31. 10. 2008.
Istarski Slow Food u Beogradu!
EVO GDE vodim da castim za dva polozena postdiplomska ispita u ovom ispitnom roku!Ovo je doslo kao poruceno, taman da me nagradi i seti na nase drago Tartufsko leto!
THIS IS where I'm taking my dearies to celebrate finishing with the two of the exams at my MFA studies! This is kind of a gift from above, rewarding me and reminding of our dear Truffle Summer!
29. 10. 2008.
SPREMAM NOVU pricu sa Treesonima. Evo nekih meking of slika. Kao sto vidite, sada su vec porodica, a ova paleta njihova zajednicka licna karta.
P.S. ovde je prva prica
I'M WORKING on the new story on Treesons'. Here are some making of photos. As you can see, they're a family now, and this palette is their family ID.
P.S. the first story is here
28. 10. 2008.
NAJPRE, u novom tabu otvorite ovaj link. Krece pesma koja prati ovaj post.
A onda, moj idealni laptop.
Ja STVARNO volim tehnologiju. Umem da se nosim sa njom i iskreno me raduje. Odavno je to prestalo da bude samo pitanje posedovanja, volim sto te stvari postoje i sto ih je neko izmislio. Da nije neko, morala bih ja. Tako je to sa mnom, pravim ono sto mi nedostaje, a ako to neko drugi napravi, fino. Eto tako na primer, da nema Sofije Kopole i njenih filmova, morala bih ja da ih pravim takve kakvi su... ;p
Ko zna dokle su zapravo ideje i prototipi za buducnost dosli. Nije to samo pitanje sukcesivnog uzimanja para, ja verujem da mnoge stvari jos uvek ne mogu da postoje jer nismo spremni za njih. Sokirali bismo se od prevelikog tehnoloskog skoka. Nekako kao kad odes u Japan ^ _ ^.
Evo mog doprinosa u ideji, sa gledista krajnjeg korisnika sklonog kombinatorici.
Izasao je nedavno novi MacBookPro. I uz uvodnu sliku stoji New design. New features. New technologies. All engineered to standards that don’t even exist yet. Razmisljala sam malo kakav bibio moj kompjuter snova. Obradovao me je novi Touch Pad koji je nesto kao iPhone screen - clickable celom povrsinom. Plus, razlicite funkcije sa prsticima, onaj legendarni zum i odzum... Mljac!
Ali, evo neke sledece daleke varijante. MacBookPro sa integrisanom Optimus Tactus tastaturom!!! Postovani Art Lebedev (koji je napravio neverovatnu Optimus Maximus tastaturu koja na svakoj od tipki ima programljiv ekrancic od 48×48 pix), ima novu tastaturu u povoju. Ravna povrsina - nema fizickih tipki, ovo je one sensor display keyboard, sto znaci da moze da se programira... kako god! Na mojoj u Photoshopu sklepanoj slici je nekakav stand by mode mog divnog savrsenog laptopa, a na njegovom sajtu mozete videti i kako ce tastatura izgledati u modu za kucanje i u modu za gledanje filmica. Ako je ovo obznanjeno, ne mogu ni da zamislim sta je jos tajna njihove radionice...
p.s. Procitajte perfect little info u vezi sa pesmom koju slusate - Charlotte Gainsbourg AF607105
FIRST OF ALL, open this link in the new tab. The song goes along with this post.
And then, my ideal laptop.
I REALLY love technology. I know how to handle it and I'm happy with it. Innovations make me jump of joy, and it's long past time since I've seen these tech stuff as something that I must own. It's just that I love these things existing and if someone else didn't make some things I'd have to. Just like I'd have to make Sofia Copolla's movies if she didn't make them. ;p
Who knows how far these tech things have come actually. I don't see it as the way to take money from people, these baby steps we're making in progress. I really think that the majority is just not ready for the tech leap at this moment. People would be shocked. I guess it's like when you go to Japan ^ _ ^.
So here's my end-user-love-to-combine contribution.
Apple announced a new generation of laptops. Right by the image of the new MacBookPro there's the text saying: New design. New features. New technologies. All engineered to standards that don’t even exist yet. I've been thinking what would my dream computer be. They integrated the new TouchPad that's clickable all over and I assume similar to iPhone's screen. Has like a million of fab finger combo functions, including that zoom in zoom out loveliness. Yummy!
