Mrs Eaves je predivni font koji je suveren na mojoj neformalnoj listi 20 omiljenih fontova. Nastao jos 1996, modelovan je po uzoru na Baskerville, a dobio ime po kucepaziteljki Dzona Baskervila.

Kao prava zenska, gospodja Eaves opremljana je tonom sminke i djindjuva. U svetu fontova to su ligature. (evo ih jos: 1, 2, 3)
Kada je ovaj font postao opste prihvacen i najprodavaniji u Emigre katalogu fontova, pokazalo se da postoji potreba za razvijanjem familije tako da bude upotrebljiv za slaganje veceg teksta. Tako se 2009. pojavila MrsEavesXL, zamisljam je trudnu. Od Regular ona postaje Bold, pa onda i Heavy.

I tako najzad stizemo to najavljene novosti. Upoznajemo gospodina Eaves, i to dve njegove strane - Sans i Modern. Nekada se oseca kao GillSans, a nekad vise kao Futura. U osnovi, gdja je sa serifima, on je bez. Kako to vec ide.

Fin jedan covek, prilagodljiv. Samostalan je i sofisticiran, klasican i moderan. Kao oni tipovi sa Sartorialistovih fotki, sav kulturan, sik, udobno mu je u svojoj kozi. Sa gospodjom se savrseno slaze, a vidjacemo ga i u drugstvu nekih quirky likova.
Hello Mr Eaves, so delighted to finally meet you!
THESE LAST couple of days Emigre sent their news throughout the world - they've published a book about 26 years of their work called Emigre No.70, and even more important for me - they introduced me with Mr Eaves, whose wife I've known and loved for years.
Mrs Eaves is a great typeface, sovereign on my non official top 20 fonts of all times. It appeared back in 1996, and it's been styled after Baskerville typeface, and got it's name after John Baskerville's housekeeper. see image
And, being a proper lady, Mrs Eaves is fully equipped with whole bunch of makeup and jewelry. In typeface world that's ligatures. (here's more of those: 1, 2, 3) see image
After this font became super popular and widely excepted, becoming one of the top selling fonts from Emigre catalogue (currently No.1), the need for making large text work in this font appeared. So, in 2009 MrsEavesXL was introduced, I'm picturing her pregnant. From Regular, so grows bigger, becoming Bold, and then Heavy. see image
So finally, we come to the latest news from Emigre where we meet Mr Eaves, and in the two of his moods - Sans and Modern. Sometimes he feel more like GillSans, and sometimes a bit more like Futura. Basically, she's with serifs, and he's without them. That's just how things work. see image
He's a nice guy, highly adaptive. Independent and sophisticated, he's classic and so up to date. Like those guys from Sartorialist's photos, all neat and chic, feeling so comfortable in his own skin. Matching perfectly with the Misses, but we'll also see him in some quirky types' company in the future.
Hello Mr Eaves, so delighted to finally meet you!