28. 9. 2008.


SKADARLIJA vec neko vreme nije ono sto pricaju da je nekad bila. Ni glumci nisu sada ono sto su tada bili, ni slikari, pa ni boemska ulica ne moze biti ista. I to je u redu. Samo kada bi se sve menjalo sa stilom... Cini mi se da su ovo poslednji tragovi nestajuceg logoa kafane "Dva bela goluba". Nova basta opkrojena je nekakvim panoima sa nesto modernizovanim pticama i groooooznim slovima, onim jednim ruznim fontom kome ne zelim ni ime da znam ispisano je ime kafane. Uz-stampu-besplatno-dobijate-dizajn situacija, kladim se...

Ne znam ko je radio ovaj originalni logo, ali on u sebi ima cudnu gomilicu meni dragih stvari: zvezde nalik Egziperijevim, golubove slicne onima koji se nalaze na jednoj od cestitki koju smo primili povodom mog rodjenja i jednoj od samo dve koje je mama uramila, i slova koja su lepa cirilicna bez ikakvih ruznih prizvuka, malo ucenicka fino i tendenciozno pomalo naivno ispisana, kao sto to radi Petricic... Ah da, uskoro ce njegova velika izlozba u Muzeju primenjene umetnosti! Jedva cekam.

Dva bela goluba sa srcastim okicama u zlatnoj verziji na braon ofarbanim poljima u kojima jos uvek mogu da uzivaju ljudi na autobuskoj stanici na vrhu Skadarlije.

SKADARLIJA, Belgrade's bohemian quarter is not what they're telling us it used to be for some time now. The actors and the painters are not the same also so it's kinda natural to change... If only these transitions happened in style... It appears these are some of the last marks of the original logo of the "Dva bela goluba" ("Two White Doves") tavern. There's new open terrace surrounded fully branded with the new "improved" logo. And oh my god it's so ugly it makes me so sad. A bit modernized birds vectorized and stiff and this ugly ugly font they used to type in the name of the place... Free-design-if-you-print-with-us arrangement, I bet...

I've no idea who made the original one you can see on these two images. It is so adorable, has this strange kind of innocence and a gathered bunch of things dear to me: Exupéry-like stars, doves like those on a note we recieved when I was born and one of two my mom framed, letters nice cyrillic ones, a bit first-grade-like, a bit naively written on purpose, just like Petricic does it... Oh yes, his exhibition will soon be held in Museum of Applied Art here in Belgrade. Can't wait.

The second image: Two white doves with heart shaped eyes in gold, painted on the tavern's corner brown metal plates below windows. You can still enjoy looking at them while waiting for the bus at the bus stop at the top of Skadarska Street.

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