But, this is my variant. MacBookPro with Optimus Tactus keyboard integrated!!! Highly respected Art Lebedev (that invented the incredible Optimus Maximus keyboard with programmable 48×48 pix screen keys), has a new one coming up. It is flat, with no physical keys, this is one sensor display keyboard, which means it can be programmed... in a million ways! On this image I made in Photoshop you can see what my perfect little laptop would look like in some kind of a standby mode, and on his website you can see how the keyboard will look in typing and in video mode. If this is something they've announced I'm just looking fwd to see what they're still keeping a secret...
p.s. Plus, read the perfect little info on the song you're listening as you read this - Charlotte Gainsbourg's AF607105
27. 10. 2008.
Logos I ♥: GE
OVAJ LOGO mi je na spisku vec sto godina i sada me je Petriciceva izlozba i ova ilustracija podsetila da ga predstavim. Dakle, firma koju je osnovao Tomas Alva Edison ima ovaj logo vec 100 godina. (ovde pogledajte kako se menjao i njegovu prvu aplikaciju)
photos: dr. umbo_, lachance, Photocat62, MatthewBradley, Cℓea tecℓea, connectologist.
Neobicno je mek u tom centralnom neprekinutom potezu koji cini dva slova, pa jos i krug koji ih opkoljava ima rascvetanu liniju. Ipak on u svim aplikacijama, u razlicitim velicinama i materijalima izgleda apsolutno spektakularno i jedan je od onih cinilaca koji nam prave sliku Amerike.
Jedna od prvih asocijacija na GE logo za mene je Vorholova Tajna vecera. Ima mnogo verzija, ovo nije upravo ta koja je meni u glavi, ali shvatate. Trazeci ovu sliku, naisla sam na razne komentare i tumacenja, ali niko nije pomenuo ono sto je meni ostalo urezano u pamcenju jos od studentskih dana, a to je da golubica iz Dove logoa ovde predstavlja Sveti duh, a GE logo - Holy Light! Ne znam sta bese ova price tag od 59 centi...
THIS LOGO has been on my logo list for quite some time now and Petricic reminded me of it with this illustration. So, GE is corporation founded by Thomas Alva Edison and this logo had been in use for more that 100 years. (take a look on logo's first use here)
It is strangely soft for such a corporation's logo, it has this contiguous line swirling the two letters together and, furthermore, the circle surrounding them had additional curves. In all of the applications, materials and sizes, it looks absolutely spectacular and forms our ideas on America.
One of the first things that cross my mind when I think of GE is Warhol's The Last Supper. There's a bunch of versions to this painting, not even this is what I have in mind, but you get the clue. Looking for this image, I came across some comments on this painting but none of those mentioned what's stuck in my mind back from the days when I was a student - the dove represent the Holy Spirit and the GE logo stands for Holy Light! I can't remember what this 59 cent price tag stands for...
26. 10. 2008.
NAVODNO, OVA sacica magicnog novootkivenog povrca ima vise vitamina C od kilograma kivija... A celog zivota sam fizalis gledala u vazi kao neko mamino simpa ukrasno zbunje, kao one "jevrejske parice", ono suvo granje sa sedefastim krtim opnicama. Pih, eto ga obrt!
AS IT TURNS OUT, this handful of the newly discovered plant has more vitamin C than one kilo of kiwi... And I've looked at it my whole life as some decorative bushes my mom likes to have around. Now there's a twist!
25. 10. 2008.
My Type of Type
UKOLIKO NISTE otisli na Petricicevu retrospektivu u MPU, imate fore jos danas do 5 popodne i sutra od 10-14h. Ja sam je pretabala posteno i napravila dodatak i update svojoj kolekciji. Petricicev rad je ostao jedna od retkih stvari koje jos uvek imam potrebu da prikupljam. Cini mi se da je to zato sto njegov rad pravi prikaz kvaliteta i kontinuiteta na koji se treba ugledati, prikazuje posebnost izraza i individualnost duha, sustinsku ljubav prema poslu i marljivost koja proizvodi lagane vedre rezultate koji kao da su iz prve ispali iz cetke, pera, flomastera. Srz Petricicevog rada mi je anker koji, kad god se zaljuljam, potvrdjuje vrednosti na kojima sam rasla, kao beskonacno prisustvo roditelja gledano iz perspektive srecnog deteta.
