30. 1. 2009.

Got Mine!

Ogromno HVALA Marku!
Biggest thnx to Marko!

28. 1. 2009.

Paper+Scissors Rock!

via NYMag + photo Imaxtree
U PARIZU se upravo desila najnovija Chanel revija visoke mode za prolece 2009. Jedva sam uspela da prezivim hiperventilaciju uzrokovanu prelepim maglicastim modelima gos'n Karla Lagerfelda, kad ono - glave manekenki bile su optocene papirnim cudesima koje je hairstylist Katsuya Kamo stvorio sa svojom ekipom od obicnog najobicnijeg kancelarijskog papira! Evo jedne papirne Marije Antoanete! Da ne pominjem besprekornu sminku...

CHANEL SPRING 2009 Couture show just happened in Paris and I barely survived this huge hyperventilating wave caused by Mr. Karl Lagerfeld's airy masterworks, and then I got highjacked by this! Models' heads were topped by these marvelous blooming sculpture-like pieces made of OFFICE PAPER SOLELY!!! It took Katsuya Kamo, hairstylist, and his crew some three weeks and a lot of office paper, according to NYMag... So, voila! One papier Marie Antoinette! And the flawless makeup, I won't even go there...



Inspirisano mojom svezom INY majicom (sta bi covek bez prijatelja), danas je bio jedan od retkih Laundromat dana. Svako ko je osetio NYC barem na cas, zna koliko ga cine silni neobicni mirisi. Jedan od najupecatljivijih za mene je bio miris perionica. Laundromat je jedan od parfema iz neverovatne kolekcije DEMETER-a. Imate parfeme koji su fini, chic, mirisljavi i sve to, a imate i ovakve, koji bez uvijanja pricaju o raspolozenjima. Uz svaki od parfemcica stoje upravo takve pricice.

Prvo moj TOP3. Laundromat, koji mi upravo zuji oko glave. Peony, koji prosto mora biti fenomenalan jer poznajem nacin na koji oni docaravaju atmosferu bez direktnog kopiranja uzora, nije to samo fizicka esencija onoga sto je na bocici zapisano vec njegova prava esencija duha i precizan prikaz svega sto uzrokuje svojim prisustvom. A Krem Brule parfemcic, o toj opsesiji sam vec pisala...

Cvetni trio koji ne moze da masi. Cvet tresnje, Djurdjevak i Frezija. Huh...

Pa dva sa pravim Demeter konceptom, Dirt, njihov ponos i dika i Holy Water, fascinantan i bez suvisnih komentara. Bas kao i Brownie.

Onda, nesto potpuno neocekivano (kao da ovo do sad nije bilo...) - mega magicni miris branja Paradajza, hrskava svezina kao ni jedna druga - Celer i Novi list - i to bukvalno novi list, beba-list, sveeetlo zelen, mek i fin.

I za kraj, kada je leto uzivajte na moru, kada kao danas uporno pada kisa uzivajte i disite duboko, a kada se ovih mirisa uzelite trk po Demeter reminiscencije.

ENOUGH ABOUT perfumes? No way.

Inspired by my freshly arrived INY tee (what would one do without friends), today is one of the rare Laundromat days. Anyone who's been to NYC and felt it even for a brief moment knows how many different scents it carries, and the one of the most distinctive ones for me is the incredible one coming from the laundries. Laundromat is one of the perfumes from the incredible DEMETER fragrance library. You have these fine, chic, overwhelmingly nice perfumes, and you have these straightforward little bottles keeping these miraculous liquids that talk about different moods. There's a little story accompanying every one of Demeter perfumes.

First of all, my
TOP3. Laundromat, buzzin'round my head as I type. Peony, that simply has to be as glorious as the flower itself is, knowing the way they create the atmosphere with the scent. It is not a mere copying achieved by using the flower essence. It is the real essence of the thing that stands written on the bottle, the very core and the precise atmosphere they create when present. Then this one named Crème Brûlée, I already wrote about this obsession of mine... Flowery trio that simply cannot miss - Cherry Blossom, Lilly of the Valley i Freesia. Huh... Then, the two of the pure Demeter concept perfumes, Dirt, their pride and joy, and Holy Water, fascinating even with no additional comment. Just like Brownie. Followed by something completely unexpected (as these weren't...) - mega magical Tomato picking scent, crisp freshness like no other - Celery and New Leaf - literally, a baby leaf, lightly green, tender and fragile. And finally, in the summer enjoy the sea, when it's pouring rain just like today love it and breathe deeply, and when you feel nostalgic about them, go get your piece of reminiscence from Demeter library.

