22. 9. 2008.

Belgrade Daily

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NEKAKO SE DESI da ti postane fino kod kuce. Nemas vise pundravce u dupetu koji te zavaravaju da je svuda bolje nego gde si ti. Zapravo se na tome radi pa se onda u nekom trenutku desi. Kada pocnes da gledas svoj rodjeni grad kao turista, mnogo je lepo. Iako bih mnogo toga volela da vidim putujuci daleko od kuce, vise ne zavidim Japancima na poklopcima na sahtovima jer sam najzad videla da su i nasi divni.

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IT HAPPENED somewhere along the road that I came to terms with where I'm from and the city I'm living in and call home. When you do your best all the things pushing you further away from home just disappear at one point and you're good wherever you are. So I'm staring at my own city like a tourist and let me tell you - it feels wonderful. Put aside my wishes to travel far from home and see diferent things, I'm not enviuos for all those lovely manhole covers in Japan because I just found that ours are just as pretty.

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