Atmosfera se moze opisati vrlo jednostavno, u samo par slika - veeeeliki crtezi koji svetle gledani iznutra, prosvetljeni dnevnom svetloscu, cine da se osetis maleno, kao neko dete. Kao da sanjas ili se secas. Ljudi su stajali na ulici kada ugledaju ove ilustracije sa onim osmehom koji kaze "eeeee!". Na izlozbu su dolazile zajedno tri generacije i jednako snazno, sa razlicitim lepim asocijacijama smesile se isto kao likovi naspram njih.
Koliko god je bilo prijatno videti stare ilustracije, odstampane i jos vise originale, pa i nove americke osvrte na politicke aktuelnosti, ovo je jedna od najvrednijih stvari koje sam ulovila na izlozbi. Upravo su ovo moje Family Values.
Jedan veeeeliki tabak sa gomilicom razne male dece kao da je univerzalni portret grupe iz predskolskog. Ili upravo tog vremena. Takvi smo bili - mali, jednostavni, razliciti, sareni, zadovoljni. Ili je to tako u mojoj glavi...
Kad dodje vreme za sumiranje, kada se samo secas i osvrces, onda si zavrsio. Za mene ovo nije zal za mlados', jednostavno sreca sto kad na kratko bacim pogled unazad vidim zaista srecno detinjstvo najdirektvnije opisivo drugima kroz Petricicev opus za decu. Rasli smo sa Poletarcem koji nas je formirao a ne ukalupljivao, cinio da budemo vizljasti i snalazljivi klinci. Od malena su nam po glavi u ritmu jos uvek neobicno jedinstvene Laboratorije zvuka trcale, rasipale se i ponovo okupljale Petriciceve ilustracije i u slikama stopljena najrazlicitija slova... Hm, mozda je tada pocelo to sve sa mnom i slovima... Jedno ogromno HVALA Dusanu Petricicu!
pogledajte i spicu za Nedeljni zabavnik i za Branka Kockicu.
IF YOU HAVEN'T seen Petricic's retrospective exhibition you have this weekend to see it. I've browsed thoroughly and made some snaps for my collection. His work is one of the rare things I still have the urge to collect. I think it's because his work represents just the right way to enjoy your work, to be diligent and persistent and to make things that look as fresh as they just popped out of the pen easily. The core of his work is kind of an anchor for me, like some kind of omnipresent parent presence from happy child's perspective.
The atmosphere there at the exhibition is easy to describe. Very large illos glowing back lit by daylight when looked from the inside of the Museum make you feel like a kid, little and enchanted. Like you're dreaming or remembering. That exactly is the way people looked at him from the street. Three generations came along here and enjoyed equally charmed and with different associations, smiling like the characters across their faces.
It was lovely to see all of those old illustrations collected at one place, and then Petricic's newer American works on current political streams, but the one beneath the Family Values title is one of the greatest treasures I came across at this retrospective.
And a bunch of kids on this one big piece of paper is like a universal portrait of a group of first graders. That is how we were - little, simple, unique, colorful, happy. Or is it just me...
When the time comes to sum up, if you're just looking back and remembering, I guess that's kind of it. For me this is not that, it's just that I'm so happy that if I take a brief look at my childhood I can be happy to say that it was a really happy one, best described to other people with Petricic's work for kids. We grew up watching this TV show for kids called Poletarac, it made us grow out of the box. We had these strange buzzing in our head and it was to the rhythm of quirky songs by Laboratorija zvuka and Petricic's lovely images moving, disappearing and mingling along with it. And all those letters blended into pictures... I guess that could be the letter love beginning for me... One huge THANK YOU to Dusan Petricic!
24. 10. 2008.
Flourishing Compendium
VEER JE OBJAVIO ekskluzivnu novinu u svojoj prodavnici fontova - Compendium. Naizgled klasicno kaligrafski, oplemenjen je cudnim specificnim lomovima i uvrtanjima u rasvetanim potezima. Evo delova iz pdf prezentacije a pogledajte i Veer stranu posvecenu Compendiumu Alejandra Paula iz Umbrella Type.
VEER ANNOUNCED new exclusive in their font store. It's Compendium, one beautifully flourished script typeface that only seems classical - it has these specific breaks and whirls making it very bold and contemporary. Here are a few images from the pdf presenting the character set and also check Veer's page on Compendium by Alejandro Paul of Umbrella Type.
