25. 9. 2008.

BLOSSOM and other Dearies

SVI ONI GODISNJACI, knjige koje prikazuju godisnju produkciju iz neke od oblasti grafickog dizajna ili odredjene teritorije, meni zapravo nisu uopste insiprativne. Cini mi se da ih dizajneri koriste kao staku za hitne slucajeve. Ne volim ni da ih kupujem, ni da ih imam u kuci. Pogledam ih jednom i onda mi skupljaju prasinu. Prave inspirisuce knjige ne daju gotova resenja. Samim tim, knjiga koja te dizajnerski unapredjuje uopste ne mora da bude iz oblasti dizajna, i ako gledamo dalje, ne mora uopste da bude knjiga. Za sad cu ce zadrzati na kolekciji starih jazz ploca, ali moze se ici i mnogo dalje, naravno.

Dakle, jazz omoti, narocito iz 60-ih i narocito kuce BlueNote su uvek uzivanje i punjenje baterija. Svaki put ih drugacije pregrupisem u glavi. Ovoga puta dve kolekcije. Prva je - zenska. Bilo da su prisutne kao izvodjaci ili kao ilustracija/inspiracija (sve je divno), one zajedno cine masu pravog zenskog osecaja koji cete jos prezicnije osetiti kad ih stavimo naspram muskog dinamicne, burne i bucne atmosfere na jazz omotima. Uskoro.

ALL THOSE ANNUALS, books collecting yearly graphic design production in specific design areas as teritories, are actually not inspiring at all. It seems like designers use them as a cruch for design emergency situations. I don't like buying or keeping them in my home. I browse through them once and they're left collecting dust on the shelf. True inspirational books don't come with solutions. Therefore, the book that boost your design brain doesn't necessarilly have to be deisgn book, and furthermore, doesn't have to be book at all. I'll stick to old jazz record covers collection this time, but you can surely go much further, clearly.

So, jazz record covers, especially those dating back in the 60's, and especially those keeping BlueNote records are always true joy and recharge. I regroup them in my head differently every time. This time, two collections, the first one to present to you - gals. They could be here for different reasons - they are performers, illustration to music or inspiration, everything being wonderful, and they make a mass of truly womanly feeling to these records. This can be much more clear when we put them along with guy covers - dynamic, loud and noisy in atmosphere. Fanstastic as well and completely different. Soon.

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