3. 10. 2008.

3 NOTES on design

SLIKA 1: Sinoc je bilo otvaranje Petriciceve izlozbe. Uzela sam autogram kao pravi fan. Treba pokazati kad nekog cenis.

SLIKA 2: Stigao mi je novi katalog FontFont za 2009. Kakvo je to blago. Jedna od onih stvari za koje ne mozes da verujes da si ih dobio za dzabe.

Kada stampari ovoliko raspasuju dva prolaza rezultat je dizajn sam po sebi. Sigurna sam da Isidora i Drganica nisu bas toliko odusevljene, ali meni je biranje najlepseg od ponudjenih unikatnih drzaca kafe za poneti bilo neverovatno zabavno!

SLIKA 1: Last evening Petricic's exhibition here in Belgrade was open and as a proper fan I went there and took an autograph. When you respect someone you should show them.

The latest issue of FontFont catalogue just arrived. It's such a treasure. One of those things you can't believe you got for free.

When people at printers mismatch two color plates this much a new design emerges. I'm pretty sure that Isidora and Drganica are not that thrilled about this, but I was SO happy picking the most beautiful in that bunch of one of a kind take away coffee cup holders.

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