15. 1. 2009.

Handmade by Eduardo

JEDAN OD MyFonts Top 10 fontova 2008 je novi komercijalni font Eduarda Recifea, Handmade. Set iscizeliranih inicijala, raznorodnih, barokni saloon stil sa metalnim gravurama i nitnama u kombinaciji sa neocekivano svedenim, cistim formama pojedinih slova koji na taj nacin drze slovni set na okupu ne dozvoljavajuci da pobegne u veliko titravo ludilo.

Ukoliko niste pratili Eduardov rad, mozete pogledati aktuelnu verziju njegovog Misprinted Type sajta, kao i prethodne dve verzije, DRUGU koja je u nekakvom Carsonovskom duhu i TRECU, sa uvodnom slikom koja kao da je bila pocetak upravo Handmade fonta. Pronadjite tamo gomilicu free fontova, njegove prezentacije istih koje ih prikazuju u najboljem svetlu kao i desetak novih ilustracija. Odlicne su i to je totalno on i neki novi njegov nivo.

ONE OF MyFonts Top 10 fonts 2008 is a new comercial typeface by Eduardo Recife Handmade. A set od hand drawn detailed initials, mainly in a sort of a baroque saloon style with some of the letters strangely clean and modern making the set coherent and saving it from being one great big twinkling madness.

If you're not familiar with Eduardo's work, browse through the current, 4th version of his Misprinted Type website, and take a look at those previous ones.
THE SECOND ONE designed in some kind of Carson aesthetics, and the THIRD that has this index image that looks like the beginning of this latest font of his. Also find a bunch of free fonts there, his fonts' presentations that show them in the best possible way as well as a few of his latest illos, some of them shown here (see images). They're absolutely great and sooo him and another level of his work.

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