24. 9. 2008.

Clear, Cloudy, Mushy

IAKO ZVUCI kao vremenska prognoza, ovo je opis varijacija tecnog agregatnog stanja moje drage sokovne armije. Sada kada se pojavio i Nar+Jabuka imam cudnovatu kombinaciju za svako raspolozenje, bilo da mi je u glavi bisto, mutno ili kasasto. Iskoristila bih ovu priliku da apelujem na Nektar da poboljsa distribuciju i pokrivenost grada Nektar bebicama, istim ovim sokovima u pakovanjima od 0,5 l. Jes' da imaju secera, ali su neodoljive.

THOUGH IT SOUNDS like a weather forecast, these are the variations in liquid state of matter of my dear juice squad. Now, with the latest addition, Pomegranate+Apple, I have a quirky combo for every state of mind - clear, cloudy or mushy. I'd like to take this opportunity to make a public appeal to Nectar, please boost your distribution and city coverage with those half-a-liter babies of these. Even though there's some sugar added to these, they're irresistable.

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