8. 11. 2008.

This is Moscow!?

VOLIM DA OTKRIJEM nesto novo i da shvatim da sam o necemu imala pogresnu sliku. Odjednom sam dobila i jedno i drugo na jednom mestu. Najpre, tek nedavno sam otkrila The Sartorialist, uticajni fashion blog koji postoji jos od septembra 2005. Sartorialist mi je otkrio kakvih ljudi ima na ulicama Moskve. Daleko od toga da sam imala jasnu predstavu, glupo mi je i da priznam ali predrasude su gradile nekakvu polaroidnu sliku o subarama i mufovima ;p. Kad ono:

I LOVE FINDING new things and changing oppinion on some old ones when it turns out I had the wrong impression. I got these two all in one place. I found The Sartorialist just recently, even though they started blogging far back in September 2005 and became an influential design blog. The Sartorialist presented me with some Moscow street fashion and this changed my perspective on the subject. I feel silly even admitting this, but some prejudices made some fur and muffs polaroid pictures in my head ;p. Now, there's a twist.

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