbe, nije utupljeno i preradjeno. Omiljena - Grcka zastava, a tu odmah zatim su i Brazil, Francuska, Italija, Juzna Koreja i Japan. Pogledajte ih sve OVDE.
Hvala Olivi za tip!
Sydney's Good Food Month became Sydney International Food Festival this year and the local agency WHYBIN/TBWA made a series of promotional posters for this occasion. Great culinary countries are presented by their flags made from food specefic for each country. I'm not too crazy about those advertising ways, but even the typography on these is kinda lame, I find these net, light and fun. Greece is my absolute favorite, and then there's Brasil, France, Italy, South Korea and Japan. Take a look at all of the posters here.
28. 11. 2009.
27. 11. 2009.
New from Jme
os divota iz Jme prodavnice za blago opsesivnu zudnju na daljinu. Pri samoj najavi novogodisnjeg raspamecenja dusa iste ususkanost toplog doma koji mirise na sveze ispecene kolace.
Za pocetak Traditional Italian Panettone i upali ste u klopku, bas kao i ja. Budimo realni, ko moze da odoli kosim straftama i naradzastoj, crvenoj i ciklama boji naizmenicno? A i sama ta forma pokloncic pakovanja je za nesvest... Sve su uboli, prokletnici... Taman kad sam se navikla da postoje svi oni dosadasnji proizvodi, opet me obaraju sa nogu.
Idemo redom. Kupicu vam ovaj Marvellous Mayo ako obecate da cete mi vratiti teglu kad pojedete. Senf cu zadrzati, thank you very much. Ove dve hot divote, samo izvol'te, ja cu posle u jednu staviti azuki pasulj, a u drugu osusenu mentu.
A ove tri sa pateima... pre-div-no. Pearlfisher i dalje na istom jednostavnom retro revival tragu, besprekorno i dosledno, jednostavno i razigrano. Nisu se umorili, nema rigidnih matrica, ovaj projekat je sigurno njihov ponos, uzivanje, ljubav prema dizajnu i hrani. Mnogo razmisljanja i precizan dizajn. To je tako kad razmisljas tri nedelje pa izdizajniras za tri sata. Ceo zivot i tri sata.
Eh da, posebno iznenadjenje su ove svece u staklenim modlama koje kasnije mozete koristiti za spremanje dezerata. Jedan recept cete dobiti uz svaku od sveca, Pannacotta i Berry, ali imate Dzejmijev blessing da pustite masti na volju.
I na kraju, cokoladni novcic i ove medalje sa zaduzenjima na partiju, vrlo geekish ali vrlo slatko. Dusu dali za prelepljivanje u nesto super fun, tipa... just married, will work for food, free hugs ili certified AH1N1 free, zavisno od zelje, potrebe i inspiracije.
Plus, kalendar za narednu godinu koji je ilustrovala Debbie Powell, ista ona koja je crtala soljice za pakovanja cajeva.
Another batch of goodies from Jme store, made to enhance my look-but-don't-touch longing. At the very mention of the Christmas craziness, the soul needs a warm hideout, and if it is scented with the freshly baked cakes, I'm more than fine.
First of all, Traditional Italian Panettone, and you're trapped, just like me. I mean, let's be realistic - is there anyone who can resist diagonal stripes in orange, red and hot pink? And the very package, retro and constructed to be the present itself... They pushed all the buttons, damn those Pearlfisher guys...
I'll get you this Marvellous Mayo if you promise to give me back the jar when you're gone with it. The Mustard I'll keep, thank you very much. The two hotties you can have, after you eat them I'll pour azuki beans in the red one, and homegrown dried mint into the green one.
A the paste varieties... adorable. The design is on the same retro revived art direction, simple and playful, flawless in type and illustration. Guys at Pearlfisher are not tired of this project, there are no rigid templates to follow, only the precisely set atmosphere thoroughly thought out and executed in a blink. A whole life and a blink.
Ah yes, the special surprise are these two candles in the glass molds that can be used after the candle is burnt out. You'll get the recipe with each of these, Pannacotta and Berry versions, but you have Jamie's blessing to make whatever you want with these.
