15. 10. 2008.


OVO JE MATISOVA slika "Bacac nozeva" koja se pojavila u ovom mom prethodnopomenutom radu o Bori Iljovskom. Iako je preglupavo da citiram sebe, da ne smisljam od pocetka nesto sto jeste moja ideja o linku izmedju njih dvojice, komentar je isao ovako:

Bliskost u senzibilitetu Matisa i Iljovskog se ogleda u jednostavnim, naoko naivnim, a zapravo detaljno razrađenim formama koje izlaze iz četke koja reže kao makaze koje od papira u boji iz jednog poteza isecaju ustalasanu formu biljke. Ovakve oblike kod obojice prate i brižljivo odabrani tonovi brutalnih i finih, sukobljenih i istovremeno skladnih boja.

Posebno sam se bila iznenadila kad mi je PaletteGenerator dao boju plavog patlidzana za ono sto sam pretpostavila da ce u ovoj paletici biti crna. Nema tu crne, draga moja!

THIS IS MATISSE's painting "Knife Thrower" and I used it in my study on Bora Iljovski to depict this link between these two. Even though is really stupid to quote myself, this is the comment I used in the study and something that explains how I feel on this topic:

Matching sensibilities of Matisse and Iljovski can be found in simple, seemingly naive but actually carefully thought forms that come out of their brushes as they are made of colored paper cut with scissors in a single flow and made into a wavy plant-like shapes. In both painters' works these shapes are accompanied by carefully selected brutal and refined, contrasted and at the same time harmonic color tones.

I was so excited when PaletteGenerator offered me a tone of Aubergine for the color I assumed it would be simple black in my color palette. No black there, baby!

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