14. 9. 2010.

(Almost) Black&White Notes No.7

Sunset Blvd

red velvet camera cake

one of my all time fav pics

it's never too late for a career change. one day you can be an extraterrestrial investigator and the next the writer that's going to hell. the other comment accompanying this pic can be: I can't tell the difference between ridiculous and sublime until you tell me. Hank Moody

Mad Men-ish. gimme gimme gimme!

beautiful no matter how bad bad hair day is

business or pleasure?


2 коментара:

  1. Neverovatno je koliko je serija "Mad Man" uticala na modu od kad se pojavila. Toliko da taj trend zaslužuje naziv "Mad Man-ish".

  2. mogla bih celi zivot da citiram Moodija! bravo!


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