23. 10. 2008.
Near the Water
SELIDBA SA Novog Beograda u centar posle 20-ak godina svasta promeni. Ne navijam ni za koga, volim i jedno i drugo. Samo nam jos treba jos jedno zaostravanje kao taj nekakvi mikro lokal patriotizam.
Jedna stvar je jos uvek konstanta - blizina reke. Ispostavlja se da mi BAS znaci da budem blizu vode. Cudno je to kako jedan usputni pogled na reku odnese caskom svu teskobu. Blokovski kej smo zamenili za pristaniste, a onda se na neko vreme tu i naselili. A sad, od kada Sjajne reci vise ne dzonjaju kod Beton hale, malo sam nesto setna kad se prosetam tom straftom. To su ta cudna zenska vezivanja i emocije gde im izgleda nije mesto...
Feist - Water
WHEN YOU CROSS the bridge and settle on the other side of the river after some 20 years a lot changes. I'm not taking sides or anything, I love both. We really don't need another confrontation and that kind of micro local patriotism.
One thing has always been a constant to me - nearness of water. As it turns out it means A LOT to me to live near water. It's kinda strange how easily all the gloom is gone just by one brief look at big water. So our New Belgrade strand is now replaced with the other Sava river's bank. Then, for a while we nested there with this project Dazzling Words that's not even there anymore. I get a bit misty walking there now, that's how girls get attached placing their emotions where they don't belong sometimes...
22. 10. 2008.
Theory Alive
DALEKO POSLE zavrsenih osnovnih studija nasla sam se ponovo nad knjigom. "Daleko posle" u mojim razmerama znaci posle nekih 5 godina. Iako je valjda uobicajeno da kad nesto MORAS tesko mozes da postavis u glavi taj proces tako da ti bude prvenstveno zabavno i da osecas da ti znaci za struku pa i opste zivotne stavove, ja uspevam upravo to da uradim. Cini mi se da je ovakvo mozganje i preuzimanje postojecih saznanja covecanstva bilo upravo ono sto mi je trebalo da krenem dalje. Bez upliva u teoriju osecam se kao umetnicki zanatlija i lakse me ponesu aktuelni tokovi. Susret sa Borom Iljovskim, a odmah zatim i potvrdjivanje i produbljivanje znanja o kicmi stvaralastva kroz estetiku daju mi bazu koja ankeruje.
Evo najpre jednog dvolista iz knjige Playful Type moje omiljene izdavacke kuce Die Gestalten Verlag. Ovaj konkretni primer spaja milijardu stvari koje mene zanimaju, i u sadrzini i u formi. Da ne sirim previse, spoj klasicne Grcke i Beckovog aktuelnog albuma, kosmosa i teksture drveta, kontrasti i bezbroj sivih. Ovo mi je blisko i poznato kao da sam ja napravila.
Onda, jedna od reklama iz Pumine kampanje sa praskom potpuno apstraktnog okruzenja za modela. I ona reklama sa ljudima koji polecu i zaustavljaju se u letu praveci ulancenu masu, ima isti ton u drugom mediju.
Onda, nesto krajnje prakticno, zapravo kako ide nova godina i razmisljanja o kalendarima raznim povodima, pomislila sam da je jedna od retkih informacija koje bih zaista zelela da imam na kalendaru iz dana u dan - meseceve mene. I procackam malo po glavi i prisetim se kalendara u MoMA prodavnici, bio je taj jedan crni fenomenalni... evo ga:
Koliko je to upravo u skladu sa onom prvom slikom! Koliko je efektno, graficki pismeno i dinamicno, a pritom ispunjava upravo taj jedan zahtev koji za kalendar imam. Dizajniran jos 1981, sada ga samo update-uju za svaku narednu godinu.
I na kraju, favorit koji se temom svakako, a sada vec i direktno formom vezuje za ovu skupinu fenomenalija, Nooka sat. Uvek kada se vratim na njihove satove pomislim - kako to da do sada nisam kupila neki i ponovo zakljucim da je to samo zato sto ne mogu da se odlucim...
LONG AFTER you finish with your school days it's kinda hard to sit and read real thick books. I guess it's pretty usual that when you HAVE TO do something it very hard to make a switch in your head making that particular studies interesting and feeling it necessary for growth in your profession. That is exactly what I did! It seems to me that all this brain exercising and getting to know even the first layer of Aesthetics is exactly what I needed to move on. Without scratching the design theory surface I'd still feel like a craftsman not that I diminish their contribution, don't get me wrong. And I also feel that theory gives me a specific anchor in my work confirming and broadening my knowledge on creative process' base.
