4. 2. 2010.

Hvar in Belgrade

Jos samo par dana, do 7. februara, u Saranu traju Dani Hvara.

Ok, ja ovaj restoran obozavam toliko da do sada nisam uspela da srocim jedan Saran Restaurant Review. Svi drugi restorani podlezu kritickom duhu, odusevljavanju, razocaravanju, poredjenju itd, Saran je... Saran.

Za ovu priliku sa nesto specijalne dekoracije, posebnom morskom plej listom i - kljucno, jelovnikom. Sesti put hvarska ekipa zaposeda dragi restoran i uci lokalce morskim trikovima. Doneli su sa sobom ribu, vina, zacine, masline. Jednostavan dvolisni jelovnik, jednostavne predivne porcije. Za mene orada sa klasik dalmatinskim varivom on side. Porcija preko puta - prave pravcijate sveze jadranske lignje.

Bez rezervacije ne pokusavajte. Kr-ca-to.

Only for a couple of days more, until 7th of February, Days of Hvar are being held in Zemun's legendary Saran restaurant.

OK, I adore this restaurant so much that I did not manage to put together a single Saran Restaurant Review so far. All the other restaurants get treated by critical spirit, delight, disappointment, comparison etc. Saran is… Saran.

For this occasion: some special decorations, special sea play list and – as a key element, the menu. For the sixth time the Hvar crew occupies dear restaurant and teaches the locals to sea tricks. They brought along the fish, wine, spices, olives. A simple two-page menu, simple delightful portions. For me, gilthead with classic Dalmatian veggies on the side. The portion across the table – the real proper fresh Adriatic Sea squids.

Don’t bother unless you have a reservation. Packed.

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