27. 9. 2008.

I AM Yoga Instructor!!!

DANAS SAM POLOZILA zavrsni ispit za instruktora joge. To znaci da postajem sertifikovani instruktor koji moze da okupi svoju grupu i krene sa samostalnim radom. Protekle dve godine nisu bile zezanje. Ozbiljno sam se bacila u kostac sa sobom, kad se u to upetljas zapravo kreces od pocetka. I evo, sada sam prohodala. Osecam se otprilike ovako:

TODAY I passed the final exam to become yoga instructor. This means I'm about to be a certified yoga instructor ready to gather a new group of people and start working with them. The last two years weren't exactly piece of cake. I dug into wrestling with myself, and when you get into this you have to start at the very begining. So, as of today, I started walking in baby steps and it feels something like this.

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