27. 1. 2009.


I PONOVO, kako to vec biva sa jogisticki izostrenom intuicijom, odmah po objavljenom postu o Thymes-u, stize mi od njih novi newsletter u kome prezentuju novost - mogucnost pravljenja liste zelja povodom Dana zaljubljenih... Uskoro nesto vise o mirisima i tom prazniku. Jedva cekam!

AND ONCE AGAIN, continuing working with my sharpened yogic intuition, the minute i posted my little Thymes story, I got their latest newsletter, presenting the latest option on their website - create your Valentine's wish list... A bit more on scents and Valentines combined very soon. Can't wait!

26. 1. 2009.

Sign of the Thymes

THYMES (na srpskom TIMJAN) je kozmeticka kuca iz Mineapolisa u kojoj zene muckaju kremice koje su takve da bi ih one same koristile ili poklonile svojim sestrama. Dobar koncept. Ipak, verujem da po tome nisu apsolutno jedinstvene na planeti Zemlji. Ono sto ih dodatno izdvaja je to sto su nasle pravu ekipu koja pakuje njihove proizvode u najlepse kutijice, kesice i bocice. Duffy&Partners su ucinili da njihova linija proizvoda izgleda... kao san.

Pocnimo od logoa, apliciranog na baner (sa stare verzije sajta) i poslovne papire. Ah, postoje li divniji poslovni papiri... Stancna u obliku viticaste zagrade...

A onda i dalje, dizajn magicno mirisljavih, jedinstveno pitomih linija proizvoda. Najpre drazesna Red Chérie™, pa brilijantno pametna i vazdusasto elegantna Filigree®, onda moj jos uvek aktuelni njujorski miris Kimono Rose, od pocetka do kraja po mojoj meri, i na kraju, besprekorni Coco Monoi.

Coco Monoi ponosno potpisuju ilustratorka Allison Newhouse i dizajner Ken Sakurai. Linkovi na njih jer je bolje kad uz ime ide i lice.

Thymes cudesa su vec godinu ipo uporno i stameno na mojoj USA shopping list. Zamislite, narucite nesto, bilo sta od svega ovoga i onda vam stigne, ovako zapakovano... Blago prekookeanskim damicama...

photo: Philosophical Karen@flickr
....................................................................................................THYMES is cosmetics manufacturer from Minneapolis. There, women blend the scents, creams and textures to make products they themselves would use and would give to their sisters. Nice concept. Nevertheless, I believe they're not worldwide unique with it. What makes them utterly distinctive is that they've found the right crew to dress their wonders into most fabulous boxes, sachets, cans and labels. Duffy&Partners made their products look like... a dream. Starting with the logo, applied to the banner (from their old web site) and business papers. Ah, are there business papers more beautiful than this... Flaps cut in the curvy brackets shape...And then, further more, the design of the magically scented, incredibly tame product ranges. Firstly, lovely Red Chérie™, then brilliantly smart and airy elegant Filigree®, then my dear and still fresh NYC scent Kimono Rose, molded fully to my needs from A to Z and finally, impeccable Coco Monoi. The brilliant people behind Coco Monoi are the illustrator Allison Newhouse and the designer Ken Sakurai. Links to them because the face goes well with the name. Thymes wonders are a constant on my USA wish list for more than a year. Just imagine that, you order something from Thymes and it arrives to your doorstep, packed like this... Lucky you, overseas ladies...

25. 1. 2009.

Back to Basics

OK, SVI ZNAMO za momka koji je pixel art razvio do krajnjih sumanutih granica. E-BOY i njegovi pixel gradovi sad su vec noseci deo poznatih svetskih kampanja.

Malo manje poznati i takodje pixel art oriented su Japanci koji se zajedno zovu DELAWARE. Njih cetvoro prave multimedijalne aplikacije, muziku, bitmap grafiku i kojesta. Dnevne beleske, poruke ali i old master revivals. Evo npr. njihove Miloske Venere.

Ali! Mora da se zna ko je bio prvi. Jedna osoba povezuje E-boya, Delaware i mene. Susan Kare je zena koja dizajnira interfejs za sve nas krajnje korisnike. Prve ikonice je projektovala za Mac kompjutere, ona je zena koja je nacrtala Happy Mac, satic koji se pojavljuje dok kompjuter nesto radi i kantu za djubre. Izmedju ostalog. Ona je nacrtala pasijans za Microsoft. Radila za obe strane. To je tako kul.

