28. 2. 2010.

New Spring!

Vikend, razvlacenje po kuci, sredjivanje, maske i hranljive kapsule za lice. Napolju siba vetar, izjednacava se pritisak.

Izadjem u dvoriste i ugledam ih - cetiri busena nekakvih prolecnih lukovicastih visibabasto lalastih biljaka! Pritajene lukovice za koje nisam ni znala eksplodirale su u basti. Trebalo mi je ovakvo ohrabrenje. Novo prolece, nova selidba, i dalje, sve nesto novo. Bice interesantno.

Weekend, pyjamas in the house, cleaning up, face mask and nurturing rose oil face capsules. Outside, the wind is kicking to the fullest, the pressure is coming to its senses.

So I go outside in the garden and see them - four little bushes of some kind of bulby, snowdropy tulipy plants! Secret bulbs exploded announcing spring. I needed this boost so desperately. New spring, new transitional home, and further, always all new. It is going to be interesting.

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