14. 10. 2009.

(Long Live) STARTAS

AKO VAS RODJENDAN STREFI dok ste u Rovinju, ne postoji lepsi poklon od para novih Startas patika. Evo i zasto...

Na rovinjskoj dzadi, u ulici Carrera, u broju 6, nalazi se koncept radnja koja ima tendenciju da ubrzo preraste u Startas prodavnicu. Nije ni cudo, s obzirom da je vlasnik Rovinjac Marco Massarotto (na slici dole), Maurov rodjeni brat. Da, da, brat Maura Masarota, upravo onog koji se kao shef zagrebackog studija Sheriff&Cherry uhvatio posla da ozivi umrtvljenu vukovarsku fabriku obuce Borovo koja je 80-ih punom parom proizvodila legendarne Startas patike. Tako stara fabrika ponovo radi, pravi isti onaj model na istim onim masinama, samo sada koristi gume u boji koje se slazu sa platnima bojenim i dostampanim tematskim sarama koje je Mauro dizajnirao.

Marko je pravi ambasador LongLiveStartas koncepta. Docekace vas sa vedrim licem i ostrim ocenjivackim okom i odmah zatim ce vam ponuditi par Startas tena koje su prave za vas.

Chic radnja premalana u belo, sa display stolovima sklepanim od krila Markovih ormara na kojima pored patika stoji i poneki serpa plavi pehar. Paul&Joe i ostale marke potonuli su u pozadinu potisnuti snagom vedrinom i sarenilom gomile Startasica.

Evo dole i mog favorita, bele sa malim zelenim ping pong reketima, napred deo od prevrnute koze, svetlo ljubicaste bleda lavanda pertle, odnosno - SPAGETE! Na to sam totalno zaboravila. Vrsta testenine deli ime sa pertlama zbog istog oblika. Genijalno. A prica o Istri i testeninama potpuno je druga prica koja sledi.

Dakle, kada srecni, presrecni, izadjete sa svojim ulovom, obozavacete da se bavite svim tim detaljima, kutijom sa size chartom, spagetama u dve boje, platnenom vrecicom, tekicom i gomilicom nalepnica u obliku patika. Ubacite u svoju dragu bazicnu patiku jedan ozbiljan Scholl ulozak i setajte udobno i zadovoljno sto podrzavate ovaj lep, drag i koristan napor.

Novost je da su se Startasice pojavile u Boreli prodavnicama u Beogradu, u onoj na Zelenom vencu, kada od stanice idete ka Sremskoj, tamo kod stepenica, videla sam u izlogu 4 sarena para iz ove morske serije. I kostaju oko 2000 dinara!!! Mozda ce nas obradovati i ovim za hladnije dane, ovim od prevrnute koze i sa masnama.

IF YOUR BDAY strikes while in you're in Rovinj, Istria, Croatia, there is not better gift than a pair of Startas sneakers. Here's why...

On the main shopping area in Rovinj, in Carrera street, there is a concept store that has a tendency to become an exclusive Startas shop. No wonder, considering the manager of the store is Rovinj born Marco Massarotto, Mauro's brother. Yes, yes, the Mauro, Mauro Massarotto, reinventor of Startas brand. He is the sheriff to Sheriff&Cherry studio and he got into this crazy biz of reanimating Borovo factory that used to produce tons of legendary Startas sneakers that were HUGE in Yugoslavia in the 80's. Mauro got the factory working again, kept all the old machinery and techniques and designed new prints for textiles and matching rubber colors. So the new breed of Startas emerged.

Marco is the true ambassador to LongLiveStartas concept. He'll greet you with a bright face and a sharp eye, and the next thing you know - he's suggesting the right pair Startas. Chic store painted white, display tables made of Marco's own closet's doors. Paul&Joe and all those other brands are crushed and vanishing by lightness and brightness of colorfull Startas collection.

And here's my own fav, white ones with a pattern of little green ping pong paddles, a piece of suede at fingertips, light purple pale lavender shoelaces or as they call them - spaghetti! I totally forgot about that one! In Istria, a type of pasta is sharing name with shoelaces because of their looks. Géniale! A story about Istria and pasta is a whole other story and it is coming soon.

So, when you step out of the store carrying your latest catch you'll love to get into the details - the box with the shoe size chart, two pairs of spaghetti, cotton bag for your sneakers, catalogue/notebook and a bunch of colorful die cut sneaker stickers. Get one good insole into your pair of basics and feel comfy as well as happy to support this lovely, dear and usefull labor.

Get you pair if you're in Hong Kong, Hawaii, Croatia, Serbia, Italy, Spain, Belgium or Germany or simply online. Oops, offline.

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