OVIH DANA Emigre je sirom sveta poslao dva obavestenja - da su izdali knjigu o prethodnih 26 godina rada, Emigre No.70, i za mene jos zanimljivije, upoznali su me sa gospodinom Eaves, ciju sam suprugu do sada poznavala i silno obozavala.
Mrs Eaves je predivni font koji je suveren na mojoj neformalnoj listi 20 omiljenih fontova. Nastao jos 1996, modelovan je po uzoru na Baskerville, a dobio ime po kucepaziteljki Dzona Baskervila.
Kao prava zenska, gospodja Eaves opremljana je tonom sminke i djindjuva. U svetu fontova to su ligature. (evo ih jos: 1, 2, 3)
Kada je ovaj font postao opste prihvacen i najprodavaniji u Emigre katalogu fontova, pokazalo se da postoji potreba za razvijanjem familije tako da bude upotrebljiv za slaganje veceg teksta. Tako se 2009. pojavila MrsEavesXL, zamisljam je trudnu. Od Regular ona postaje Bold, pa onda i Heavy.
I tako najzad stizemo to najavljene novosti. Upoznajemo gospodina Eaves, i to dve njegove strane - Sans i Modern. Nekada se oseca kao GillSans, a nekad vise kao Futura. U osnovi, gdja je sa serifima, on je bez. Kako to vec ide.
Fin jedan covek, prilagodljiv. Samostalan je i sofisticiran, klasican i moderan. Kao oni tipovi sa Sartorialistovih fotki, sav kulturan, sik, udobno mu je u svojoj kozi. Sa gospodjom se savrseno slaze, a vidjacemo ga i u drugstvu nekih quirky likova.
Hello Mr Eaves, so delighted to finally meet you!
THESE LAST couple of days Emigre sent their news throughout the world - they've published a book about 26 years of their work called Emigre No.70, and even more important for me - they introduced me with Mr Eaves, whose wife I've known and loved for years.
Mrs Eaves is a great typeface, sovereign on my non official top 20 fonts of all times. It appeared back in 1996, and it's been styled after Baskerville typeface, and got it's name after John Baskerville's housekeeper. see image
And, being a proper lady, Mrs Eaves is fully equipped with whole bunch of makeup and jewelry. In typeface world that's ligatures. (here's more of those: 1, 2, 3) see image
After this font became super popular and widely excepted, becoming one of the top selling fonts from Emigre catalogue (currently No.1), the need for making large text work in this font appeared. So, in 2009 MrsEavesXL was introduced, I'm picturing her pregnant. From Regular, so grows bigger, becoming Bold, and then Heavy. see image
So finally, we come to the latest news from Emigre where we meet Mr Eaves, and in the two of his moods - Sans and Modern. Sometimes he feel more like GillSans, and sometimes a bit more like Futura. Basically, she's with serifs, and he's without them. That's just how things work. see image
He's a nice guy, highly adaptive. Independent and sophisticated, he's classic and so up to date. Like those guys from Sartorialist's photos, all neat and chic, feeling so comfortable in his own skin. Matching perfectly with the Misses, but we'll also see him in some quirky types' company in the future.
Hello Mr Eaves, so delighted to finally meet you!
30. 10. 2009.
29. 10. 2009.
Martine = Maja
PRE NEKOLIKO DANA sam u nekom hipermarketu prepunom najrazlicitijih sarenih drangulija ufiksirala samo jednu jedinu stvar - knjigu maja i njen drug vrabac.
Setila sam se mojih knjiga iz detinjstva, nekoliko naslova sa Majom u glavnoj ulozi koje mi je mama kupila par godina pre skole i, upravo saznajem, samo par godina nakon sto su uopste objavljene po prvi put.
Ove knjigice su za mene malu imale pravu magijsku vrednost. Isijavale su nekom ususkanoscu, ugodnoscu i sigurnoscu, a inspirisale su na nova istrazivanja i otkrivanje okoline i sveta. Fine, kao Majina kosa meke ilustracije, napravljene bas za devojcice, ucinile su da ona i dan-danas za mene bude prototip male Francuskinje.
Ispostavlja se da je Maju, u originalu Martine, stvorio belgijski duo Marcel Marlier i Gilbert Delahaye. Od '54, kada je izasla prva u nizu knjiga pojavilo se vise od 50 knjiga. I dok smo je mi zvali Maja, devojcice u drugim zemljama su je zvale ovako:
Tanke, nekih 20-ak strana koliko me secanje sluzi, velicine otprilike A4, sada u izdanju Lagune sa jako debelim tvrdim koricama, a tada, sa mekim, tanjusnim kartonskim. Verovatno u izdanju Decjih novina iz Gornjeg Milanovca, oni su stampali sve one albume u saradnji sa Paninijem.