Just when I got involved into this brainy stuff a bunch of beautiful examples of theory living loud in design are buzzing all around me. And just like a good logo is always good in black laid simply on a piece of simple white paper and therefore good in every other color, all of these examples you're about to see are executed in black-grays-white.
The first example is a spread from Gestalten's book Playful Type. This exact piece joins like a million of my favorite interests in both content and form. Without further expanding of the theme, some of those would be joining of classic Greece and Beck's current release, cosmos and wood textures, contrasts and millions of grays. This is familiar and close to me in a way I recognize this as something I made. Love it!
Then, one of the ads from Puma's campaign with a burst of fully abstract model's surroundings. And that TV commercial belonging to this campaign also carries this feeling, the one where people in new shoes lift from the ground making one linked mass of people.
And then, something highly practical in it's use, as New year approaches the thought on new calendar appears, I'm thinking the only thing I'd like to have on my main wall calendar is moon phases. And I remember the fabulous one from MoMA Store, that black one, gorgeous... How in harmony that one stands with the first image! How literate, graphically powerful and dynamic is that and fills the only thing I ask of a calendar for the next year. Designed back in 1981, it is being updated every year. Want it!
And finally, an all time fav that matches in concept and form both to all these beauties, a fabulous Nooka! Every time I remember those watches I think how come I never bought not single one of them by now, and every time I come to the same conclusion - the only reason is - I can't decide!
21. 10. 2008.
Zuki's New Place
MOJA DRAGA ZUKI, u svetu poznata kao Unazukin, inace najbolja drugarica Pinksteru (na slici 1), cerki u mojoj Treeson porodici, juce se uselila u svoju novu japansku bastu. Ima i zen kamencice koji cuvaju vlagu zemljistu i koji se perlicasto presijavaju i tako se matchuju sa njenim malim shlafrokom. I nju smo skucili.
MY DEARY ZUKI, worldwide known as Unazukin, Pinkster's (daugter in my Treeson family, image 1) best friend, moved into her new japanese garden yesterday. She eve has those little glittery marbles keeping the moist in the soil and matching the pearly gown. Now she's settled as well.
19. 10. 2008.
I ♥ Tech: WHITES
OBOZAVAM SADASNJE vreme i ne bih htela da zivim ni u jednom drugom. Uzivam posmatrajuci kako se sve ono sto je osamdesetih nastalo u nekoj osnovnoj, integralnoj verziji sada rascvetava u svojoj punoj upotrebi. Nije to pitanje samog sakupljanja ili posedovanja novotarija. Cak i tu rec gedzeti BAS ne ljubim i cim smislim neku novu, ova leti. Kada prikupim neku kolicinu svojih favorita na gomilu shvatim sta im je zajednicka crta.
Ovoga puta, osim sto je, ocigledno, u pitanju izbor belih stvarcica, zajednicko im je to da svi imaju nekakvu dusu. Oni ne samo da olaksavaju svakodnevno funkcionisanje nego i znacajno razvedravaju dan. I na kraju, zbog svojih gabarita i namene zgodno ih je nositi sa sobom, pa ih je tako i lako usvojiti kao kucne ljubimce. Sve je pocelo sa Tamagochijem, ali je to otislo daleko i na razlicite strane. Pocinjemo i zavrsavamo sa tastaturom. Uzivajte!
What: USB Flexible Keyboard
Note: soft foldable washable molded silicon (con: ugly cable)
More info: usbgeek
How much:
Mini Keyboard (85 Keys) - US$ 22.00
Full size Keyboard (109 Keys)- US$ 26.00
What: Active Crystals USB Memory Key 2 GB Robot Happy Laura by Philips and Swarovski
Note: available in black (and called Naughty Raymond)
More info: Philips
How much: $180
What: TOMY Flip-Flap Solar Powered Cybernetic Plant
Note: 3 swing modes
More info: watch it dance
How much: $30, more or less
What: iPod Box Speaker
Note: school project smart
More info: thanks to NotCot again
How much: $40
Note: i so want this!
