18. 11. 2008.

Palette: ASTRUD

otvorite muziku u novom tabu i uzivajte slusajuci dok citate ono sto sledi

OVO JE ZA MENE jedan od najmagicnijih omota ploca. Kao u nekoj osuncanoj tropskoj sumi, bezazlenog setnoj, placnoj i sanjalackoj, kao sto brazilska muzika moze da deluje onima koji je ne zive nego samo slusaju. Neobicno preterana slova, rascvetana na sve strane, svi swash potezi ovoga sveta na jednom malom prostoru. Upravo ona koja sam preslikavala sa starih Letraset listova sa suvim popucalim slovima obelezavajuci albumcice sa slikama iz Lisabona. U dijagonali divni ostri Verve logo opkruzen neobicno debelom linijom. O tome drugom zgodom.

Ali pre svega njene razlicite oci, ten i ajlajner, svezina kao lagani puder i celer, limuntrava, krastavac, melisa zajedno.

Pa je sve to, sa ocima pre svega, iskrslo u neobicno slicnom i potpuno drugacijem izdanju na omotu ploce Marilie Medalhe, divan crtez i senf povrsina.

I onda naizgled mirna Doris Monteiro sa raspevanim isfragmentiranim imenom koje zuje i roje se oko njene zamisljene figurice. Malo decentrirano, sve kako treba.

There's something about Brasil. Stay tuned.

open music in a new tab and enjoy it while reading what follows

FOR ME THIS IS one of the most enchanting album covers. As if in a sunny tropical forest, carefree, wistful, wailing and dreamy, as brasilian music can seem to theones listening to it and not living it. Unusually flourished letters, alter
nating all over, all the swashes in the world at one single place. Exactly the letters I used to mark those plastci albums with the analog pictures from Lisboa. Real true retro Letraset sheets with dry crackled letters on it. And the incredible Verve logo placed diagonally, the one with the strangely thick line surrounding the crisp letters. I'll write more on this some other time.

But above all, her eyesin different shades, complexion and eyeliner, freshness of the light face powder combined with celery, lemon grass, cucumber and lemon balm alltogether.

And then, all of this, with the eyes before all, on this incredibly similar and totaly different edition on the cover for Marilia Medalha. One adorable drwaing with the mustard toned background.

And then, seemingly calm Doris Monteiro with her name singing in fragments, buzzing light in air all over her wandering tiny figure. A bit of center, just right where it belongs.

There's something about Brasil. Stay tuned.

3 коментара:

  1. There is a lot about brazil, in fact

    Ovo je moja omiljena pevacica http://eyesonbrazil.wordpress.com/2008/06/20/elis-regina-sdbt-part-2/

    i super informativan blog. Pa sto ne podeliti.

  2. heh super, jedan od mojih fav brasil albuma je Elis&Tom, Elis Regine i Toma Jobima. Ima Gilles Peterson potpuno neverovatni podkast o Brazilu. Preporucujem.

  3. e morace to da posluzi. prosle nedelje su me zvali prijatelji u jedan bar u sohou (ja sam trenutno u londonu), brazilski bar, a gilles pusta muziku.

    bila sam premorena nisam otisla.


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