Blurovani zavrseci ilustracija dodatno su pojacavali sanovitost mekih ilustracija. Secam se jasno i ovih zadnjih strana, i znakica u kome tri figure sinhrono razdragano trce. Podsecao me je na logo za Radost Evrope.
I tacno znam, ove sam ja imala. Omiljena mi je bila ova sa vozovima, putovanje, retro torbe, pogled iz voza, predeli promicu. Sve kao kad sanjas. Cista magija.
Tragajuci za elementima za ovaj post iznenadila sam se silno, kao pre 25 godina. Razrogacene oci, vilica pala. Secate se unutrasnje korice!? Devojcica kratke kose (kao ja u to vreme) pruza ruku prema velikim raznobojnim balonima koji leteci nose nove dozivljaje - scene iz drugih knjiga iz serijala. To je tada za mene bila slika koja je otvarala citave nove svetove. I, izgleda da jos uvek radi.
(full size via meet me at mikes)
A FEW DAYS AGO in this supermarket filled with all kinds of different colorful stuff, I focused on this one single thing - a book that, in my loose translation is titled, Debbie and her sparrow friend.
I remembered my childhood books, a few titles with this little girl in the lead role. My mom bought me a few of these book a few years before I started to go to school, and as I just found out, just a few years after they were originally published.
These books were so magical for the little me. They shone with this lovely coziness, snuggly sense of security and inspired to new explorations, discovering the world. So fine, like Debbie's hair, soft and tender, made specially for little girls (and obviously grown up girls alike), these illustrations made her still be a French little girl prototype for me.
Turns out that Maya, as we, girls in Yugoslavia knew her, is originally called Martine, and is created by Beligian duo Marcel Marlier and Gilbert Delahaye. Since 1954, when the first Martine book was published, more than 50 titles got issued. And while we loved the girl named Maya, other girls world wide loved the same girl with different local default names. see image
Blurred endings to these illustrations enhanced further dreamy feel these soft drawings gave. I remember clearly front and back covers, this symbol with the three kids running synchronously. It reminded me of the logo for Joy of Europe, the manifestation that gathered the kids who'd perform their national dances and songs.
And I exactly recall that these were the ones mom bought me, the one with grocery shopping, the one with the merry go round, and the key one - trains. Travelling, retro bags, views from the train on the move, landscapes passing by. Like a dream. Pure magic. see image
Searching for the elements for this post, I got so thrilled when I found this inside cover. So happy and enchanted, exactly like 25 years ago. Eyes wide open, jaw fell to the floor. Remember that image!? A short haired girl (like me at that time and at that age) reaching to those huge colored balloons that carry some scenes from the other Martine books. It was the image that opened whole new worlds for me. And, as it appears, still does.
(full size via meet me at mikes)
27. 10. 2009.
Restaurant Review: MOST 52 (officialy known as Konoba Stari podrum)
Konoba Stari podrum nalazi se u unutrasnjosti Istre, na njenom krajnjem severu, tik uz hrvatsku granicu sa Slovenijom. Svako od nasih drugara ko je bio tamo ima svoj naziv za ovo mesto, nas je Most 52. To vam je i marker, od Momjana pratite vinsku cestu ka vinariji Kozlovic i kad ugledate znak za Most 52 - parkirate. Tu se u predivnom zelenilu nalazi jos divniji restoran.
SERVICE: Ne mogu da opisem koliko je meni tamo ugodno. Nekako poznato, ugodno, lezerno, sedis u basti i preplavljuje te zelenilo. Zelis da ostanes tu i zavidis Istranima. Jasna tradicija prociscena do krajnje jednostavnosti i savrsen osecaj za lak obrt u gourmet aktuelnost. Ozbiljno i nepretenciozno, prava mera nenametljivosti i usluznosti. Most je mesto na koje biste odveli Harvija Kajtela, Klunija i Breda Pita ili baku, mamu i tetku. Domace, mirno i istovremeno vrcavo, zahvaljujuci mladoj domacici sa originalnim istarskim smislom za humor. Jutarnji.hr ostrina. Saznali smo da je Kozlovic i dalje zakon i to ne zato sto su komsije, a da je Ipsa ultimativno maslinovo ulje. Sve u blizini, obavezno stavite na svoju PONETI-IZ-ISTRE shopping listu.