Finally, choco coin and these dinner party honors, veeery geekish but also cute. Perfect to transform into super fun medals like... just married, will work for food, free hugs or certified AH1N1 free, depending on your current needs and inspirations.
Plus, the 2010 calendar illustrated by Debbie Powell, the same that draw those sweet cups printed on tea jar packages.
26. 11. 2009.
Dreamy Chic
STUMBLED upon this lovely blog collecting dreamy chic images and it linked to weheartit, a central fro pics hearted worldwide. You can reload it every few mins and get a whole bunch of new loved stuff. So, I'm following both of these.
25. 11. 2009.
estre Laura i Kate Mulleavy su svojoj vazdusastoj i sanjivoj robnoj marki u uzletu - Rodarte, dale naziv po maminom devojackom prezimenu.
U njujorskom modnom svetu relativno su nove i vrlo omiljene. NYMag uz njihov profil kaci tags: American, Critics' Favorite, Eccentric/Whimsical, Especially Detailed, Feminine, a u osvrtu na reviju sa NYFW-a u prolece '07. Amy Larocca je za NYMag zakljucila: This extravagance, combined with feminine details, princess colors, beautiful seams, and the sisters' delicate touch, surpasses the lack of concern for practicality. Because if everything on the runway were strictly "wearable," we'd fall asleep in our little wooden chairs.
Njih dve zaista nisu kao bilo ko drugi, njihov veliki magicni svet gotovo da je neopisiv. Intimno, zenstveno, brutalno, pank, balerine i skeleti, delikatno i neocekivano. Kao sanjarenje i mastanje. Snenokle sa sicusnim konfetama od zlatnih listica, custom made za novi rock royalty - Natalie Portman, Kirsten Dunst, Chloë Sevigny. Neobicni moderni strikeraj i bodlje, utisak modernih mitskih stvorova.
One vode racuna da uvek predstave i atmosferu iza same piste, pripreme, probe, polaroide, backstage gungulu pred veliko finale. Veliki broj predivnih atmosfera zabelezila je fotografkinja Autumn de Wilde, koja je saradjivala sa Beckom i Elliottom Smithom. Aktuelnu sezonu prikazuje veliki broj crno belih fotki sa materijalima koji imaju printove nekakvih vestackih mermera u pozadini. Setajte njihovim sajtom svojim tempom, ovo je samo par fotki koje su mene oborile.
pics and lots of nice words for Rodarte: shop friends, ounodesign, knit kicks, the paperplanes, style alchemy, recover girl, hopehope, vain and vapid
Laura and Kate Mulleavy are sisters that named their airy dreamy blooming fashion brand Rodarte by their mother's maiden name.
In the NYC's fashion world, these ladies are hugely loved newcomers. Along with the fashion label profile, these are the tags NYMag assigned to Rodarte: American, Critics' Favorite, Eccentric/Whimsical, Especially Detailed, Feminine, and giving the review of their NYFW Spring 07 fashion show, Amy Larocca concluded: This extravagance, combined with feminine details, princess colors, beautiful seams, and the sisters' delicate touch, surpasses the lack of concern for practicality. Because if everything on the runway were strictly "wearable," we'd fall asleep in our little wooden chairs.
Laura and Kate are so unique, their big bold magical world of imagination turned into fluffy layered gowns is practically indescribable. Intimate, ladylike and brutal, punk, ballerinas and skeletons, delicate and unexpected. Like dreaming and daydreaming. Snow eggs sprinkled with tiny gold leaf confetti, custom made for the new rock royalty - Natalie Portman, Kirsten Dunst, Chloë Sevigny. Unusual contemporary needlework, knits and spikes, combined to give this crazy feel of these modern mythical creatures, furry legs and stripped bare bones.
They always give us a piece of the process, a peek into fittings, backstage drama, grand finale. Some of these atmospheres were captured by Autumn de Wilde, the incredible photographer that also worked with Beck and Elliott Smith. The current season is filled with these marble-like prints. Browse Rodarte web site in your own pace, here are just a few pics I adore.
24. 11. 2009.
