DAKLE, sta se sve izdesavalo izmedju ovog i prethodnog Belgrade Daily posta... I otkud mi uopste ideja da nesto napisem uz ove foto beleske...? Ovo je trebalo da bude neka vrsta NO COMMENT sekcije bloga...
Desila se Nova godina, neocekivani dragi pokloni, tuzne godisnjice i novi poceci. Yoga Chez Moi. I dalje me fascinira fragilnost mimoze paperjastog zimskog cvetica. Ruza kao miris i aplikacija neplanirano na sve strane. Kokliko se preselio na mesto Allegre preko puta Dragane Ognjenovic. Kraj semestra, mnogo posla u studiju, u nekim trenucima trokompjuterski multitasking. I novi katalog folija za konacnu finalizaciju omiljenog projekta. Nadam se da cu se uskoro hvaliti na sav glas.
SO, WHAT'S been going on for the past month, between this and the previous Belgrade Daily post... And where did I get the idea to put a text note along with these photo notes that were supposed to be some kind of NO COMMENT section of this blog...
What happened is the New Year came, unexpected lovely presents, sad anniversaries and brand new beginnings. Yoga Chez Moi. I'm still fascinated by the fragility of mimosas, these feathery fluffy winter flower puffs. The smell of roses and roses all around unexpectedly. Kokliko moved where Allegra was, across Dragana Ognjenovic stores. The end of semester, a lot of work at the studio, at time three-computer multitasking. And the new foil catalogue for the favorite project finalization. I hope to brag about this some time soon.
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