DESIGN: Mostu ne treba dizajn. Ok, mozda samo BAS dobar logo, vizitka i secer, toliko im treba. Sada, sve sto je od dizajna neophodno je tu, crveno beli karirani stolnjaci i dobar escajg. Razlicite solje za manju i vecu kafu.
FOOD: E, tu smo (trljam dlanove). Gospodja Zrnic i njene (cini mi se) dve cerke - razbijaju. Vec sam pisala svoju ljubavnu notu kada smo prosle godine sasvim slucajno nabasali na ovo mesto. Posle godinu dana, sa trunkom strepnje da je ono proslogodisnje iskustvo bilo kombinacija dobrog tajminga i bujne maste, vrlo brzo mi je bilo jasno da nista nisam iskonstruisala. Nekoliko dnevnih opcija, jelovnik totalna nepotrebnost. Imamo manestru, ili imamo corbu od gljiva, ili imamo od rajcica iz baste. Savrseno. Pa, sta biste da jedete, meso ili... Ja cu FUZE SA TARTUFIMA! graknem ne cekajuci da devojka zavrsi recenicu. Pored toga, prica se da su gljive na zaru nebeske... Kuver, samo uvod u naruceno blazenstvo - dva parcenceta hleba sa istim besamel-like sosom i malo narendanih tartufa.
A fuzi... fuzi zasluzuju svoj pasus. Tradicionalna istarska vrsta testenine, spravljena inhouse. Kvadratici otprilike 5cm, urolani po dijagonali. Sos. Narendani tartufi. Izmesa se na licu mesta. Fuzi... skuvani tako da se fino zvacu, gumenkasti, rekli bi al dente, al necemo da se frljamo. Samo savrseno skuvani. Porcija - taman kad sam BAS gladna.
Prosto savrseno.
Prosto savrseno.
Keeping a Diary
(SVIM DIZAJNERIMA VRLO POZNAT) Projekat Stefana Sagmajstera Things I have learned in my life so far sastoji se od 20 recenica i njihovih vizuelizacija.
Snazan, atraktivan i duhovit, ovaj projekat je dostojan hommage, produzetak i razvoj ideje koju je zapoceo veliki Milton Glejzer sa svojih 10 zakljucaka.
Jedna od 20 recenica Stefana Sagmajstera kaze: Keeping a diary supports personal development i sazeto i sasvim precizno opisuje ono sto za mene predstavlja uredjivanje ovog blogica.
STEFAN Sagmeister's project Things I have learned in my life so far is made of 20 conclusions in form of those well known sentences and their fabulous visualisation. The project turned ot to be one proper hommage and evolution to those 10 things Milton Glaser presented us with back in 2001.
One of those 20 sentences says Keeping a diary supports personal development and sums up exactly what I feel about keeping this little blog journal of mine.
(SVIM DIZAJNERIMA VRLO POZNAT) Projekat Stefana Sagmajstera Things I have learned in my life so far sastoji se od 20 recenica i njihovih vizuelizacija.
Snazan, atraktivan i duhovit, ovaj projekat je dostojan hommage, produzetak i razvoj ideje koju je zapoceo veliki Milton Glejzer sa svojih 10 zakljucaka.
Jedna od 20 recenica Stefana Sagmajstera kaze: Keeping a diary supports personal development i sazeto i sasvim precizno opisuje ono sto za mene predstavlja uredjivanje ovog blogica.
STEFAN Sagmeister's project Things I have learned in my life so far is made of 20 conclusions in form of those well known sentences and their fabulous visualisation. The project turned ot to be one proper hommage and evolution to those 10 things Milton Glaser presented us with back in 2001.
One of those 20 sentences says Keeping a diary supports personal development and sums up exactly what I feel about keeping this little blog journal of mine.
26. 10. 2009.
Manly Scents
PARFEM GOVORI svasta o osobi koja ga je odabrala. To je one whole package - nije samo miris u pitanju, to je osecaj koji taj miris okida, pitanje odabira na osnovu trenutnog osecaja, zivotne faze.
Kada neko ne menja parfem godinama, za mene to znaci da se poprilicno zaglavio, da se ne menja, ne raste. Vracanje na parfeme nije opcija, to okida secanja i zaustavlja u vremenu, tiho koci progres. Sada imam svoju novu selekciju parfema i bas me zanima kako ce se menjati.
