2. 11. 2009.

MOUK by Boutavant

MARC BOUTAVANT je francuski ilustrator, dizajner i autor decijih knjiga. Uveliko poznat i voljen sirom sveta, ja sam tek nedavno i sasvim slucajno u jednom belom domu ugledala kvadratnu knjigu tvrdih i tapaciranih bljestavih korica za koju sam odmah znala da je blago i da njen autor nije objavio nista losije od odlicnog.

Bila je to knjiga Around the World with Mouk

I druge njegove ilustracije nose taj jedinstveni prepoznatljivi duh, ciste povrsine, paperjaste srafure. Njegova glava i vesta ruka cine da ilustracije izgledaju kao da su stvorene nekim tajnim alatima stvorenim specijalno za njega. Divni originalni ispisi sa tipicnim francuskim oblinama slova, kao osnovnoskolski skript specificnih vezova. Francuski se pise tako predivno!

Onda se rodio Mouk, taj njegov cudni zbunjeni, malo setni medvedic, koji je posle nekoliko svojih solo knjigica dobio cast da deci u 12 tabli predstavi isto toliko zemalja bogate kulturne bastine.

image via computerlove
Ta korica omadjija u sekundi, uvlaci da tragas i dao bi citavo bogatstvo da vidis sta je unutra i da je poneses kuci. Bljestave spot boje nikad opravdanije - ciste povrsine jarkih boja pojacavaju intenzitet dozivljaja, snagu i neverovatnost onoga sto stoji pred nama. Evo naslovne, Indije i Grcke!

full size cover image via pixelcreation.fr

Butavanov portfolio na sajtu njegovog agenta
Intervju, zanimljiv i saren
Mouk na Amazonu

I za kraj, jedna predivna slika, devojcica pod drvetom i citav njen svet iz maste! Cista joga!

MARC BOUTAVANT is a French illustrator, designer and the author of the books for children. Worldwide famous and loved, I've found out about him just recently and by chance when, visiting friends I saw this incredible square book glowing with strong spot colors. I knew right away that I had a treasure in my hands and that the author of these illustrations doesn't do anything but excellent.

It was the book called Around the World with Mouk.

All of the other works by Boutavant carry the same unique spirit, clear colored or functionally empty areas and fluffy textures. His witty brains and master hand do that what comes out looks like it is made with some secret custom made tools made by special order and according to his needs. Adorable lettering in French, with those specific letter curves that only French language has, carrying some of that primary school first few grades atmosphere. French is written it the most wonderful way!

The, there was Mouk, Boutavant's strange and a bit confused and wistful bear, that after a couple of his own books got the honor to present the 12 countries with especially rich culture and heritage to young French readers. That is where my magical book appears in this story.

This book's cover will have you at hello, takes you in and makes you explore deeper into the details, makes you want to have one of your own and take it home. Clear bright spot colors throughout the book are just marvelous and actually to the spot - they multiply the intensity of this child like amazement and admiration. Here's the front cover, and also India and Greece spreads! see images

• Boutavant's portfolio on his agent's web site
An interview with Marc, interesting and frisky
• Mouk at Amazon

And, to wrap up, a gorgeous image of a little girl sitting by the tree with her whole world of imagination tucked in that tree's crown. Pure yoga! see image

3 коментара:

  1. Njegov sam fan vec neko vreme. Sjajan je!

  2. Fantasticno!
    Nije samo za klince, evo ja bih satima gledala ovu devojcicu pod drvetom i otkrivala nove i nove detalje.

  3. u formi TV serije!

    naravno, svedene detaljnosti ali jednako sarmantno!

    kakve li su sanse da dospe na nase male ekrane...


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