More info: he's alive! + his homepage
How much: $50
What: WACOM Graphire4 Classic A6 WHITE
Note: i'm buying this as a reward for the next accomplishment
More info: official blah-blah
How much: $100
What: jstory Cable Manager Highway rabbit in White
Note: so neat and i acctually need this one. and not only in white
More info: jstory
How much: no idea
What: CMYK pen
Note: i really do carry one of those multi color pens around all the time
More info: Roma Lubimov at Behance
How much: just an idea but what a fab one
What: mix-style Bath Planetarium
Note: why exclusively "bath"?
More info: Japan tech goodies secret HQ
How much: $80
What: Solar Charger ECO Cell Phone Strap Super Mini
Note: good food for your mobile
More info: commercial + be sure to check compatibility list
How much: $20
What: Pocket Light
Note: so romantech
More info: designer's blog
How much: award winning prototype for now
What: Optimus Maximus keyboard in White
Note: my dream-come-true keyboard. is it too glossy?
More info: that's the man, Art Lebedev + he'll tell you a bit about it + ebony and ivory live together in perfect harmony
How much: approx. $1681.77
thanks to NotCot and Colette
I LOVE PRESENT time and wouldn't want to live any time else. I enjoy watching all those basic tech things from 80's making it into their full bloom as we speak. It is absolutely not about collecting something or possessing all the novelties. For start, I SO dislike this word - gadget. If I think of another all replace it right away. Anyway, only when some kind of a small wish list of mine gathers spontaneously over a period of time that's when I realize what's the thing that 's linking them.
This time, besides the obvious and ephemeral, the appearance, they're all white, all these thingies have some kind of a soul. Not only they make it easier but they lighten up the day. And finally, because of their features, usability and size, they're easy to carry around and bond to, like they're some kind of pets or something... It all started with Tamagotchi, but it went very far and in various directions, and here we are. So enjoy!
18. 10. 2008.
KADA GLEDAM stare jazz ploce, uvek zamisljam dizajnera koji slusa upravo tu muziku dok dizajnira omot. Tako dobro gadjaju atmosferu. Svaki detalj na svom mestu i doprinosi utisku. Graficka osnova te jazz ere dobro konstruisana i citava kolekcija tih ploca je vredna polaganja u vremensku kapsulu.
Onda se u nekom sledecem izdanju dizajner dosetio da osavremeni ovaj omot. To znaci da, za pocetak poznaje i voli onaj stari, sto moze da bude odlicna polazna tacka, ako mene pitate. E sad, sklonosti i sposobnosti te neke nove osobe naprave ovo ili ono, a onaj ljubicasti crno beli dizajn je dusu dao da sklizne u kich... Da me ne shvatite pogresno, jedna od mojih all time favorite kombinacije je zlatno+belo, ali sa crvenom ruzom i visestrukom niskom laznih bisera... hm, previse je. Da je ruza ostala bela, da bela vrata terase nije zamenio paravan u primacem salonu, osavremenjenje moka aparatom bi bilo prava mera.
Ali ono sto je prevazislo svaku meru je ukidanje secerom ispisanih slova! Daleko su od savrsenih, kicasta su u samoj ideji, lebde nad kompozicijom bez ikakvog smisla ali su tako nekako mila i nesvakidasnja.
I u pripremi nove palete, kako to uvek biva da se namesti, iskrsne projekat Marian Bantjes i Stefana Sagmeistera. Jedno od njegovih, sada vec 20 nacela koje je do sada naucio u zivotu, If I want to explore a new direction professionally, it is helpful to try it out for myself first, izvela je Marian Bantjes praveci slovnu kompoziciju od secera. Bilo je tu nekoliko varijanti, evo ovde samo jedne od njih:
Belo na belom i opsivanje forme senkom, ligature i kratkotrajnost rada koji postoji samo na fotorafijama... svacega tu ima zanimljivog... Plus, proces rada je verovatno bio nesto nalik smirujucem grabuljanju po bazencicu sa peskom u direktorskim kancelarijama, tzv. zen garden.
LOOKING AT old jazz records I always picture designer listening to the music he's packing into this sleeve. That's how the atmosphere depicted is exact. Every detail at it's place. I guess the graphic base is so firm in it's roots the whole collection of old jazz record could be put in the time capsule.
