ETO ZA MENE jos jednog fashion fragrance-a. Paul Smith Rose. Zvanicno opisan kao Fresh. Modern. Airy. Individual. Addictive. Sensual. Not words you’d automatically associate with a rose fragrance, but this fragrance introduces an unmistakable note of edgy elegance. This is, quite simply, a rose fragrance for a new generation.
Tako izgleda i odeca iz njegove kolekcije Paul, nekako sam izabrala ove 4 da vidite o cemu govorim.
Od muskih odevnih komada koje sam pre vise od godinu dana videla u NYC-ju zaklecala su mi kolena. Sofisticirano do najsitnijih detalja za koje cesto zna samo vlasnik. I Sir Paul, naravno.
I upravo je taj osecaj poneo mladog dizajnera Hunn Wai-a, ponosnog vlasnika ovih dole belih Paul Smith patika. Izumbanu sharu je transponovao u nesto potpuno novo, praveci odu velikom modnom dizajneru.
Paul Smith pingpong table je stari sto pretvoren u stanicu za rad i zabavu. U ovom, sklopljenom modu, cipka je simpaticno disfunkcionalna mrezica a sara sa patike na stolu sada kao da opisuje putanju pingpong loptice.
Belo, cipka, zlatno i drvo, sve sto volim i nista sto ne volim.
Rasklopljen, sto se pretvara u prostranu radnu stanicu. Scena toliko divna da joj nije potreban MacBook.
THERE'S ANOTHER fashion fragrance for me. Paul Smith Rose. Officially described as Fresh. Modern. Airy. Individual. Addictive. Sensual. Not words you’d automatically associate with a rose fragrance, but this fragrance introduces an unmistakable note of edgy elegance. This is, quite simply, a rose fragrance for a new generation.
That is also how the clothes from his collection Paul feel like. These four images are just some of those lovelinesses I chose to explain what I'm takling about.
see images
There were some of these incredible men's pieces of clothes he made that I saw more than a year ago when I was visiting NYC. I got weak in my knees, started hyperventilating how beautiful in detail they were. Soficticated to the bone, some of the things known only to the owner of the piece. And Sir Paul, of course.
And that is exactly the feel that led this young designer, Hunn Wai, a proud owner of these white leather sneakers by Paul Smith to make what he made. Paul Smith pingpong table is an old dinning table turned ulimate work/fun station. In the folded mode, the lace is a playing net and the sneaker decoration transponed onto a table surface is like a leftover trajectory of a pingpong ball. White, lace, gold, wood - everything I like and nothing I dislike. Unfolded, the table turns into a spacious working table, so lovely it doesn't need no MacBook to make it chic.
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