I, kako vec znam biti impresionirama tim ranim, takoreci primitivnim kompjuterskim aplikacijama i njihovim ogranicenjima koja motivisu i daju cudesne rezultate za onoga ko prokljuvi tok i zna da pliva kuda voda nosi, podsecanje na MacPaint je ucinilo da, cisto mozganja i treninga radi, posle sto godina otvorim Windows-ov Paint sva srecna sto nekim cudom jos uvek postoji u sistemu i pored aktuelnog CS4 paketa... We've come a long way baby...

OK, I GUESS we all know about the guy that pushed pixel art to the sky high limits.
E-BOY and his pixel cities are now part of the huge corporations' campaigns.
Lesser known but stil big are also pixel art oriented Japanese guys (plus a girl) called
DELAWARE. Four of them are making different multimeadia apps, music, bitmap graphics, all sorts of thing. Daily notes, messages to the world, but also old master revivals. Here's one - their Venus de Milo.But! We all need to remember who was the first. There's one person E-boy, Delaware and me have in common. Susan Kare is the woman that still designes User Interface Graphics. She designed the original Mac icons, Happy Mac, the watch appearing when the computer's doing something, the trash bin. Among other things. She designed Solitaire for Microsoft. Worked both fronts. I love that.
And, the way I get all excited 'bout those early, so to speak primitive computer applications and their lovely limitations that motivate and give such great results to those who figure how to go with the flow, being reminded of MacPaint made me find and turn Windows' Paint on after a thousand years, all thrilled and not actually believing that ot is still a part of system available to us end users long after Photoshop's been invented and CS4 being current version... We've come a long way baby...

24. 1. 2009.

Belgrade Daily: A MONTH

DAKLE, sta se sve izdesavalo izmedju ovog i prethodnog Belgrade Daily posta... I otkud mi uopste ideja da nesto napisem uz ove foto beleske...? Ovo je trebalo da bude neka vrsta NO COMMENT sekcije bloga...

Desila se Nova godina, neocekivani dragi pokloni, tuzne godisnjice i novi poceci. Yoga Chez Moi. I dalje me fascinira fragilnost mimoze paperjastog zimskog cvetica. Ruza kao miris i aplikacija neplanirano na sve strane. Kokliko se preselio na mesto Allegre preko puta Dragane Ognjenovic. Kraj semestra, mnogo posla u studiju, u nekim trenucima trokompjuterski multitasking. I novi katalog folija za konacnu finalizaciju omiljenog projekta. Nadam se da cu se uskoro hvaliti na sav glas.

SO, WHAT'S been going on for the past month, between this and the previous Belgrade Daily post... And where did I get the idea to put a text note along with these photo notes that were supposed to be some kind of NO COMMENT section of this blog...

What happened is the New Year came, unexpected lovely presents, sad anniversaries and brand new beginnings. Yoga Chez Moi. I'm still fascinated by the fragility of mimosas, these feathery fluffy winter flower puffs. The smell of roses and roses all around unexpectedly. Kokliko moved where Allegra was, across Dragana Ognjenovic stores. The end of semester, a lot of work at the studio, at time three-computer multitasking. And the new foil catalogue for the favorite project finalization. I hope to brag about this some time soon.

22. 1. 2009.

LEGO Inauguration

Shuriken Magnets

NO COMMENT NEEDED. Get yours here.

16. 1. 2009.

Rose Turkish Delight CONCRETE


SECATE SE kuce iz Ivice i Marice? E pa, doslo je vreme za real life kuce od slatkisa!

Posle fascinantnog pronalaska Aerogela, pojavio se jos jedan fenomenalni novi graditeljski materijal. Novi providni beton koji izgleda kao ratluk od ruze napravili su Joel Sosa i Sergio Omar Galván, meksicki studenti. 30% laksi i 80% providniji od obicnog betona, jednako postojan na temperaturnim promenama i otporan na zemljotrese. Sweet!

YOU REMEMBER the house from Hansel and Gretel? Well, it is real life candy house time!
After the fascinating invention of Aerogel, there is a new super phenomenal building material. It is the new transparent concrete, invented by Mexican students Joel Sosa and Sergio Omar Galván. It's 30% lighter and 80% more transparent than the regular concrete, equally resistant to different weather conditions and earthquakes. Sweet!

via NotCot

15. 1. 2009.

Handmade by Eduardo

JEDAN OD MyFonts Top 10 fontova 2008 je novi komercijalni font Eduarda Recifea, Handmade. Set iscizeliranih inicijala, raznorodnih, barokni saloon stil sa metalnim gravurama i nitnama u kombinaciji sa neocekivano svedenim, cistim formama pojedinih slova koji na taj nacin drze slovni set na okupu ne dozvoljavajuci da pobegne u veliko titravo ludilo.