After some time they decided to freshen it up. The new designer knows and loves the old design and that could be a good starting point as far as I'm concerned. But then, what you'll do next is a big issue. The purple black and white sleeve is god given to become some kind of kitchy scene when turned into color. Don't get me wrong, one of my all time favorite color combos is gold+white, but red rose inluded and multiple stings of fake pearls... it's just too much. If the rose remained white and if the white doors to terrace weren't replaced with the cozy lounge paravan, adding this golden coffee brewer would be just the right amount of updating
But the one exact thing was what was over the top. Getting rid of the letters written in sugar. Far from perfect, kitchy in it's roots, floating over the composition they're so dear.
While preparing this new palette, as it always juxtaposes, I came across this work by Marian Bantjes and Stefan Sagmeister. One of SS's things he had learned so far in his life that says If I want to explore a new direction professionally, it is helpful to try it out for myself first, Marian Bantjes transformed into a composition made of sugar. There were several options to this, and here's only one of them:
see picture
White on white, the forms described by light and shadow, ligatures and the fragilness and briefness of the work that only exists in these photos now... a lot of very interesting points there... Plus the process itself must have been something like that calming process of assebling a unique setting in those small sand pools on executives' desks, named zen garden.
17. 10. 2008.
EVO DAKLE nove knjige za Fabriku knjiga, odmah posle Muzeja bezuvjetne predaje Dubravke Ugresic od pre... desetak dana. Malo smo ubrzali, sad ce Sajam knjiga.
Ovo je tekst sa zadnje korice, jedina informacija koja je pokrenula ovu koricu u mojoj glavi:
Četiri vojnika, četiri drugara žive svoje radosti i tuge tokom zimskog ratnog predaha: na putevima i puteljcima, u šumi, u kolibi čvrstoj i pouzdanoj poput prijateljstva, pored slučajno otkrivenog jezerceta. Tek izašli iz detinjstva, nepismeni, gotovo bez ičega, ako se izuzmu skromna vojnička oprema, oskudna hrana i cigarete, komplet kockica i sat sa slikom žene, oni se ni u jednom trenutku ne dosađuju. Kada im se pridruži dečak koji zna da piše, javlja se nada da ništa neće biti zaboravljeno.
Iber Mingareli prihvatio je isti izazov pred kojim su se našli njegovi junaci: da s minimalnim sredstvima stvori nešto vredno i uzbudljivo, nešto što zalužuje da bude zapamćeno.
Posle izlozbe u Grafickom kolektivu desio se preokret u mom dizajnu korica edicije DANiNOC. Sada se crno bele fotografije sa detektivskog stola pojavljuju samo u tragovima a cesto beleske mobilnim telefonom dominiraju na koricama. Ovde je glavna kompozicija od plasticnih figurica, drveca i ruza upravo uslikana mojom vernom N76. Bice zabavno sloziti sve korice ove edicije na jedno mesto, u taj moj online portfolio koji ceka i ceka i ceka. Uskoro. Do tad, evo malog pregleda na Fabrikinom sajtu.
SO HERE'S a brand new book I've designed for Fabrika knjiga publishing house. Only some ten days after the previous one, we've been busy since the Belgrade Book Fair is coming up.
I've made some kind of a twist in design for the covers for this book edition after the exhibition. Now, those black and white photos depicting scenes from detective's desk are being used in details only and the main focus is on custom tailored photos on even notes taken by my dear N76. I;m so looking fwd to seeing all of the covers at one place besides my shelf, in this online space called my portfolio that's been waiting for ages now... Soon, I hope. Until then, every once in a while I take a look at the collection on Fabrika knjiga's web presentation.
16. 10. 2008.
Bea's Beet Carpaccio
CUDNO JE da do sada nisam napravila ni jedan post o hrani.
Zapravo mi je ideja da ucinim da ova moja hrana (sve bliza makrobiotici) izgleda manje rusticno i prosto, previse integralno i stopljeno sa jednako okerastim tanjirima. Da ubacim tu malo stila, da makrobiotika postane i ovde chic. Za sada kao da samo prikupljam informacije i pasivno pravim kriticnu masu koja ce da eksplodira kada dodje vreme za tu moju good-food-looking-good akciju.
Moja omiljena kuvarica/food stylist/fotograf je La Tartine Gourmande. Ona pravi svakojaku klopu, nesto od toga nesto obozavam da gledam a veliki broj njenih recepata je upravo prototip onoga o cemu vam pricam. Svaki njen napravljeni uredjeni i uslikani zalogaj odise radoscu i zadovoljstvom, bljesti od boja, duhovito je i precizno.
