11. 2. 2010.


pic via dailyhiker

PROBAR je, takoreci, americka Bonzita i dobio je prinovu - Fruition.

Posle Art's Original Blend kolekcije, pojavila se i Sweet&Savory kolekcija, a prosle godine i Fruition. Ali, da krenemo od pocetka.

Familiju od 8 pozamasnih prirodnih preukusnih tablica dizajnirao je studio Moxie Sozo. Uz titulu studija meseca juna 2009, Computer Arts magazin opisao je Moxie Sozo ovako: Nestling among the Rocky Mountains in Boulder, Colorado, the studio benefits from sunlight all day long and is the world's first zero-waste, carbon neutral design and advertising agency. A Artu Eggerstenu je trebao bas takav partner da cudesne zdravljacke tablice od neprocesiranih sastojaka pomesanih bez pecenja i konzervanasa obuce u adekvatne vrecice.

Oridzinalse je kao i Sweet&Savory liniju dizajnirala je Stefanie Shank, tada glavni dizajner u studiju Moxie Sozo. Art direktorisala, ilustrovala, sve ona.

Novo iz Probara je linija Fruition, fruit-based superfood snack bar u cetiri ukusa. Ovoga puta Moxie Sozo ilustruje vektorski, i ova uglancana magija na super bledo plavoj podlozi opet potpuno precizno opisuje sadzaj koji kupujete. Ove bonzite nisu sarena laza u predivnoj ambalazi, one su upravo onakve kako su pakovanjem opisane. Za Originals garantujem, a ostale jedva cekam da probam. Probar je TOTALNO my cup of tea - ideja, poslovna etika, proizvod, pakovanje, sve.

Recently, my hugely adored PROBAR got an addition - Fruition.

After the Art's Original Blend collection, Sweet&Savory line emerged, and last year there came Fruition. But, first things first.

The packages for the family of eight rather large, natural, overly tasty bars was designed by Moxie Sozo studio. Along with the Studio of the Month (June 2009) title, Computer Arts magazine described them like this: Nestling among the Rocky Mountains in Boulder, Colorado, the studio benefits from sunlight all day long and is the world's first zero-waste, carbon neutral design and advertising agency. And Art Eggertsen needed exactly such a partner for dressing his miraculous super-healthy bars made from unprocessed ingredients mixed together without baking and additives in matching sachets.

The Originals as well as Sweet&Savory line were designed by Stefanie Shank, the lead designer of Moxie Sozo at that time. She art directored them, illustrated them…all was all her.

New coming from Probar is the Fruition, fruit-based superfood snack bar line, in four flavors. This time Moxie Sozo illustrates in vectors, and this polished up magic on super pale-blue background again completely precisely describes the content you’re buying. Probars are not something fake wrapped in a beautiful paper – they are exactly what the package describes. I guarantee for the Originals, and the rest I cannot wait to try. Probar is, like TOTALLY, my cup of tea – the idea, business ethics, product, package, everything.

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