I vec sam dosadna jer uvek pomislim koliko je neverovatno kako znalacki prave kampanje za parfeme. Vizualizacija sadrzaja boce u reklami je uvek perfektno precizna. Tako, iako mi se bezgranicno svidja kampanja za Pretty od Elizabeth Arden, jasno mi je da to nije parfem za mene. Ili, da je Stella in Two Peony moj.
Isto to sazna se jednostavno i na osnovu boce. Tako sam odmah znala da je Marc Jacobs moj parfem za hladne dane. I tako, dodjoh do dizajna bocica za parfeme, i citanja. Evo nekoliko predivnih, koje bi mogli da nose razni zanimljivi muskarci, ali bi od ovih par mom muzu odgovarao samo ovaj prvi, by Sir Paul Smith. Tako je sarmantan i vrcav, ozbiljan i duhovit, ostar i ostrouman, jednostavan, funkcionalan, samosvestan i viseslojan.
Evo i nekih drugih i drugacijih, perfektnih za neke druge muskarce koji su savrseni nekim drugim smizlama. * ^ _ ^ *
all via Dieline
PERFUME TELLS so much about a person that chose it. It is the whole package - it's not just the scent, it is the sense that it triggers, the question of the particular choice that follows the feel in a phase of your life.
When a person sticks to his/hers perfume choice for decades, to me it sounds like that he/she doesn;t change, evolve, grow. Switching back to the old perfume is also out of the question for me. That brings back the old memories and emotions, not necessarily good or bad, but just slows you down, quietly holding you back, and cementing you in time. I have my current selection of scent faves and am looking forward to seeing it change over time.
I'm also pretty boring already, being all stunned with those people making perfume campaings, visualizing that one snif out of the perfume bottle. And they're nearly always so damn precise! So, although I adore those ads for Elizabeth Arden's Pretty, I knew before I tested it that it is to pretty for me. And also, by taking one single look at Stella in Two Peony campaign, I knew that was the one for me.
You can tell the same by looking at the bottle also and it is insane! That way, I knew right away that Marc Jacobs is my cold days perfume. And that the first one in this post would be right for my hubby. It is so charming and witty, serious and clever, clear and bright, straightforward, functional, self-conscious and multilayered.
And here are some others, beautiful and different, perfect for some other men that are just right for some other gals. * ^ _ ^ *
25. 10. 2009.
Spectacles by Chanel
DA LI JE U PITANJU overall Chanel magija, da li moja ocaranost Christy Turlington kao takvom, da li su me ocarale ove ostre, ciste fotke by Karl Lagerfeld, bela kosulja i muski zacesljana sjajna kosa na razdeljak ili je u pitanju upravo kljucni model broj 1505 iz Chanelove kolekcije naocara za vid prolece/leto 08.
Sta god da je i uprkos tome sto je sve ovo u aktuelnim brzinama - ancient old, potpuno sam opsednuta zeljom da nabavim sebi jedan par geek chic cvikera.
Uz te bistre, squeeky clean, smart'n'sharp oglase isla je i kampanja za Chanel tasne u kojoj je kosa Christy Turlington udesena u stilu nekakve anticke boginje, centralni razdeljak i pletenica smotana oko glave. Kao onaj predivni editorijal Kamile Akrans (moje novootkrivene hit modne fotografkinje!!!) za T Style Magazin.
Ova sezona markirana je divnim i dalje crno belim fotkama, brisani daleki prostori, sume i gleceri, milion sivih tonova i vetar koji duva za jesen...
... i zima, sa belim sesirom koji je pufnast kao da je pun snega jer stoji na skulpturi u parku.
Jedan od narocito istaknutih komada iz kolekcije jesen zima 09/10 je i ova tasna iz posebno bizarnog podsegmenta koji se zove Pariz-Moskva i koji kombinuje prepoznatljive elemente Chanel estetike sa detaljima carske Rusije i ruskog folklora. Za prezentaciju kolekcije Pariz-Moskva Karl Lagerfeld je pre godinu dana napravio specijalni nemi film od 10-ak minuta. Ovde necu staviti taj filmic, nego ovu magicnu neverovatnocu, klip o tasnici sa babuskom i njenoj spektakularnoj carskoj porodici:
I'VE NO IDEA if it is Chanel's overall magic, me being longterm bedazzled by Christy Turlington, these sharp photos by Karl Lagerfeld, white shirt and neat manly hairstyle, or this exact exponent model No.1505 from Chanel Eyewear collection for SS08.