Ukoliko niste pratili Eduardov rad, mozete pogledati aktuelnu verziju njegovog Misprinted Type sajta, kao i prethodne dve verzije, DRUGU koja je u nekakvom Carsonovskom duhu i TRECU, sa uvodnom slikom koja kao da je bila pocetak upravo Handmade fonta. Pronadjite tamo gomilicu free fontova, njegove prezentacije istih koje ih prikazuju u najboljem svetlu kao i desetak novih ilustracija. Odlicne su i to je totalno on i neki novi njegov nivo.

ONE OF MyFonts Top 10 fonts 2008 is a new comercial typeface by Eduardo Recife Handmade. A set od hand drawn detailed initials, mainly in a sort of a baroque saloon style with some of the letters strangely clean and modern making the set coherent and saving it from being one great big twinkling madness.

If you're not familiar with Eduardo's work, browse through the current, 4th version of his Misprinted Type website, and take a look at those previous ones.
THE SECOND ONE designed in some kind of Carson aesthetics, and the THIRD that has this index image that looks like the beginning of this latest font of his. Also find a bunch of free fonts there, his fonts' presentations that show them in the best possible way as well as a few of his latest illos, some of them shown here (see images). They're absolutely great and sooo him and another level of his work.

14. 1. 2009.

I ♥ Tech: PURE*&Unique

JOS JEDNA od divnih novotarija koje podizu kvalitet zivota. PURE* je jak i tih kompjuter u divnom keramickom rucno pravljenom kucistu. Mat i sjajni, svetli ili tamni, potpuno svedeni u formi. 4 nozice, slot za cd, tackice za luftiranje. To je sve. Ja bih ovaj iznad, ovaj trunku plavkasti.

I posebna, art verzija, prava holandska - PURE*DELFTBLUE.

via designboom

ANOTHER LOVELINESS that raises our lives' quality is PURE* - a stron and silent computer nested in a one of a kind handmade ceramic box. Matte and glossy, light and dark in color, completely simplified in shape. 4 mini mounts, a slot for a cd and a row of dots that let him breathe. That's it. I'd choose that very pale blue one at the top image.

Plus, there's the special art issue version, the true Dutch PURE*DELFTBLUE.

Top Art

CIGRE (eng. TOP, ili SPINNING TOP) koje crtaju cine projekat Drawing Tops Thomasa Forsyth-a. Ono sto ih cini posebnim je hemijska koja, utaknuta u drveno telo po prvi put belezi cudesne putanje jedne prosecne chile chigre.

via designboom

THESE TOPS draw. Tops, spinning tops. They make Thomasa Forsyth's project he named Drawing Tops. What makes them different is the regular pen used for a spindle, and making possible to capture the regular top's whereabouts for the first time.

12. 1. 2009.

Logos I ♥: GLICO

photo: GoofyGoof@flickr

LISTAJUCI AKTUELNU Paul Smith kolekciju, nabasala sam na ovaj model. Natpis Café Gréco na finoj bluzi inspirisanoj chansonjerkom Juliette Gréco.

Nacin na koji je ispisano njeno prezime me podsetilo samo na jedno: omiljeni Glico logo! Ova japanska fabrika slatkisa pravi Pocky, koji je kao komplet grisine+krem iz detinjstva (or is it just me?). Samo fensije. Pocky je stari stari proizvod koji se od '66. oblaci u nove ukuse i kutije, dozivljava limited, special i men's editions. Ovaj Macha Mousse (mus od zelenog caja) je ne-vi-djen!

photo pink Pocky: blu_pineappl3@flickr, Green Tea Mousse: bosbos@flickr, White Mousse: ebi debi@flickr, flowery Pocky: yusheng@flickr

BROWSING THROUGH the current Paul Smith collection, I found this model. One fine black knitted tee from the collection inspired by the popular chanson singer Juliette Gréco says her name and the way it's written reminded me od my favorite Glico logo! This Japanese candy factory makes lovely Pocky, the snack that is consisted of a biscuit stick covered with chocolate. Like a ready made version of that little experiment of mine with sticks I dipped into choco cream when I was a kid. One super strange and addictive combo that was... Pocky is there and kikcin' since 1966, getting dressed into different choco tastes, different looking boxes, limited, special and men's editions. This Macha Mousse (green tea) is in-cre-di-ble!

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