Egg whites, egg yolks
left pic by Mad Baker, right pic by °Tuki°
rikrada se zima, tu i tamo zvekne kriza, padne krejving, telo trazi krem brule. Kako se samo predivno pise to ime u originalu! Crème brûlée!
Perfektno slatka mondish kombinacija deli dezerata su crème brûlée et macaron français. Zasto? Zato sto su vam za krem brule potrebna samo zumanca, a za makarone samo belanca. Na kraju, kad podvucem crtu i podsetim da su obe delicije napakovane sastojcima za izbegavanje, bude mi zaista dovoljno da ih se nagutam ocima once in a while. Ionako makarona u Beogradu nema. Jos ;)
Kada se samo setim onog magicnog izloga Pierre Herme-a u Tokiju... kao neka najfantasticnija prodavnica nakita... pih, ne mogu da nadjem sliku. Obecavam Janin Japanski Journey Journal cim zavrsim magistarski ;) Uglavnom, koliko mi se cini Pierre Hermé i Ladurée su najveci makaronisti na svetu. Oh, kakva su to pakovanja...
first pic such pretty things; bottom left pic official Laduree, bottom right pic by ha✿na
crni Herme makaron via differentman
Svaka malo hrabrija kuvarica moze probati i sama priredi. Osnovni sastojci francuskih makarona su: 225 g mlevenih badema, 225 g secera i 4 belanca, a onda njemu dodajete svasta da biste dibili ukuse i BOJE! Pa onda nastanu rozi, sa malinom, sivi (!) sa crnim susamom, oni gore crni (!!!) sa tartufima od Hermea, zeleni, sa diiiiivnim matcha prahom.
pics sources: one, two, three, four
sve u svemu i ukratko, ovako se prave u Sucré radionici:
Ok, vec sam pisala o ovoj povremenoj opsesiji. Eto, taman je proslo godinu dana od moje prethodne patnje za bruleom. Nekada je bas fino otici na gotovs i pocastiti se u Zapletu ili restoranu Ginger Grand Casino, a nekad je pravi ugodjaj malo se potruditi i napraviti sebi poseban brule. Mozda bas sam matcha prahom, kao onaj predivni iz tog proslog posta. I narocito ako vam ionako ostaju zumanca jer pravite makarone.
Evo pravog starinskog francuskog recepta, korak po korak, a evo i jednog jasnog mrdajuceg uputstva na BBC Food sa svim tips and tricks.
U osnovi, potrebno je:
1 quart heavy cream
1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
1 cup vanilla sugar, divided
6 large egg yolks
2 quarts hot water
Ah... bon apetit!
p.s. Ako pravite zovite, a ako se makaroni pojave u Beogradu, javljajte!
The winter's sneaking in, crisis slams from time to time, craving gets me, body seeks a crème brûlée. How lovely that is written! Crème brûlée!
Perfectly sweet dessert combo is crème brûlée et macaron français. Why? Because the first ones are made of egg yolks and the second ones are made of egg whites. Realistically speaking, both of these are fully packed with all the ingredients to avoid, so I often get enough of these by just looking at these lovely pics on the net once in a while.
So, macaroons:
I melt only thinking of that Pierre Herme window in Tokyo... like the most fantastic jewelry store... I can't find that pic. I promise my Japan Journey Journal as soon as I finish my new font familly. Anyway, I think Pierre Hermé and Ladurée are the greatest macaroon makers in the world. And oh my what about those packages... see images
Every braver cake maker can try to make these. Basic ingredients are: 225 g ground almonds, 225 g sugar and 4 egg whites, and then add different stuff to get different tastes and COLORS! Rosy, with raspberries, gray ones, with black sesame, those black ones by Hermé are made with truffles, then green toned, with my favorite matcha powder.
all in all, this is how they make them in Sucré: see clip
Then, crème brûlée:
Ok, I've already written about this obsession of mine. And here it is, it's been a year since the last brûlée crave. Sometimes it's so nice to go somewhere and get served with it, but there are times when making your own is the thing, especially if you're left with the egg yolks from making macaroons. Make your brûlée with a twist, maybe matcha version.
Here's the original French recipe, step by step instruction, and one moving instruction with all of the tips and tricks.