Whatever it might be, and especially taking into consideration that these are ancient old taking current time flow relations, I'm pretty puzzled by my overwhelming need to get a pair of geeky chic goggles. see images
Along these crisp, squeeky clean, smart'n'sharp ads for eyewear collection we enjoyed this Chanel bags campaing with the same leading lady. Black and white again, her looking like a Greek goddess with this braid framing her lovely face. Just like that incredible editorial for T Style Magazine, photographed by my beloved Camilla Åkrans.
This season is depicted by these beautiful images takin in some wast spaces far from the cities, woods and glaciers, millions of grays and the wind blowing for the fall... see image ... and winter, with this white hat puffy like it is covered with snow because it belong to some monument in the park. see image
One piece that stands out is this bag from the Paris-Moscow collection. This over-the-top collection combines well known Chanel estethics with the elements of Tzar Russia and Russian folklore. To promote last years Paris-Moscow collection, Karl Lagerfeld made the 10-ish minute long silent movie about Coco, but I'm not embedding that one in this post. Enjoy this incredibility, a short movie on the incredible babouska bag and her Royal family: see clip
24. 10. 2009.
Sneak Peek
KAKO SE PRAVILA lista zelja za novogodisnju Sensu.
Juce, Zemun, Gornji grad. Ana, Ana, Jana. Na kioscima tek prvog cetvrtka meseca decembra, a do tad, trunka atmosfere sa snimanja.
MAKING OF my wish list for Sensa Magazine, December issue. Upper Zemun, Belgrade, Serbia, yesterday. Ana, Ana, Jana. Coming out first Thursday of December, until then, here's just a pinch of that incredible atmosphere...
Juce, Zemun, Gornji grad. Ana, Ana, Jana. Na kioscima tek prvog cetvrtka meseca decembra, a do tad, trunka atmosfere sa snimanja.
MAKING OF my wish list for Sensa Magazine, December issue. Upper Zemun, Belgrade, Serbia, yesterday. Ana, Ana, Jana. Coming out first Thursday of December, until then, here's just a pinch of that incredible atmosphere...
23. 10. 2009.
Zdenka Truffled
POSLE PREDIVNOG dizajna logoa, boce i pakovanja za ono Bracko ulje, hrvatska ekipa TRIDVAJEDAN nas je pocastila jos jednim dirljivim dizajnom. U pitanju je osvezena Zdenka - Zdenka sir sa tartufima!
Hrvatska tako dobro vodi tu svoju gourmet taktiku. Cini mi se da nije previse tesko prepoznati sta jednoj zemlji treba da bude izvozno turisticka politika, ali se to ovde prosto ne desava. Barem ne na drzavnom nivou, ozbiljno i planski.
Cudno je to... Ne znam da li su oni radili na logou, i ne mogu da se setim ni kakav je bio ono pre, da li je redizajniran ili je toliko retro da je ponovo kul...
Nekako je jednostavan i sirov, ta sepia fotka, gdja Zdenka herself isijava, iza nje svez zrak. Okolo crvena potkovica, za srecu, njeno ime jednostavno ispisano lowercase Helvetikom, a ispod nje - detelina sa 4 lista, sta drugo. Dupla sreca, sto je sigurno - sigurno je. Biznis koji prosto ne moze da propadne. Genijalno. Samo bazicno. Da ne kazem, keepin' it real.
U kampanji su 321 napravili da to sve bas fino radi, bledo bledo siva podloga, nekakva stara fotka onih reckavih ivica, jedan zig utisnut u vosku koji properly korespondira sa ovim logom takvim kakav je. Plus recenica ispisana nekim humble skriptom, pa... tu bih imala zamerke na slova koja se ocigledno ponavljaju, al ajde, pustam da me nosi raspilavljeni talas.
Dakle, ista ta Zdenka u novom pakovanju dobila je decentan preokret i dostojanstveni ponos. Drvena posuda sa velikim logom ociscene potkovice i isti takav samo potpuno drugaciji na omotu sira. Lepi teget i neki bakarni ton - prelepo.
Toliko ugodan jestiv i jednostavan rezultat da, iako se trudim da sir ne jedem vise, a Minion Italic bih rado zamenila nekim drugim knjiznim italikom, samo zelim da dohvatim jedan kolut i podelim ga sa drustvom na nekom finom partiju.
via LovelyPackage
After making that lovely designs for the bottle and everuthing else concerning Brachia Olive Oil, Croatian crew called TRIDVAJEDAN (THREETWOONE) presented us with another heart breaking package design. It is the new updated and upgraded version of the cheese we loved when we were kids growing in the former Yugoslavia. It is called Zdenka and it's beed truffled!
