SUMIRAJUCI SVOJE dizajnerske putanje protekle godine, mislim da kraj 2008 i pocetak 2009 zasluzuje da bude obelezen izborom koji se cini mojim tipicnim kolor kodom, izvedenim iz cestitke. Iako bih ja mozda vise volela da je cine nesto drugacije boje, mint sorbe i lavanda, tamna prljavo ljubicasto pepeljasta a la Stella ili tako nesto, vazno je umeti sagledati podskup koji cini presek onoga kako mi sebe vidimo i kako nas drugi vide. Dakle, moja draga chic baza, (don't you dare zvati je neutralna) siva, rumeni obrazi kojima profesionalci ne veruju i Sunce koje cini da me je za to bas briga. Uzivajte u koloru.
SUMMING UP my designer whereabouts made in 2008, I think the end of that and the beginning of the new year must be sealed with a palette like this. The one made of the tones that appear to be my current typical color code is derived out of my greeting card. And even though I might want it to be made of different tones, mint sorbe and lavender, deep purplish grays a la Stella or something like that, this is what represents a match between how I see myself and how others seem to see me. So, my dear chic base, (don't you dare call it neutral) gray, rosy cheeks that professionals find untrusty and the Sun that makes it all not matter at all. Enjoy your true colors.
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