12. 11. 2009.

Gilbert's Teapot

CAJNIK ZILBEROVOG PRADEDE je nova knjiga Kreativnog centra u koju sam se zacopala na upravo zavrsenom Sajmu knjiga ovde u Bgdu.

Cekala sam danasnji dan da vam je predstavim jer se upravo danas, povodom 20 godina od izlaska prve knjige ove divne izdavacke kuce otvara izlozba ILUSTRATORI KREATIVNOG CENTRA! Dakle, veceras u 19h, Muzej primenjene umetnosti u Vuka Karadzica. Izlozba traje do 5. decembra.

Preporucujem da odete na otvaranje da napravite guzvu, iskazete svoje obozavanje i zahvalnost, a posle jedan dan natenane obidjete citavu izlozbu uzduz i popreko. Ako naidjete na knjigu utisaka nemojte ni slucajno da je preskocite, tu je BAS zbog vas.

A onda, da se vratimo na Zilbera. Knjiga Cajnik Zilberovog pradede vrvi od prelepih ilustracija koje je na tekst Gordane Zdjelar stvorio Boris Kuzmanovic. Divan duh dirljivih vazdusastih atmosfera uhvaticete vec prvim pogledom na prednju koricu gde vas ceka Zilber himself, sa veeelikom crnom gnezdastom kosom nalik na secernu vunu. Boris je Zilbera oziveo na pravi nacin i jedino sto nedostaje je njegovo ime na korici. Omaklo se sigurno, popravice oni to u sledecem izdanju ^ _ ^.

Evo samo nekoliko ilustracija, u ovoj knjizi od 50-ak strana toliko je slika i detalja da cete moci da gustirate i gustirate...

Ono sto cini ovu kucu zaista kreativnim centrom i vodecom kucom knjiga za decu, roditelje i pedagoge, je to sto tamo vlada zaista divna, zdrava atmosfera. Okosnica dizajnersko ilustratorskog tima je uigrana ekipa u kojoj su izmedju ostalih Dusan Pavlic, Neda Dokic, Olivera Batajic, Mirjana Zivkovic, Jelena Reljic.

Posebno bih naglasila njihovu posvecenost promociji novih savremenih cirilica koje stvaraju domaci autori, uglavnom u okviru predmeta Projektovanje pisma na Fakultetu primenjenih umetnosti. Secam se da su oni bili prvi koji su kupili moje fontove Intro i Aram, pre nego sto su postali ITC Intro i ITC Aram i da bas volim da ih vidim na novih knjigama. Najnovije sto sam videla je svetlucavi naslov od crvene folije na naslovnoj strani Knjige za svaku devojcicu.

U knjizi o Zilberu koristili su divnu tananu i cistu cirilicu Sase Mihajlovica Uredno moje slovo i uz nju rucno pravljene inicijale ispisane debelim rusticnim brushem. Odlican kontrast i sklad. Jelena Reljic je posle knjige Daj mi krila jedan krug koja je dozivela silne pohvale, ponovo odlicno uradila svoj art direktorski posao!

Cestitike Kreativnom centru na svim novim i starim knjigama i na 20 godina kontinuirano kvalitetnog rada!

GILBERT'S GRANDFATHERS' TEAPOT is a new by by Kreativni centar (Creative Center) that I fell in love with here at Belgrade's book fair. I've been waiting for this day to write something about it because this is the day the exhibition of this publishing house's illustrators opens here in Belgrade.

This latest book is packed with beautiful illustrations that Boris Kuzmanovic created to the text by Gordana Zdjelar. You'll catch the airy spirit of the little French town by taking a glance at the front cover where you'll fins Gilbert himself looking at you, his adorable big nest-like black hair looking like cotton candy. Boris visualized Gilbert in a lovely way and the only thing missing is his name on the cover. I'm sure there will be another circulation and that this will be corrected ^ _ ^.

Here are just a few illustrations from this 50-something page book you could explore on and on...

What makes this house truly creative and great in making books for children, parents and teachers is that they have this great atmosphere and great team they've gathered throughout these 20 years they've been working. I'd especially point out this incredible commitment in using new cyrrilic fonts mainly created by the students at the Faculty of Applied Arts here in Belgrade where some 40 unicode typefaces containing both Latin and Cyrillic character set are created each year. I remember Creative Center was the first one to buy my typefaces Intro and Aram before they became ITC Intro i ITC Aram and I enjoy seeing them being used.

In the book about the teapot they used this lovely typeface called Uredno moje slovo created by Sasa Mihajlovic and initials written in computer brush specially for this occasion. Great contrast and harmony, another great art direction by Jelena Reljic.

Congrats to Creative Center for all the old and new books and being so great and always better during these 20 years!

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