Basically, you'll need:
1 quart heavy cream
1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
1 cup vanilla sugar, divided
6 large egg yolks
2 quarts hot water
Ah... bon apetit!
21. 11. 2009.
20. 11. 2009.
New Trophies
OLAZI ZIMA, ususkano udobno vreme, novi dom, selidba. Podvlacenje crta, postignuca i trofeji. A trofeji vise nisu ono sto su nekoc bili. Ovo su novi simboli dobrog ulova.Imaju te zivotinjske glave neku snagu, velicinu, bizarnu pompu, hvalisanje. Ovi novi koji se sklope od gomilice isecenih komada talasaste lepenke najzad gube taj grozni istiniti in-your-face krucijalni fizicki deo i izazivaju osmeh podsecajuci na sav ponos i velicinu koju su imali stari momci pravih ledja koji izbacuju noge deleko ispred tela vodeci vas reprezentativno u svoj mracni memljivi lovacki salon sa masivnim koznim foteljama zbog kojih je skiknulo dodatnih par zivotinja. Najjeziviji dodir sa tim imala sam u prasnjavom Titovom muzeju prepariranih zivotinja na Brijunima. Nije preporucljivo osetljivijima.
Nego, da se vratim na aktuelni veseli preokret, varijaciju na temu. Momci koji ujedinjeni cine Cardboard Safari prave glave jelena, bizona, nosoroga i losova i tri velicine. Iako su velike prava nova replika i stvorene sa dnevnu sobu ili javni prostor, neku chic kafanu (citaj - Zaplet), ili kancelariju, salu za sastanke ili neko drugo mesto gde vam treba instant power boost, ovi mali su dodatni bizarni produzetak ideje. Kao amajlija, mini mantra ili tako nesto. Za mali stan ili iznajmljenu sobu.
A onda, tu je i Jennifer Khoshbin, koja u svojoj radnji na Etsy-ju ima, kako bih rekla, jako zanimljive komade. Velike glave jelena od smole ukrasene su raznobojnim ukrasnim papirima koji naglasavaju ludilo citave ideje. Uzdrzaniji ili kompletno nenormalni, dobro se sezonsko osvezenje za jedan cist, u koloritu svedeni dom.
I nesto vise nego preslatko, u pomami za filcanim kreacijama, Planet Fur je priredio ove male stvorove sa predivnim savovima!
Ipak, ako nista od ovoga nije your cup of tea, a jeleni na zidu su vam cudesno privlacni u svojoj magicnoj bizarnosti, evo nalepnica, odraslo grafickih i kantri mekih i drazesnih.
HERE COMES WINTER, tucked comfy time for a new home, moving. Recapitulations, setting new goals, content with this years achievements. Time for trophies, and they're not what they used to be. These are the new symbols for a good catch.
They still have that animal strength, scale, pompous bizarre bragging tone. These new are assembled out of a bunch of cardboard cut pieces so the only in-your-face crucial physical ugly segment that the prior original ones had is now erased. These new bring a smile to your face carrying that same atmosphere where this old lad takes you to his dark clammy trophy room walking in big proud steps that carry his up straight and stiff spine leaning slightly back like constantly being dragged by a heavy rifle. I had that sneezy dusty horrific feel when I visited Tito's museum of these stuffed animals at Brijuni islands. Not recommended to sensitive ones.
Back to this happy trophy twist. The guys called Cardboard Safari constructed these heads of deer, moose, bison, rhino in three sizes. These big life sized ones are perfect for the living room, but also some public spaces, chic restaurants, conference rooms or some other place you might use an instant power boost. The smaller ones are one hellishly hilarious addition to the idea. Like a lucky charm, mini mantra or something. For a small flat or a rented room.
Then, there's Jennifer Khoshbin, that sells really interesting pieces in her Etsy store. These resin deer heads are decorated with the papers whose printed designs underline the craziness of the whole idea. Those quieter ones or those loud and noisy completely insane ones, these are such a refreshment for an apartment with the calm color palette.
Then, something more that sweet, wonderfully bordered small felt deer heads created by Planet Fur.
If non of these are you cup of tea, and you find the deer heads strangely appealing, here are wall decals, some tough graphic ones and some country soft ones.
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