Croatia is so good with this gourmet tactics they're developing through the last couple of years. I guess it is not too hard to recognize what products should present a country, but it's just not happening here in Serbia. I guess we're short of the consensus... Again.
It is kinda strange... I'm not sure if these guys did something with logo, I cannot acctualy remember what it looked like back then. I don't really know if it is retouched or so much retro that it is cool again.
The logo is so simple and raw, that sepia photo, ma'm Zdenka herself glowing, behind her - clear blue skies. Flat red horseshoe around it, for luck, the name typed simply in lowercase Helvetica, and beneath - four leaved clover. Double luck - just in case. In other words - the business that simply cannot go wrong. A touch of genius. Basic. Keepin' it real.
321 made it work nice in the print campaign - this super light gray, the old photo and a red seal, and the logo placed very neatly with those elements. Plus, the sentence in that humble script... ok, I'd make a tone of suggestions on that, but I'll keep floating on this endeared wave.
So, the same old Zdenka in this new package got this decent turnaround and this dignified pride. Wooden box with a large logo, horseshoe cleaned up, the same on the soft wrapping paper. Pretty dark blue and copper tone - lovely.
The first and the final look give me the same overall vibe - so pleasant and edible, I would love to taste it sharing it with a bunch of friends at some housewarming party.
via LovelyPackage
21. 10. 2009.
MASTER: Maira Kalman
photo: Town&Country Travel Mag
MAIRA KALMAN je ne-ve-ro-vatna zena. Americka ilustratorka, autor, dizajner, umetnik. Brza, ostroumna, bistra, odgovorna, duhovita - pravi intelectual royalty, u najboljem smislu te reci.
O sebi kaze: born. bucolic childhood. culture-stuffed adolescence. played piano. stopped. danced. stopped. wrote. discarded writing. drew. reinstated writing. married Tibor Kalman and collaborated at iconoclastic yet successful design studio. wrote and painted children's books. worried. took up Ping-Pong. relaxed. wrote and painted for many magazines. cofounded the Rubber Band Society. amused. children: two. dog: one. (opis uz njen razgovor sa Polom Holdengraberom na NYPL)
Sa Amazona mi je doleteo perfektan rodjendanski poklon za jednu slicnu frajlu - Majrina knjiga The Principles of Uncertainty. Predivno. Ovo je nekoliko nasumicno obrnutih dvolista:
Kolekcija postova koje je priredjivala do aprila 2007. na New York Times blogu, ovo je pravo blago. Kada odlucite da se oslobodite balasta kod pete selidbe i date sve knjige svojoj fakultetskoj biblioteci, a sacuvate samo par inspiraciono kljucnih knjiga, ovo je jedna od tih desetak.
Od pocetka ove godine na istom mestu aktuelan je njen mesecni blog o americkoj demokratiji. Cast je imati priliku uzivo pratiti njene aktuelne putanje.
Plus, nekoliko linkova:
ovo je njen sajt
slusajte je na TED
jedan divan intervju
Za kraj, posluzite se aktuelnom vockom.
OBOZAVAM nar i Majru Kalman.
MAIRA KALMAN is one ab-so-lu-te-ly incredible woman. American illustrator, author, designer, artist. Quick, sharp, precise, responsible, humorous - she's real intelectual royalty, in the word's best sense.
In her own words: born. bucolic childhood. culture-stuffed adolescence. played piano. stopped. danced. stopped. wrote. discarded writing. drew. reinstated writing. married Tibor Kalman and collaborated at iconoclastic yet successful design studio. wrote and painted children's books. worried. took up Ping-Pong. relaxed. wrote and painted for many magazines. cofounded the Rubber Band Society. amused. children: two. dog: one. (taken from the intro to her conversation with Paul Holdengräber on NYPL)
I got this perfect present I ordered for my good friend very similar to Mrs. Kalman. It is her book The Principles of Uncertainty. Lovely. These are a few pretty randomly selected spreads: see images
This book is a collection of posts she made for New York Times blog until April 2007, and is a true treasury. If you decide to make a huge relief by making a huge donation in books and make your moves a lot easier after the fifth one, this is one of a dozen of books you'll keep.
Starting this year, we're all priviledged to be able to follow her new monthly blog on American democracy.
Plus, a few links:
her web site
see and hear her do some magic on TED
one lovely interview here
And for the end, help yourself with some seasonal fruit. I just ADORE pomegranates and Maira Kalman.
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