Ovoga puta izdvajam skori recept koji je pravila za Boston Globe - Beet Carpaccio. To je ova slika gore. Sta radi jedno slovo, a!? (standardni carpaccio je od govedine tj. beef, a ovaj je povrcni od cvekle - beet).
IT'S KINDA strange I haven't witten a single post on food.
Actually, I have this idea that this food I eat (getting closer to macrobiotics) should look much less rustic and bad simple, to integral and blended with those ochre-ish plates. I'd add some style, zest, chic to all that. It all looks pretty sad and cultish at this moment in Belgrade... So far I'm collecting info making space for this huge amount of everything that'll burst when the time comes and my own good-food-looking-good action will emerge...
My favorite cook/food stylist/photographer is La Tartine Gourmande. She's making all kinds of beautiful food, some of those I aodre to look at and a bunch of recepies found at her food blog are incredible to taste. This exactly is the prototype of what I'm telling you about. Every bite that she makes glows with happines, passion and style, it sparkles with joy, it is funny and so precise.
This time I'm presenting this marvelous Beet Carpaccio she made for Boston Globe's food section. That's the picture at the beggining of the post. What a difference one letter makes... ^ _ ^
15. 10. 2008.
Mini Crochet
KADA SMO BILI mali pa sa skolom krenemo u setnju po Kalemegdanu, nekom misterijom i mimo bilo kakvog smisla meni znanog uvek sam se kacila za one heklane kichaste stvari. Mislim, kacile su se sve devojcice, ali to je jedna jedina situacija koje mogu da se setim da sam ja bila u grupi sa tim "svim" devojcicama... Uglavnom, to su bile one neke razne besmislice, sesirici premali za lutku a preveliki za barbiku i slicne presamostalne budalastine rasprostrte (kakva rec!!!) i uredno poredjane po nekakvoj tkanini dole na betonu. Niko se od nas nije primao na sustikle i tako te neke ozbiljne komade, samo na te male sarene stvari. Nemam pojma sta je moja mama mislila kad se sa tim vratim sa izleta...
Uglavnom, izgleda sam napravila krug, krenula sam opet da padam na nalepnice, igrackice i heklane minijature. Ali ovo sad je druga stvar. Uvek u prolazu dzadom bacim pogled na te rukotvorine, to bih volela da umem da radim i pre sto godina sam imala par bljeskova u toj oblasti od kojih je najupecatljiviji bio jedan cvrsti crni sesiric koji sam sebi isheklala uz mamine instrukcije, nosila sam ga u dizajnerskoj i tako svesrdno doprinosila prepoznatljivoj masi malih cudaka iz umetnicke skole.
Uglavnom, nije to pitanje golog zanata i rada po nekim matricama koliko me individualnost i nova kreacija oduva sa nogu. Mislila sam da najvise volim da vidim neki novi cvet izvezen onim divnim mekim kao svilenim koncem koji se pretapa u tonovima boje, ali nabasam u vikend strafti na baku jednu uredno pokupljene natapirane sede kose koja ima svoju malu radnju na otvorenom bas ispred ulaza u galeriju FLU. Ona kreira magicne mini kotarice i soljice sa tacnicama. Beli i bela kafa konac, modle kao iz snova, sare i pretapanja, poklopcici i ruckice. Lake su kao pero i kao da su ustirkane. Dizajnirane kao da ih je pravila neka devojka koja je tehniku naucila od bake, toliko zabavne. Baka kaze da ih ona sve osmisljava, pocela je da ih pravi za svoje unuke. Pih, sto je nisam uslikala...
Trk kod bake po svoju mini menazeriju! Evo moje ekipice:
THERE'S THIS super cute granny I bumbed into while wandering through the city's galleries this weekend. Not only that she makes all of these little crocheted baskets and cups but she designes them as well! I was stunned when I saw a million different patterns, on her improvised sell point right there in front of Belgrade's Art Academy's gallery. She told me she started making them for her grandaughters and she just sits and starts making them with no precise idea whather pattern and colors will exactly be. She mixes crytal clear white with white coffee thread and they work perfectly togheter. If you happen to bumb into Belgrade be sure to get some of these for your small menagerie, the three I chose hold my pink baby Treeson, a small porcelain rabbit and my two rings. Voila!